Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto and his friends they belong to K.Masashi

Warning: this story is Yaoi, meaning boy x boy love, between Sasuke and Naruto, Don't like don't read simple isn't it?

Edited: 12/4/08.

Guarded: chapter one:

Uzumaki Naruto is one of the most famous actors in America, at a young age he had shown his potential, most famous for his role in Naruto: as Konoha's most hyperactive ninja. As he grew so did his career developing into more mature roles. Now at the age of 22 he's at the height of his career now all we have to ask is what will he do next…


A raven haired man got up from his position from his couch; he switched of the TV and made his way to his desk located in the corner of his rather large apartment lounge.

Seating himself at the desk Sasuke scowled as he read over his new job.

Uchiha Sasuke was a very well known bodyguard, 'one of the best' in the industry, and it wasn't hard to see why he was considered this. His whole body was well toned his arms were well muscled, along with his lanky figure and height of 6'7 he could take on most people in a fight. He had taken kick boxing and fighting in the streets when he was younger, but that wasn't all Sasuke was very intimidating, his black eyes bore nothing and his unchanging emotionless face and fuck-me-off-and-I'll-kill-you attitude broke even the hardest of men. He was also very smart and despite his appearance could move very easily…yeah Sasuke was one of the best, but that didn't mean he had to be demeaned by babysitting this prissy hyperactive brat.

Sasuke scowled and glared at the paper in front of him as he read the job over and over again, it would take all his patients which was about as long as his pinkie finger, to not turn around and shoot the one under his protection before he was targeted by someone else, but his pride wouldn't let him in truth his reputation was on the line and his pride as an Uchiha wouldn't let him be defeated so easily.

"Kakashi's going to pay and pay dearly for this" he grunted before tossing the papers across his desk and trudged his way up the stares to go to bed, it was only 11:30 early in the Uchiha's books. He had always been a night person he was most alive when it was dark but now he had to rest he couldn't be in a bad mood for tomorrow as his job began at noon, his job to protect…

Uzumaki Naruto

World renowned actor and trouble maker.

Uzumaki Naruto fidgeted around in his seat casually glancing at his mentor, manager and mother-like figure, he was nervous as well as being a free spirit he never liked sitting in one spot for too long, it just agitated him,

"Naruto calm down" the blonde busty woman spoke firmly, "they'll be here soon"

"They were supposed to be here an hour ago" Naruto pouted "and I haven't eaten since breakfast"

"Brat it's only midday, just be patient a little while longer"

Tsunade knew that was an impossible feat for the young blonde sitting in front of her, she was just thankful he hadn't tried to escape yet. The only reason she was hiring a bodyguard for him was only because he had made a new habit of run off during production or running of for a long period of time and not telling anyone, she knew he had a right to be free at some point and spend some much needed time alone or with close friends but doing it while a multimillion dollar movie in production, was getting out of hand. didn't he care about his job? His reputation? There was a simple answer for both…no, quite frankly Naruto didn't care about either even the amount of money he'd accumulated, wasn't enough to make him care he was never one for possessions, he did have a few items that he wouldn't give the world for, his necklace the 3 green crystals at the bottom of a medium sized silver chain never left his tanned neck, which had been handed down to him by his deceased father and the photo's of him and his parent's or his friends but Naruto didn't count them as possessions, more like memories.

The blonde slumped in his chair, and his stomach growled…loudly, shaking Tsunade out of her musings.

"My stomachs eating itself" Naruto moaned gripping his stomach to emphasize his point, "forget them I don't need a bodyguard I'm not targeted anyway I don't see why I should have-"

"Think of him more as a baby sitter brat"

"Old hag! I'm 22 god-damn years old I don't need a-"

Just then the voices of two men emanated into the room from down the corridor they sounded as they were in an argument. Naruto sat up straightening his posture and looked towards the door, he had yet to see his bodyguard/ babysitter and had been so nervous that he only ate 3 bowls of ramen for breakfast

'I hope he's not an ugly bastard like Ibiki' Naruto shuddered at the very bulky tall man,

The door opened and Naruto gulped, a tall grey haired man walked in greeting both him and Tsunade. Naruto knew the masked man, Hatake Kakashi the blonde recalled his name. Naruto may not be the brightest crayon in the box but he remembered every face he met, just for the off chance that maybe he might not ever see that person again.

After the grey haired man entered the room, a tall raven haired man stood in the doorway, Naruto stared in awe. This man was beautiful, being in a fake business of gorgeous celebrities Naruto respected pure natural beauty and this man was just that, his ebony skin and black locks framed his face, and were a perfect contribution to his dark obsidian eyes and long dark eyelashes. He was wearing a black turtle neck and dark blue slack jeans, which hid all the curves of his bottom half but his turtle neck was tight enough to admire his well toned but not overly so upper half. The dark colors suited him perfectly, he didn't look like a bodyguard Naruto thought, he was far too handsome to be a block-headed-muscle-bound jock.

