"No I don't want to" he swayed slightly resting on the wall for strength. He needed her blood…only hers…

The type everyone craved for…Yuuki's blood

Kaname watched from a distance with a morbid curiosity even though he knew the outcome. Zero was past his boundaries now his body screamed for it

Zero bit down hard on the girl's neck. Feeling the warm liquid caress his skin. He heard her gasp for what pain or shock but regardless he didn't stop. She seemed so defenceless in Zero's forbidden grasp his fingers entwined in her hair making sure she couldn't pull away.

It made Kaname uneasy seeing Yuuki uncomfortable but she had wanted to feed her "brother" despite what he became. Kaname gritted his fangs and clenched his fists. He could say he wasn't jealous but then everyone would know he was lying. So many times he'd held her close in his arms when he wanted nothing more then to lick her warm skin slowly sinking his piercing fangs into her neck. To feel her blood pulse into his mouth, stifling his hunger until the next time.

He could imagine her slight body held in his strong arms not willing to let go. The smell of her blood rising in the air made him breathe deeply and gasp a little when he returned from his fantasies.

He wanted to tear Zero away and lap up the precious life liquid he longed for…but then she would hate him with a passion she wouldn't be the same shy, smiling, flustered Yuuki he always helped from the floor. Seeing that she was feeding a vampire fresh blood made in certain she would never be innocent again.

He slinked away when Yuuki was safe… when Zero had had his fill…

"I need my blood tablets again" he wondered where to find them. Taking enough to satisfy his hunger he watched Yuuki sulk back in the shadows. She turned ever so little as if she knew she was being watched.

He shut the curtains sighing, and whispered secretly to himself.

"You've made me cruel..."

i don't own vampire knight