Title: Unattainable

Characters From: The Covenant

Pairing: SLASH! Reid/Tyler

Rating: M-ish?

Summary: Reid has some secrets that no one knows but him. When Tyler finds out, what will happen to them?

Warnings: Adult Content! Male/Male

Author's Note: I am re-posting this story, and hopefully continuing on with it. What is being posted has been re-written, and is hopefully better than it was. All the content is the same, so far anyway, but the writing of it has been changed. Hopefully it will be more easy to read now ! J

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, never did. Thanks for the reminder. *pouts*

Reid Garwin was far from what anyone could possibly call shy, or quiet. In fact, to his three best friends, Caleb Danvers, Pogue Perry and Tyler Simms, that they knew his voice better than their own. They were used to it by now though, after having grown up with the boy.

Besides loud and talkative, people also found Reid to be quite the rebel, completely going against what you would expect of him with his blonde hair and blue eyes, as well as for going to Spencer Academy. However, no matter how well someone thought they knew the blonde, there was something that they didn't know; something Reid tried his very hardest to hide. Reid Garwin, Spencer's rebel and the second oldest Son of Ipswich, was gay.

More than once before Reid had thought that his secret would be discovered, whether by Caleb, Pogue, or worse, Aaron Abbott. Even worse than that, though, would be if the very object of his affection found out; one Tyler Simms. He and Tyler had been inseparable for as long as they could both remember, and to Reid, if Tyler would to find out about his feelings for the younger boy, on top of ruining their friendship, it would just be unbearable to see how Tyler would react.

He could imagine the jeers of Aaron and Ryan along with those of everyone else perfectly, along with Caleb and Pogue's shock at the news. However, he could picture Tyler's reaction most of all. He could practically see the hurt in the younger boys eyes as it quickly turned to revulsion and then absolute disgust at all the times that the two of them had been alone together, naked even. This mental image in itself was the reason that Reid's secret was a secret.

Currently, Reid lay in bed thinking of these exact things in his dorm in Spencer Academy. Or, more specifically, the dorm he shared with Tyler. He was all too aware of the brunette sleeping peacefully only feet away from him, a pair of silk boxers away from complete nudity. He sighed, rolling over again for what seemed to be the tenth time in as many minutes. As each night wore on for him, it seemed to be getting harder for him to sleep. Something was coming, he could tell; something big. He just hoped that it had more to do with his up-and-coming ascension, and less to do with the aforementioned brunette laying across the room from him.

Putting aside his worries of what was to come, Reid decided to figure out what he could do right that moment about not being able to sleep. He thought about counting sheep, but that seemed too childish and had never worked for him before anyway. He then thought about getting some warm milk, but shook away that idea, too. It was too similar to something else that he usually had his mind on during these long nights in the dorm.

And so here he was, his thoughts having taken a complete three hundred sixty degree turn back to his best friend, who he loved and lusted after endlessly. He thought of how it would be so easy to just go over there and kiss the other boy, to curl up beside Tyler and take him in his arms and fall asleep peacefully. Or, on the other side of the spectrum, Reid thought about how it would feel to have Tyler's cock in his mouth, the silky heaviness on his tongue. He imagined playing with the other boy, making him squirm and beg for more, before slipping a finger lower and inside of him, to prepare him for that 'something more'.

Now Reid could feel his own member stiffening in his boxers as his thoughts turned to these dirty things. This was the part he was most familiar with; the war he waged with himself ever single night that he spent in this dorm with the other boy. Why couldn't the blonde be in love with someone else; someone without silky brown hair and deep blue eyes, or at least someone who didn't share a dorm with him? He didn't really care that it was another boy he was in love with; Reid had accepted himself a long time ago for who he was, and he know that he couldn't control it, anyway.

He felt his cock getting even harder, tenting his boxers now, at the thoughts of what he wanted to do to Tyler. This part of the war was the hardest; having to force himself not to get out of his bed and go over to the brunette's, not to go and have his way with the other boy. However, instead of doing the things he wanted to, just like every other night, Reid would have to settle for relieving his not-so-little, but very current, problem.

As quietly as he could, Reid slid his boxers down and off, releasing his erection. Taking a deep breath, the blonde gripped himself with his left hand, and quickly had to bite his lip to stop himself from moaning out loud. The times that he couldn't stop himself from jerking off while thinking of Tyler had to be the best. It never took him long on those nights, and he was always well satisfied afterword.

He began stroking himself, all the while filling his mind with all the images of Tyler that he saved for nights like these. The first was of Tyler naked in the shower, washing himself after a swim practice. It was a sight that he fortunately saw often, and never tired of. The next mental image that he had was of Tyler dressing in their dorm, unaware of Reid's gaze on him. On those perfectly sculpted shoulder blades, or on that round, firm ass. The blonde could feel himself getting closer to the edge now, and so picked up his pace, pulling out the one thought that never failed to push him over. This image – or memory – had occurred when Reid had come back to the dorm drunk. He had forgotten that he'd told Tyler not to expect him back that night, and had ended up walking in on a wonderful sight indeed. When he opened the door, it had been to Tyler pleasuring himself. The brunette had head his head thrown back and his eyes closed, laying on the bed in what could only be the beginning of a really great orgasm. At this sight, Reid had quickly retreated, closing the door behind him and instead spending the night in Pogue's dorm. That had to have been one of the hardest things he'd ever done, walking away from that sight.

Having walked away or not, the very memory of the experience was always enough to get him going, or push him over the edge into orgasm. This was also the case tonight, as he felt himself getting immeasurably close to that very edge. He sped up his hand even more and, bucking up into it, spilled his release. In the throws of his orgasm, Reid was arching his back so much he thought it might break, and he distantly felt drops of blood run down his chin from biting his lip and trying not to moan out loud. When the tremors subsided, Reid lay back, breathing heavily.

Tucking the images of Tyler into the back of his mind, Reid got out of bed momentarily to search for a towel he could use to clean himself up. He couldn't find a towel, only a shirt, but he was too exhausted to care at this point. Quickly and quietly, Reid cleaned up his hand and now softening cock before climbing back into bed. He lay on his back for a few minutes, hands folded behind his head, thinking that that had to have been the hardest he'd ever come in his entire life, including during the few times he'd had sex. He put that thought away with his memories of Tyler and, smiling contentedly, rolled over and fell asleep, not even bothering to put his boxers back on.