Sasuke looked irritably at the gawking blonde, and narrowed his dark eyes. What was his problem?

Naruto began to feel himself drool, he could see the dark glare that was his bodyguards was shooting at him but couldn't break his gaze, if anything that glare added to the dark haired man's beauty.

Kakashi decided to break the silence, "Sasuke meet Uzumaki Naruto the person you'll be protecting until further notice" Naruto snapped out of his stare which was a relief to the grey haired man he knew that if Naruto didn't brake his gaze Sasuke would have to do it himself, in a much more painful way.

The raven shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned against the office doorframe, closing his eyes in the process.

"Nice to meet you Sasuke"

"When did I say we were on first name basis" Sasuke growled.

Now if that wasn't for that harsh retort to Naruto's nice greeting, he would have admired Sasuke's voice just like he admired the beauty of the other, but Naruto being Naruto never really took the rudeness of others towards him for no reason, very well.

"I was only trying to be friendly you bastard!" Naruto rose from his seat so fast it hurt his head from the sudden pressure.

"You'll have to excuse him, he's not a morning person…or a social person" Kakashi thought for a bit, "actually this is how he acts most of the time" Kakashi chuckled slightly curving his eyes.

"I'm here to protect the moron not to be his best friend"

"I never asked you to!"

"Good, we have an understanding Uzumaki" Sasuke opened his eyes to stare at the raging blonde before him.

"Bastard" Naruto mumbled before seating himself again.

"Ok now that we've got that sorted it's time to fill you in on your job Mr. what did you say your last name was?" Tsunade questioned puzzled that she didn't know his last name.

Sasuke scoffed turning his head to the right, "it doesn't matter"

"Too great to give us your name huh bastard"

"As a matter of fact" Sasuke's smirked as Naruto jerked towards him, twisting his body in the chair.

Tsunade cleared her throat attaining everyone's attention again before Naruto made his comeback she knew this was going troublesome once she heard what Sasuke's personality was like. He was the polar opposite of the blonde before her, he was dark, mysterious with a bad attitude and ego to match. While Naruto was loud, open and friendly with anyone who gave him the time of day. Tsunade sighed inwardly, but maybe this will be good for the blonde, he might grow from being around someone like Sasuke for a while, she hopped.

"Okay now, Naruto here, as you probably know is working on a new movie but he keeps running off of site and keeps disappearing when the day of shooting ends. We need you-"

"To baby-sit him and make sure he completes the movie without distractions" Sasuke stated fully knowing what his job was; this little lecturing session was a complete waste of his time.

"Yes basically that's correct"

Naruto mumbled something about not needing to be babysat by smug assed bastards, crossing his arms and staring out the large window to his right, Kakashi chuckled hearing the childish complaint.

He really was enjoying torturing his god-son, he had done so since Sasuke had been able to walk despite this and Sasuke's very apparent lack of social skills. Kakashi along with Itachi were the only people Sasuke could tolerate for large amounts of time, but there was a hidden reason behind assigning Sasuke this job, he had heard and been a victim of Naruto's overly friendly personality people were drawn to the blonde and not because of his wealth or fame it was because he was very approachable character, you just couldn't help but smile when around him. His atmosphere just screamed with joy, he and Itachi had thought that this blonde would be a good person for Sasuke to be around and hopefully help the Uchiha grow in himself.

But it wasn't just Naruto's personality that made him the perfect candidate for this 'job' it was also because Naruto was very alike to Sasuke they had both been victims of losing their parents at an early stage in their lives. Although Sasuke had a brother, Itachi had to be said wasn't the most open and comforting person in the world and had his fathers company to deal with which often left Sasuke alone when growing up. Which was another thing they shared Naruto hadn't had the normal life other children had because he had started his career at 13 and was home schooled, they were alike but different, like sun and moon, both are planet's and have a place in the earths sky but one represents night and the other day.

Kakashi just hoped that their differences would subside enough for them to notice their familiarities…but Kakashi would always be there to 'help' Sasuke if needed and give him a shove in the right direction if need be.

But for first impressions things weren't going too well…

"Bastard! I can take care of myself!!" the blonde yelled, standing and walking towards the raven haired bodyguard.

"Hn. I doubt it idiot"




"Wimp" Sasuke scoffed.

Naruto tried to connect a punch to Sasuke's jaw, Sasuke simply caught the blonde's wrist mid punch, and darkly looked down at the captured blonde.

'This is going to be harder then I thought, I may have to intervene a little more then I would have liked' Kakashi sighed inwardly.

To be continued…