Dooms Day: The High School Reunion

By: Ochako107

Standard Disclaimer

Chapter 9 - I am Loved

The bell above the door rang.

"Hello! Welcome to Honda Flowers! Can I… Oh Yuki-kun!"

My friend came through the doors wearing that ever so gallant grin of his. Ah, any girl could get used to Yuki. "Hello, Honda-san." Yuki's eyes widened. "Why, Honda-san! You cut your hair!"

I reached for my short locks just hovering below my shoulders. I clipped my bangs to the side with a butterfly clip while they were in the process of growing out. "Yeah, I thought I could do with a little change. Is it okay?"

"It looks wonderful. Really, it does." I blushed at his comment and bowed in thanks. "Uotani-san isn't working today I see."

"No, she and Kureno went back to Kyoto to pack his things up. They're moving I hear."

"Do you know where?"

"Somewhere near Shibuya I think. You know, there is so much night life there, it must be exciting!"

Yuki's eyebrows knitted together. "Ah, I think I'd prefer somewhere more quiet."

"It is still a long travel from where you live just to buy flowers."

"Not any flowers. The ones you sell are special."

I laughed and leaned forward on the counter. "What brings you in here today? Where's Machi anyway?"

"Today will be our two month anniversary since we got back together and I'm taking her out for dinner. I thought maybe I would buy her some flowers while I was here."

I ooed and awed. How cute! I bet Machi would absolutely love her surprise! "I know just the flowers. We just got a new stock of Stargazer Lilies. They're lovely." I pointed behind Yuki at the bouquet of bright flowers.

"Those looked wonderful, Honda-san."

I chuckled and walked around the counter to ring up Yuki's purchase. "Do you know what color ribbon?" Usually this was the harder part for men. I'm not sure why though… after all it is just a ribbon.

"Blue," Yuki said instantly. "Light blue." Whoa, well that was easy.

"Have you heard from Motoko-san?" I asked making idle chit chat.

"Um… I think she hates me now considering that night at the reunion when Machi broke her nose and I didn't do anything about it."

I chuckled nervously, "Yeah, that would be a problem wouldn't it?"

Yuki pulled from his pocket the bracelet I saw Motoko wearing. "I'm planning on giving this to its rightful owner tonight. I hope she will accept it."

"Of course she would. Machi loves you. She wouldn't have socked Motoko in the face if she didn't."

Yuki sighed. "She's… too good for me." I finished wrapping his flowers as Yuki slid his credit card toward me.

"Don't say that, Yuki-kun. You two are so happy together. I can't wait to meet someone that makes me as happy as you make Machi!"

"Speaking of happy, have you seen Rin lately?"

"Yeah, I had dinner with her and Hatsuharu yesterday." I paused. "Did you hear the news?" I asked in a whisper.

"YES!" Yuki nearly burst out.

I squealed and bounced up and down. "ISN'T THAT EXCITING?"


Yuki and I laughed. "I bet Haru's having a heart attack." He said darkly.

"Oh no, Rin-san wouldn't let him die without having a hand at taking care of their kids." I chuckled while handing Yuki his receipt.

"It was good to see you, Honda-san."

"Thanks for coming all the way out here for flowers."

Yuki shuffled his feet. "Well actually… there was another reason I came here today."

I smiled. "What is it?" Suddenly my smile faded. No wait! Last time Yuki was hesitant like this he told me Kyo was looking for me! Was that it? Was Yuki going to tell me that again?

"Well… it's complicated."

"NO!" I burst out. "Don't tell me Kyo is looking for me again! You're going to make me crazy again!"

Yuki backed away from me slightly. "H-Honda-san?"

"Don't say it!"

"Honda-san it's not about that! I was going to tell you that Momiji's decided to go back to Germany!"

I had not realized my eyes were shut. I felt my muscles relax. "O-oh…" My face flushed. There I go jumping to conclusions! "Why?"

"He wrote to me telling me to tell you. He… he said he wanted to go home for a while. If he came here himself he was afraid he wouldn't be able to leave."


It wasn't that I didn't like Momiji. No, I loved him like a brother! After the reunion Momiji did visit on occasion but it wasn't the same. I felt it, he felt it, geez, and even my dog Koko felt it! He was a crutch when I was trying to resolve my feelings for Kyo, and I'm grateful that Momiji was there to help me.

But at the same time I knew he wanted more and that I wasn't going to give it to him. Just the look in his eyes… I hope I'm not being presumptuous, but Momiji still had feeling for me.

