Chapter 1- A rude Awakening:

It was the summer holidays and Gabriella was staying at her boyfriend's house while her mum was away on a business trip. As Gabriella looked up at Troy, she smiled watching him sleep peacefully. She was lying in Troy's bed, his arm draped around her waist and her head was resting on his bare chest. She smiled and closed her eyes to go back to sleep when she felt the boy next to her move his body. Troy turned his head and faced Gabriella, her chocolate eyes looking into his ocean blue ones, "Hey beautiful, how'd you sleep?" he asked tuning his body to face her and resting his head on his hand.

"Good, you?"

"I always sleep well when I have my girl in my arms."

Gabriella smiled and kissed his cheek. "Me too."

"So baby what's the plan for today?" Troy asked Gabriella.

"I don't know, but staying here is looking pretty good right now." Gabriella answered snugging up next to Troy. He couldn't help but pull her closer, "You know I think you're right."

"Troy! Gabriella!" Screamed a little girls' voice.

"Oh no!!!!" They both said in unison.

A little girl burst into the room jumping up and down on the bed. "Troy, Gabriella, wake up!!!! The sun's up and now you two need to get up!!!"

"Okay, okay Katie we'll be up in a second. Just give us a minute." Troy answered trying to push the little girl off his bed.

"Okay." She replied and skipped out of the room.

Troy turned back to Gabriella, "Well there goes that idea." He answered; she smiled back and replied, "Oh well we better get up."


They both climbed out of the bed and grabbed their clothes. Gabriella walked into the bathroom to change quickly, not because she didn't want Troy to see her but she was afraid that Katie or his parents would walk in. Troy pulled on some jeans and a t-shirt, and he waited for his girlfriends to come out of the bathroom. Gabriella walked out of the bathroom and grabbed her shoes but then quickly walked back into the bathroom not closing the door this time. Troy noticed and walked to the door leaning against the door frame, "You know it's just my folks, no need to dress up." Gabriella turned to her boyfriend. He was using his Bolton charm on her and it was working, his hair was ruffled, his arms crossed, his smile widely spread across his face and his eyebrows twitching. She could resit smiling back at him "So? Your there too, and I need to look good for you." She flirted.

"You always look good to me." He smiled walking towards her wrapping his arms around the back of her waist, gently kissing her neck. "Please baby not now, your parents are waiting and any minute Katie will bounce back in here like a mad thing." He smiled, "You're right, again. But later you're all mine promise?"


And they both left Troy's bedroom hand in hand walking towards the kitchen. When Gabriella felt two little arms wrap around her knees almost pulling her to the ground, but she quickly turned around and grabbed the little girl before it was too late. "Hey Katie," she said picking her up and carrying her letting go of Troy's hand.

"Morning Gabi," She said wrapping her arms around Gabriella's neck.

"Hey don't I get a good morning or have you totally forgotten about your big brother?" Troy asked pouting a bit.

"No Troy I'm sorry," Katie answered holding her arms out to give troy a hug. He gladly hugged her back but didn't take her out of Gabriella's arms. "Don't worry Katie, he's just teasing." Gabriella answered back poking her tongue out at Troy. "Hey, I'm not. I just like to get a good morning from my two favourite girls." He responded kissing Gabriella's cheek. She smiled back and walked down the rest of the stairs into the kitchen.