Naruto, the friend of Kyuubi, Shinigami, and other demons. Chapter 1. Naruto's Return.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or any other character except my OC.

"Blah"-Human talk.

"Blah"-Human think.

"Blah"-Demon talk.

"Blah"-Demon think.

"Blah"-Shinigami talk.

"Blah"-Shinigami think.

Shikamaru, the lazy-ass jounin has been on guard at Konoha's main gate for half of a year, ever since Naruto left to find Sasuke. Tsunade commanded him to watch the gate in case Naruto came back. Kakashi came to check on him, and Shikamaru was looking through his binoculars and said,

"Trees, trees, trees, gold with red... trees, trees, wait, WHAT?!?! KAKASHI LOOK THROUGH HERE!" Kakashi was looking, and saw our blonde hero walking over to us, and he was holding Sasuke in his arms.

"Well well well... look who we have here, Konoha's #1 Hyper-active Knuckle-Headed Ninja, Naruto." Kakashi said to Shikamaru. Naruto suddenly collapsed from chakra exhaustion.

In Naruto's mindscape

"Well, brat, what do you want?" Kyuubi asked.

"Nothing, and I thought we agreed not to call me brat, if I don't call you 'fur ball'" Naruto simply stated.

"Ah, maybe so kit, but we also-"

"We both know that agreement is null and void."

"You mean it is void to you, but to me if you pass out because of chakra exhaustion I will still call you brat. Kit, it is time for you to wake up..."

In the real world

"Naruto, Naruto, wake up... WAKE UP DAMMIT!" Naruto heard from an unknown source.

"Who is that? The voice sounds farmilar... It sounds like.. Shikamaru?" Naruto was thinking.

"Yo, is that Shikamaru?" asked Naruto.

"Yes" Shikamaru blatantly said.

"Well, I killed Sasuke-teme, and asked Shinigami-kun to keep his soul from eternal torment."

"Shinigami-KUN?" Shikamaru asked confused and surprised.

"Yes, Shinigami-kun, Shikamaru. We became very good friends on my travels after I killed the Akatsuki leader, Pein. That released the Akatsuki from his 'spell', per say."

"What do you mean by spell?"

"The rings made them do whatever he wanted them to do."


"Then I killed Orichimaru, and the Shinigami appeared before me, thanking me for killing two people seeking to gain immortality. He explained that if they gained immortality, it would throw the balance of the world off. Then we would witness the 'apocalypse' as he stated it."

"Oh, well you have been out for oh... 2 days..."


"Geeze, could you stop yelling? You are so troublesome... Well might as well tell you that Tsunade wanted to see you as soon as you woke up."

"Ok, I will be going now..."