Title: A Single Scar

Summary: Hidetoshi's POV. Convinced that a bully is on the loose and is targeting Minato, he's desperate to do anything to hear from the boy himself on the issue. But what happens when his concern mutates into something else? Hidetoshi x Minato Warning: Slash, and maybe spoilers.

A/N: I hope Hidetoshi isn't too OOC. XD I try. Read and review, so I can keep the determination to keep this fic going! Oh, about the ship--I'm experimenting with what I like best. Minato could be with any of those boys! A second warning: This is slash fiction.


It'd started with the lateness to the meetings. I could overlook it once or twice, for I had quite the soft spot in my heart when it came to that person. It was the third time he was late that I looked at him harder. It was when I began to notice the pain that those gray eyes seemed to hold back that I began to grow suspicious. He had no need to show up at the meetings anymore, and he knew it, but he went to the effort anyway. I appreciated his participation, but not when he showed up late. It was something that vexed me and bothered me.

Like an annoying bug, ideas swarmed around my head. The other was zoned out during that meeting, periodically turning up his music and just staring up at me while I talked in some attempt to stay focused. I couldn't ignore this, the way he stared at me, seeming to just hope that I could remove whatever was on his mind. I continued on with the meeting, speaking to the other members about an upcoming school event. I also reminded them to be on the lookout for anyone who wasn't playing by the rules, as it was a habit I couldn't kick.

As the meeting drew to a close, Chihero getting up to begin talking about what they would do next meeting, I moved past his chair. I touched his shoulder to grab his attention, but I knew he was already paying me it. I murmured to him, "See me after the meeting, Minato. I want to talk to you." I then sat down in a chair, arms crossed, eyes pretending to focus on Chihero when they were actually glancing his way. The blue-haired male had shut his eyes, not in dreading, but in discomfort. It drew worry into my face, but I masked it quickly with a look of satisfaction for Chihero's wrap-up.

The others left, and when I was sure they were done darting back in, having forgotten their things, I stood up from my chair and moved to the window. I watched others playing outside, talking, seeming to have the best time of their lives. I got a mild thrill when I knew that I was doing my part to make sure they were happy. I enjoyed being able to make the school better for the others in it. If everyone could be happy, then I would truly feel successful. But as I glanced away from that window, my arms crossed, I knew there was one person who wasn't so happy.

"I could overlook it once, maybe twice," I started, looking at him unevenly, sizing him up. I analyzed him, studying everything about that blue-haired youth. I noticed the faint slouch--well, more than there already was--and the way he stood over himself. I worried my lip for a moment, and he seemed to understand what I was thinking about. "What's happening, Minato? Are you being bullied?"

The other shook his head quickly, but my sharp eyes knew that it was too quickly. My gaze hardened. I didn't appreciate liars, but I hated bullies even more. I turned on him fully, arms unfolding. The other mumbled something about falling, but he was a horrendous liar. It agitated me slightly, but I let it slide. Was he protecting someone? Or was he worried about a sick truth leaking out? I moved closer, my long legs covering the difference between us quickly. He pulled his hands out of his pockets, grabbing at mine as I went for the edge of his shirt.

I would not tolerate one of my friends being hurt. I didn't have a lot of friends besides him, and I wasn't going to let something like this go unnoticed. It was my responsibility to step up! If I was going to make the school better, I needed to help one person at a time. My friend was first on my list, and I wasn't going to let him down. I knew I wasn't his only friend, as he was very popular with everyone because of his kindness, but I wanted to be the first to take action. I'd heard a member of the swim team talking about the boy once; talked about some horrible cuts the boy developed overnight. He'd never give a straight answer about how he'd gotten them.

"Hidetoshi," Minato's soft lips whispered. I glanced up, noticing a faint blush. For a moment, I was curious if he was just embarrassed about his body, but I noticed that it didn't fade after I moved my hands back and I crossed my arms again. It stayed, and didn't disappear. The other's eyes seemed to fluctuate between unreadable and distant, and I caught on too slowly to react. The other began to collapse, but out of immediate instinct, I lunged forward, catching him. He was out cold. I stared at him for a moment, then looked around, as though expecting to hand him off to someone else. What was I supposed to do now?

