Chapter 4

"Sakura? Sakura!" I heard a masculine voice getting louder as my head cleared slowly. What had happened? I remember looking at Sasuke and then hitting the ground, hard, and then nothing. All was dark and silent, until I felt it. The thirst, the unbelievable thirst. It was like someone was lighting my throat on fire and I just needed to drink something, and considering I am a vampire I knew what that was. I felt my eyes bleed red as I started to breathe heavily and clawed at the sheets with my now lengthened claws as my Shifter form also came forth.

I lay shaking on the bed as I saw shapes take focus in my view, but all I could really see or hear was the sound of blood as it pumped through the surrounding people's bodies. I tried to control myself as I didn't want to lose control and hurt someone, but it was so hard. The smell of the blood was so enticing and they were practically waving it in front of me… wait, they were waving it in front of me. Well, if that isn't an invitation, I don't know what is.

As I latched onto the arm held out before me I looked up and tried to focus on the person, but all I could see was blonde as I continued to guzzle down the person's blood, not caring at that moment that I was literally draining him off blood, which was life itself. It wasn't until a blow landed on my head, which made me unlatch myself to growl at them, that helped me understand I had practically killed the man I knew was Naruto.

But still I could do nothing as the thirst had only been slightly quenched. I quickly looked for a new source as Naruto fell to his knee's and then leant to his right, making him land on the ground and be still. I didn't have to wait long as a neck was presented to me. I barely felt as they pulled me onto their lap and sat on the bed in the same spot I had just been; their backs against the wall as I fed. I quickly bit and sucked as the person below me moaned. I started to move my hips as the thirst feeling left and the pleasure feeling came. This was the usual feeling we felt as we fed so I quickly welcomed it for I didn't know what was wrong with me and this must mean I was returning to normal.

As I felt the man (obviously because of the sound of the moan) below me draining of energy I quickly pulled back and licked the wound on his neck and the surrounding blood as my hips stopped thrusting against his pelvis. The hard-on was obvious though, it was too late to stop that. I felt kind of bad for him… especially when I found out that it was Sasuke. I stared into Onyx eyes as I felt my eyes return to their normal sparkling emerald colour as we both breathed heavily. We were pretty much an inch apart as I tried to regain all my senses. A moan on the ground had me turning my eyes to the left to see Naruto looking up at me through half open hazy eyes and holding his arm as a small amount of blood fell from the wound I had drunk from and had obviously made bigger as I realised he must have cut himself with a scalpel from the room I know realised was the infirmary ward at the school.

I slowly got off Sasuke as I felt my normal power return to order and looked up to see Tsunade and Jiriaya looking down at me with concern. I quickly licked around my lips for the blood that may have landed on them, but came out dry and I laughed dryly as I realised even in the state I had been in I was still neat about it.

"Sakura…. Sakura are you ok?" I heard a whisper from next to me as I looked at Sasuke and quickly apologised, but he just lifted his arm, only to find it fall to his side in weakness and smirked lightly at that fact. "As long as you are ok?" With a nod I answered his question.

I heard Tsunade clear her throat from above me so I quickly returned my attention to her as Jiriaya helped Naruto off the ground so he could sit next to me on the hospital bed. He leant his head against my head and I quickly welcomed it as I cradled his head to me. It was the least I could do as I had practically drained him.

"I think I can explain this," Tsunade muttered as I heard her sit down on one of the plastic chairs that were for visitors and such. We all looked at her in surprise, even Jiriaya, but then his face become one of understanding and then of horror. I looked between them quickly as I tried to figure out what they were trying to say. Tsunade must have realised I was beyond confused because she started to explain,

"Sakura, I think because you are more Vampire than Sasuke and Naruto… and you're still maturing… I think you may have just evolved, let's call it." And when we still looked at her in confusion, she sighed and continued, "You were in bloodlust Sakura".




I think my heart may have stopped when I heard those words. You weren't meant to go into bloodlust until you were, at minimum, 2 days over your usual eating routine. And I wasn't even a full day over!