After a while Momiji stopped showing up.

I didn't blame him.

"I hope Momiji has a safe trip then," I said to Yuki.

Yuki's eyes creased with his smile. "You know…" he paused and shook his head. "Never mind."

"What?" I laughed.

"It's just… I don't see why everyone was terrible to you in high school, Honda-san. I think it was just a show. I mean, Shigure-sensei, Momiji, Kyo, me—"

"You?" I exclaimed.

"There were so many people in high school that actually really admired you. Liked you a lot." I flushed pink. "You didn't deserve any of that in high school, Honda-san. Deep down, I think people accepted you more than you think but they just wanted to fit in and be cool. It's a terrible thing I'm guilty of too."


He smiled anyway. "I guess its all part of growing up and all that good stuff."

It was funny the way Yuki was telling me all of this. It was just like when Kyo told me he was stupid for acting so childish…

"Thank you, Yuki-kun. You don't know how much that means to me. I should give you those flowers for free."

"No, Honda-san!"

"I'm kidding! Hey, I've got to put food on my table too," I winked and he laughed. "So you liked me in high school too?"

Yuki bit his lip. "Please say you won't tell Machi about that."

"My lips are sealed," I motioned my fingers zipping my lips. I waved as Yuki left the shop. "Have a good day!"

"And you, Honda-san. And you."

I was alone in the shop again. I traced my finger along the edge of the counter before going into the back to do inventory. Momiji was going back to Germany. Yuki and Machi were back together again. Kureno and Uo-chan were moving to Shibuya. Hatsuharu and Rin-san were having twins. Everyone around me was once again changing… moving on. I sighed. And once again here I was stuck in the past.

Well not entirely. Little by little I have changed! I cleaned out my apartment of any traces of high school. I've gotten a haircut and I'm incorporating new clothes in my wardrobe. I haven't had any awful dreams of Kyo humiliating me in front of my classmates anymore either. Slowly, I was changing too.

In fact my dreams with Kyo have only been good ones. It was strange to suddenly start dreaming of Kyo in the light I used to know him in. I dreamed of times like in middle school when we were buddies. Times like at the reunion when I felt free to talk to him even though I didn't know it was him (which still kind of bugged me!) And yet… I'm sure that Kyo has once again moved on too. Maybe this was better for the both of us.

I put my clipboard down when the bell rang again. "I'll be with you in a moment!" I called. I took a deep breath and once again put my hundred-watt smile on before going into the store.

"Welcome to Honda…!" I looked around. No one was there. "Hello?"

I walked toward the door. Hm…

I turned around.

"D-Do you have these in white?"

It happened so fast.

Suddenly Kyo's image was inches away from me and I bumped into his hands making him spill the flower vase full of water all over me.


"Oh man! I'm so sorry, Tohru!" Kyo said. He looked around and picked up some paper towels Uo left on the window sill when she was cleaning it. "Here, let me…" He started to try and pat the water out of my blouse. Over my chest.

"YOU PERVERT!" I punched him in the face and backed away.

"Oof!" From the impact Kyo fell over knocking over a rack of flower seed packets. We were silent for a moment.


"What the hell? I was just trying to help!" He growled. "Damnit that hurt!"

Suddenly I burst out laughing.

Kyo stood up from the floor staring at me. I couldn't stop the laughter, it was just too funny. It felt like something that would happen in a comedy show!

"I'm sorry," I laughed trying to dry my eyes. "That was just too funny!"

"Gee, I'm glad my pain makes you laugh."

"He he, I'm sorry!" I took a deep breath. "I didn't punch you that hard did I?"

"Um… no… it kinda shocked me that's all."

Oh, Kyo-kun was such a tough guy! I mused.

"That and I didn't ever think I'd see Tohru Honda punch me… but then again I guess I deserve it for everything I've done to you."

I sighed and stared at Kyo. Why was he here? Was it rude to ask? I mean, hopefully he was here to get flowers…

But for who? Probably some girl he's going out with now. Probably for their first date or something!

Uwah, but there was no time to be spiteful.

"I'll clean this up," Kyo said starting to pick up the flower packets. Together we cleaned up the mess an awkward silence filling the room. I peaked a glance at him when his back was turned. He was wearing a plain white shirt and khaki pants and his muscles flexed wondrously through his shirt. Oh, don't drool Tohru… don't do it. I turned away and hurriedly picked up the last of the scattered packages.

We stood up together and began putting the packets back into the rack.

More silence.

