Chapter 13

And if you asked me if I love him
if you ask me if I love him
I'd lie

Moze held back a yawn as she peeled herself off the floor. How did I get here? She wondered. Looking down at herself, she noticed she was still in her clothes from yesterday. Just the mention of yesterday brought back memories she wasn't sure she wanted to revisit.

"Oh hello Moze!" Suzie said cheerfully, a little too cheerful for my taste. This was not how this was supposed to end up. If anyone should be making out with Ned it was me. She remembered thinking, as she held back the intense urge to punch her, hard, in the face.

"Hi," I said through gritted teeth.

"You don't mind that we're together again do you?" She asked. Another sweet smile plastered across her face.

Before I could answer Ned had piped up.

"Of course not. Moze and I are just friends!" He answered for me.

This only made me angrier.

Ned flung his arm around me in a sickeningly friendly gesture. "Moze doesn't like me in that way."

Feeling like I was about to let all hell loose, I smiled evilly. "Pft like I could ever like you Ned. What a ridiculous idea!" I turned and my gaze fell on Suzie. "He's the biggest air head I know."

I remembered Ned looked at me strangely. "Biggest air head?" He asked, sadness clouding his blue eyes.

"I mean no offence Ned but you're not the smartest person I know." I had said releasing all the anger that had been building up inside of me.

"Not the smartest person you know? What the hell does that mean?"

Without either of us noticing Suzie had slowly slipped away. Stepping back from what she knew was not going to be just a minor argument.

"Gosh Ned don't you understand? It means you're not very intelligent. Or is that too big of a word for you? Do I need to repeat myself with words you understand?" I had mocked.

"What has gotten in to you Moze? You're being a total ass."

I felt like I had been slapped in the face. "Me? I have done nothing but be your friend," I said angrily. "It was my mistake for ever caring about you in the first place. For thinking one day you may… just forget it!"

"No! I'm not just taking these insults from you for no reason." He had said obstinately.

"No reason? You've got to be kidding me. Sometimes you are so clueless Ned!"

"It's my 18th birthday and I did nothing to you to make you this mad!"

"Nothing? NOTHING? That's it Ned Bigby, I NEVER want to speak to you again!"

Ned's jaw dropped. "Moze you can't be serious?"

"Oh, but I am." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Prove it!" He had demanded.

And just like that I had walked away. Away from the one guy I had, actually, truly loved.

Replaying the scene in her head only made her angrier. As she got up off the floor she noticed that her bed was still made. Why she had decided to sleep on the floor was beyond her. As Moze made her way over to her dresser, she happened to catch a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

Her makeup was caked to her face. Mascara ran down her cheeks and her blush was smeared all over the place. She looked like the bride of Frankenstein. She quickly averted her gaze from her mirror and plopped herself down onto her bed.

She was not going to cry. She had done enough of that last night. There was no way he even deserved her tears. If he hadn't caught on by now, he never would. As painful as it was to admit, she had been in love with him. Not anymore though, he had broken her heart and was not about to get away with it.

It was not everyday that Moze would, really, truly, fall hard for someone. But Ned was different. Or so she had thought. He was her best friend. The one person she thought she could always trust. So much for that.

She couldn't do this anymore she was only hurting herself by sitting here and wallowing. She needed to start the day out fresh. Forget about, or at least try to forget about, what had happened yesterday. Today was a new day.

As she opened her closet and pulled out an old tee-shirt and jeans, she suddenly felt calmer. Yes, her heart had been broken and smashed into two by the one guy she thought she really had something special with, but she was ready to move on. Things happened for a reason, she was sure of it. Obviously Ned was not the guy for her. There are other fish in the sea. She reminded herself.

Just as she was about to go downstairs, she realized she still had makeup caked to her face. No one needed to see that. Seeing it herself was just a painful reminder of all the tears she had shed. Walking into her bathroom she took a small washcloth off the towel bar and ran it under hot water. As she placed it on her face she could feel the warmth against her skin, it felt incredible.

As she wrung it out, she hung it right back up where she had found it. Her face was now clear of all her leftover makeup. No wonder she hardly used the stuff. It was a pain in the butt to put on and take off. Why even bother?

Closing the bathroom door behind her, Moze made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen, where her mom was sitting reading the newspaper.

"Hey honey. You look very refreshed." She said smiling.

Moze nodded, sitting down in the chair across from her.

"So I heard you and Ned got in a fight last night." Her mom said quietly, putting down the paper in front of her.

"Yeah," Moze said just as quietly, still not in the best of mood to discuss the situation. Even after the long pep-talk she had, just, given herself, she was still hurting inside.

"You know I'm here for you if you need to talk." Mrs. Mosely said kindly.

"Yes, Mom I know. Things are just awkward. I told him I was never going to speak to him again."

"Oh but you didn't mean it sweetie, and I'm sure he knows that. You were just angry."

"Yes, I was angry, but I meant what I said. I think I would be better off not talking to him again."