"I know what you're thinking Sakura, but it's because you are more Vampire than them, you may have to have a more regular feeding diet," I felt the sympathy, if you want to call it that, roll off her, and I don't know why because it's not like I mind drinking other people's blood. It's natural for survival after all. Naruto had a harder time embracing it than Sasuke and I did, but after he found out it didn't hurt the host because they couldn't change them he made his way around it.

"How much will it be more often?" I felt my tongue unglue itself from the roof of my mouth as my voice came out slightly smoother than usual. Probably from all the blood I had drunk.

"Well… I am a full Vampire as you know, and my diet is to drink every 3 – 4 days. At the moment yours is once a week, correct?" And with a confirmation nod from us she continued, "So I think you should start at every 4 days and see where it takes you, so this doesn't happen again." And to emphasise her point, she motioned to Naruto, who was practically unconscious on top of me, and Sasuke who was leaning heavily against the infirmary wall.

I looked at Sasuke in concern, but he just gave me another smirk and mouthed to me, "I'm glad you are alright." Well, I nearly jumped off the bed and through the roof! This was so uncharacteristic of him, but then again I DID pass out, so I would probably be worried too as for the fact that none of us have ever done that before.

"Now, Sasuke and Naruto, before you leave I think you should feed. I will go get –" I cut Tsunade off quickly,

"No, I will. I owe them that much at least right?" And with a small smile I hopped off the bed, placing Naruto's head down gently as I did, before thinking twice and pulling him into my arms and easily placing him down on the opposite bed. Having super strength really does have its perks.

He gave a small protest as I man-handled him but hey, who cares? I leant him against the wall just like Sasuke was so he could easily bite the girl so he could regain his strength and heal the wound on his arm. With a small wave I skipped out the class and went out to search for my prey.




I didn't have to wait long as my two subjects came into sight, obviously whoring themselves out like usual. Karin was practically eating Sai, and Ami was so far up against Suigetsu she practically looked to be one with him. I found it funny that he was just looking at her in mild interest because, I knew, he had a crush on Ino. The blonde girl who I thought was incredibly competitive.

I walked up to them and tapped them both on the shoulder, and when they turned around to scream at the person who had interrupted them, I quickly smiled and said in a rushed tone,

"Sasuke and Naruto have been looking for you," well now, didn't THAT have a reaction! Their faces turned from angry to happy and seductive. I nearly chucked! As for Sai's facial expression, he looked about ready to murder me… at least until he saw me look at him and quickly turned it to a facial expression of lust and suggestion. I just flipped him off as I ran down the corridor towards the infirmary and spun around and yelled back down to them,

"They won't wait forever!" And then continued on my way. I knew they would follow, of course they would. It was only a matter of time until they rounded the corner to the infirmary and looked at Naruto and Sasuke with flirty looks. I saw them stick out their 'cleavage' more and wink at them. I nearly shuddered at the picture that would most likely always be imprinted in my head.

"You asked for us boys?" I heard Karin attempt a sexy voice and nearly burst into laughter. Hell, I could do a better sexy voice than that! I think by that time it was my cue to leave, so I quietly walked to the door, mouthed 'have fun' at them both and winked in suggestion and giggled at their facial expressions back at me. I closed the door behind me as the image of Karin sitting on Sasuke would probably always stay with me. And I am living forever remember? So that is a bloody long time! EUGH!!




About 15 minutes I heard the door slide open and I saw two men stride out as the blonde ran his hands through his hair and the black haired man shuddered at something. My grin widened as they saw me sitting cross legged on the ground mocking them.

"So… did you have fun?" Now this caused a reaction in them as they launched themselves at me and started to tickled me as Sasuke ground out,

"Could you have not chosen someone, ANYONE else?" I laughed at his facial expression and nuzzled his neck while I held his head in one hand as Naruto yanked me up in his arms and made off with me on his shoulder. I giggled loudly as Sasuke walked behind us and tickled my neck: my most ticklish point when brushed on lightly. Naruto just hoisted me up higher on his shoulder as I slid down a bit from the vibrations of my laughing. I think I even saw a smile on Sasuke's face as he watched me squirm on Naruto's shoulder laughing.

This is all I needed; all three of us, having fun, being together like usual. No one and nothing could come between us. God, if only these things were true, but this is no fairy tale right?