A/N: I was going through some of my favorite fanfictions (some hadn't made the favorites list on profile but on the browser) and I got this really funny idea by combining two popular plots.

Chapter 1:

Albus Dumbledore sighed. On his way to his office from walking around the school one Saturday to visit the teachers, he heard James and Lily arguing AGAIN! He knew those two were meant for each other. Charles Potter had seen it when he got a glimpse of Lily. William Evans saw it when he saw James. Elizabeth Potter and Rose Evans saw right through the denial before the kids did.

"Are you alright Albus?" McGonagall asked when she came to talk to him.

"Minerva? What do you think of James Potter and Lily Evans?"

"Me? Do you want my professional opinion or personal?"


"They are both very intelligent students who are growing up too quickly and will make fine adults in a couple of years. Why?"

"Do you see them together in the future?"

She had to pause to think about it.

"I suppose if they put their differences aside." She admitted. "But both are extremely stubborn."

"Thank you, Minerva." Dumbledore said.

Fawkes flew out the window.


Half an hour later in the Forest,

A male fairy with a leaf garment stood on a tree branch


"Yes your highness."

Another male fairy, this one dressed in a daisy petal came flying.

"I just spoke with Fawkes and the Centaurs." Oberon, King of the Fairies, said. "There are these two students. Both, extremely powerful. According to Frienze, their child could very well save the world."

"From Riddle?" Puck asked.

"Yes. There is one problem. They hate each other."

Puck winced.

"So the only way to get a get is…"

"For them to fall in love." Oberon finished.

"Not what I was going for."

"James Potter would NEVER go for that." Oberon stated. "this is where you come in."

"Do you want me to do what my great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather did for those Athenians?"

(A/N: See William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer's Night's Dream")

"No." Oberon said. "That only causes a mess."

He then picked a flower and muttered a spell.

"Take the nectar of this flower. Place a drop in the mouth of James Potter. Then place a drop in Lily Evans' mouth."

"What will it do?"

"You'll see."


Puck flew up to the dorm. He knew James Potter. He met the boy before. He also knew who Lily was. He hadn't met the girl, but James pointed her out one day. He did as he was instructed and flew away.

James and Lily both stirred after Puck flew away from Lily, but both fell back to sleep.