"Well you say that now, but in a couple of weeks you two will be talking and just as happy as you were together only a few days ago." Her mother reassured her.

"I'm not so sure about that. He broke my heart." She said softly. Hopefully too softly for her mother to hear.

She should have known better, her mom had heard her. They say that mothers have eyes on the back of their heads, but they also always hear what you say. Even if you think they couldn't possibly hear what you mumbled under your breath. They hear it.

"Jennifer, its okay to admit it out loud. We all know that you loved him. You still do I'm sure. He just didn't seem to get the hint."

"Mom this is not the 8th grade any more. I'll be going off to college soon. It's not like that any longer. I want something real and he obviously can't full-fill that. We're not kids and if what he wants is Suzie Crabgrass let him have her." She said bluntly.

Mrs. Mosely just looked at her pityingly. She obviously was too blind to understand what was going on right under her nose. She was not about to tell her though. She wanted her daughter to figure these things out on her own.

Moze stormed off. He mother just didn't understand these types of things. As she climbed the stairs, once again, she didn't know what to do with herself. She was in no mood for leaving her house, but if she had stay in her room for much longer she might combust. Noticing that the door to her balcony was somewhat open, she decided to step outside. The fresh air would do her good.

She sat down on one of the lawn chairs that she liked to keep up here. She hadn't been out here in quite some time. The view wasn't the best, but it was still pretty cool to have her very own balcony. This was the only room in the house with one, and her parents had been nice enough to let her have it.

Moze closed her eyes and smiled as she felt the warm sun shining down on her. Perfect. Who needed Ned anyway? She was better off with out him. Or so she thought…

As if on cue she felt her cell phone vibrating. Before picking up, she glanced at the caller-id. She grunted, as she threw it onto the ground. There was no way Ned was going to try and call her and act like nothing had happened, when in fact something, very big, had happened. She closed her eyes once again. All was peaceful until she heard the loud roar of a familiar truck.

Crap! She thought to herself. Maybe he won't notice me. She crossed her fingers for good luck. She watched him as he got out of the truck and slammed the door. He did not look happy.

"Why can't she just pick up the phone?" Ned shouted, loudly enough for her to hear.

This was bad. She knew that he was bound to look up here any minute. She ducked quickly. A little too quickly. She smashed her head up against the railing.

"Owww!" She cried out, loudly, in pain. She quickly covered her mouth hoping that he hadn't heard her. Unfortunately their houses were so close together that it was easy to hear what the neighbors were saying.

Automatically Ned's eyes traveled up to her balcony. "What are you doing up there?" He shouted.

Moze sighed. What should she say? She had every right to be up here. Why should she let him put a damper on things?

"Enjoying the fresh air." She said in response, irritation in her tone.

Ned smiled. "Glad to here that you're talking to me."

"Don't get use to it." She said angrily.

"Oh wow, well I better not let this opportunity pass. I don't know how long it will be until you decide to talk to me again."

Before she could stop him, he began walking over to the ladder that led up to her balcony.

"What do you think you're doing?" She demanded.

He just smirked, as he hopped over the railing and took a seat down next to her.

"So tell me," He began, "why it is that you're mad at me again? I know I wasn't exactly the nicest yesterday after calling you a… well you know. It's just that you started insulting me for no real reason at all, and that hurt."

Moze felt like she was about to scream. "How do you think I felt?" She asked fuming.

"Awful I'm sure." He said apologetically. "I just don't get what the reason behind this all was. It was like the second you saw me with Suzie you just blew up."

She could smack him. First of all, awful didn't even begin to cover it, and second of all she didn't understand how he could not get what had her so upset.

Moze got up from her chair and made her way over to her bedroom door. Ned was right behind her.

"It doesn't make any sense why you would be so angry over me being with Suzie. It's not like you like me in that way. You did deny it after all. Plus when Missy thought we were a couple at the ice cream parlor, a few days ago, you would have said something about it right?" Ned questioned her, blushing violently.

Hah yeah right!

Anger did not even begin to cover how she was feeling at the moment. It's not like she would have actually said something at the ice cream parlor or while he was making out with Suzie. Somehow after knowing her all these years he still didn't seem to really understand her.

Ned looked at her, pleading her for a response.

"Think about it this way Ned," She began.

All was silent as he waited for her to finish her sentence.

"Maybe I lied."


And if you asked me if I love him
if you ask me if I love him
I'd lie

A: N Okay I know this is the end, but please don't kill me! I have a sequel planned! So you'll just have to wait and see what happens. Please leave me a review to let me know what you thought. Even if it's a long nasty one, I will be glad to know that people really felt involved in what I have been writing. Thanks to all those who have reviewed this and have waited patiently for my sometimes long and drawn out updates, I really appreciate it!

Thanks again for reading, and please leave a review! :)

Much Love,


Dedication: I would like to dedicate this story to Sharkss26. She was my inspiration for this story and also one of my very best friends!