Gingerly, I moved the back of my hand to the other's forehead and I winced. The guy was pretty warm. He was really sick. I wanted to curse him, call him a moron for staying after if he hadn't been feeling well, but I didn't. I straightened up, pulling him with me, surprised at both my strength and his lightness. He was a slight guy, but I hadn't expected him to be equally light.

Then it hit me. Nobody was watching, and he was unconscious. Now--now I had the chance to see what he was hiding! I could see now if he was being bullied! My hand moved fast, but I stopped at the edge of his white shirt. Hesitation gripped me. Was that really fair to Minato? I trusted Minato with my feelings and my thoughts, and I knew Minato trusted me enough to continue to come to the council meetings long after we didn't need him. If Minato didn't want to tell him about his pain, about his sickness, then it wasn't his business. If Minato was being bullied, I wanted to know it from either investigating or from his mouth. Cheating wasn't fair.

I managed to carry him to the nurse's office. I was still surprised how light he was, and my worry grew a little more. Once the boy was settled with the nurse, I lingered nearby, concerned for him. It was when that moron Junpei came to help Minato home that I felt a little relieved.

"Hey, don't worry 'bout him," the other chuckled, heaving Minato to his feet. The blue-haired male drowsily opened his eyes. They caught sight of me, and I tried to smile, but his eyes had already fallen shut.

"…See you…Monday…" he mumbled, and Junpei laughed, wrapping the guy's arm around his shoulder. The two left, and I watched them go, a little nervous. However, I knew I had investigations to begin on. I, too, left the nurse's office and went off to begin talking to students. Being the Head of the Disciplinary Committee, I had power to wield. I needed to know if there was bullying going on in my school. I would not rest until it was stopped.


That night, as I sat in my room, studying intently, something began to buzz in my pocket. I unintentionally jumped, a shudder crawling up my spine and then back down. What the heck!? For a moment, I feared the Bed Bugs, and an image of those horrible creepy-crawlies I'd once run into crawling on my pillow came to mind. When I was younger, an earwig or two had been crawling around on my bed and when I had gone to sleep, I felt them crawling around my scalp. Needless to say, it had been one of the most horrifying experiences in my life.

I realized it was just my cell phone, and I drew it out, looking at the number before opening it up. I didn't really recognize the number, but it never hurt to answer anyway. Besides, maybe it was one of the punks I had befriended who had information on the bullying situation that may be occurring right under my nose.

"This is Hidetoshi Odagiri. Hello?" I asked, a bit sharper than I think was appreciated.

I got a soft, quiet reply. "…It's Minato." I bit my tongue for being so reckless when answering. That worry I had shoved aside bubbled up.

"Are you feeling better?" I blurted, despite my usual cautiousness. I kicked myself mentally.

A gentle noise could be heard, and it was something not unlike a laugh. I realized then that I had never heard Minato laugh before. The other continued on. "A lot. I'm sorry for just passing out on you, Hidetoshi….Are you busy tomorrow?"

Tomorrow? What was tomorrow? Sunday. Oh yeah. There was no school on Sunday.

"Not particularly," I replied casually. "Why do you ask?" My casual, unfortunately, was a little stiff and uninterested. I kicked myself again, worrying my lip.

He sounded a bit nervous from my tone, but he pressed on. "I'm going out with some guys. Do you want to come too?" At first, this proposal baffled me. Who did he think I was? I wasn't as simple-minded as Junpei or Kenji. I wasn't entertained merely by 'hanging out'. However, I couldn't say that I had ever actually tried something like that before. The aspect appalled me, but before I got completely lost in my thoughts, I heard that gentle voice add something else. "I want to thank you." I heard myself agree to his proposal before I thought twice.

I hung up after I learned of the time and place of meeting and after I bid Minato goodbye. I stared at my desk for a long moment, before I groaned and pulled at my hair a bit. I had no clue what I was going to do! I didn't know how 'hanging out' worked! It couldn't be too bad, I reasoned with myself. After all, I respected Minato. I figured that what he liked couldn't be too terribly out of taste. It would also give me a chance to find out whether or not he truly was being bullied.

I went to bed that night, my stomach almost eager for the outing tomorrow. Don't worry, Minato. I'll get to the bottom of this, I thought, eyes sliding shut. So I don't ever have to see you in pain again.