"You cut your hair."

I looked up, almost not believing he said anything at all. It didn't look like he did.


"Looks nice." He bit his lip. "I like it."

"Thanks." I tried hard not to blush but how can you stop an involuntary thing like that?

More silence.

"I ah… what are you up to? These days?" Kyo asked.

"Nothing much…"

"Are you… still with Momiji?"

Where did that come from?

I cleared my throat and walked back to the cash register while Kyo stood by the door watching me. I started to dab at my wet clothes. "There was never Momiji and me. We're just friends." I looked down. "At any rate he's going to Germany."

I could have sworn I heard Kyo sigh with relief.

"That's good to hear." At seeing my stare he began to back track. "No, it's not that it's a good thing that you and Momiji aren't together. No wait, it's not that either! I just…" He flushed pink.

I almost did too.

Kyo shook his head and looked at me. Those amber eyes…

He walked toward the roses and picked a bouquet of yellow roses. Oo… friendship roses. How pretty. It made me reconsider the whole date thing. He stared at them for a moment before coming over to me. I let my business-like façade take over as he placed one dozen yellow roses before me.

"Is this all for today?" I asked before taking them to the ribbon counter.


I rang up the flowers for him and proceeded with the next step. "What color ribbon would you like?"

"No ribbon," Kyo said off handedly. I stared at him for a moment and shrugged. Maybe he was going to arrange them around a table for dinner or something. How romantic, Kyo. Then again, what a jerk for actually buying these flowers from me, rubbing the fact that he's got a girl in my face.

"Okay." I walked around the counter and brought the flowers to him with a smile. "Have a good day. Thanks for coming."

He stood there holding the flowers. I waited for him to move away but he just stood there with a small grimace to him. The door opened and another customer walked in. I would have greeted him if Kyo had not plucked one rose out from the bunch and handed it to me.

I didn't take it. Was this supposed to be a joke or something?

"What are you…?"

"Just take it!" He said embarrassed. I considered him for a moment. This would actually be the first time a boy had ever given me a flower before. I sighed anyhow and nodded. It was his way of apologizing, giving me this flower. Forgiveness was the first step to healing wasn't it? Even if it was one measly flower. Slowly I reached for the yellow flower.

"This… this is sorry for our senior year. For being an idiot. For not meeting you for lunch like I always did… and instead meeting up with Kagura. I'm sorry."

I was about to go on about how it was okay, and how I wasn't bothered by it anymore, but then Kyo picked out ten of the flowers and handed them to me.

"These are for each of those ten years between then and now I didn't say a word to you because I was… was stubborn and scared… that you hated me. One for each year I…" Kyo was speaking low now. His face burned red. "For each year I thought about you… and missed you."

Don't cry, don't cry! I chanted to myself.

"And this," Kyo held up the final rose between us. "Is for this year… hoping to at least be friends again… and start fresh, take it slow. It's for us…" He held it up as an offer, his eyes softening ever so slightly. "Only if you want it."

I cried.

Every tear felt cleansing, as if all my anger and sadness was melting away.

"K-Kyo…" I cried.

"Tohru, I'm sorry, don't cry, okay? If I upset you that much, I won't come back again! Geez, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" My tears wouldn't stop and he sighed. "That stupid smile of yours looks so much better," he said softly.

I looked up at that to see him watching me carefully. Did he remember? Doubtful.

It was exactly… like when I first met him…


"I'm sorry. This was a stupid idea I just…"

I dropped all the flowers on the floor and launched myself into his arms.

Our lips met in one smooth motion.

It was not like that peck on the lips we once shared in high school. This was so much more. Kyo lived with that guilt long enough. I lived with this pain long enough. It was time to move on.

We parted and Kyo offered me the rose once more. I giggled and took it from him with a smile as he hugged me tightly. Oh yes… I could get used to this.

"I miss you, Tohru."

I smiled into his shirt, not believing this could be happening to me. "I miss you too." I looked up at Kyo's truly happy face and then at the yellow rose he gave me. Friendship hua? Friendship can grow into love. I giggled.

"What it is?" Kyo asked ruffling my hair.

"Nothing… I'm just happy." I smiled and hugged him back.

I guess the reunion wasn't really my doom after all.


A/N: Well! There you guys have it! Forgiveness is the key to any friendship. (Then again, you can forgive only so much...) Hehe, thanks so much for sticking it out with me my loved readers! I appreciated all the support and comments! Be safe. Be happy. Be forgiving. Be nice and review! Later guys!