






Hey guys, fancy skipping out of this and heading down to the kitchens? I'm starving!

Padfoot, maaate. We only just had lunch!

Yeah but I'm so hungry. And I found a worm in my spaghetti!

This may sound like a stupid question but do you think it could have been THE SPAGHETTI!?

Y'know, I never thought of that.

Sirius, you're the only person I know who is actually smart but makes everyone else think he is as!


No offense Wormy.

I'm used to it.

Well Prongsie, I don't know whether to be offended or proud by that little comment right there. I'm just going to pretend that I didn't see it.

My point exactly.

Y'know, it wouldn't hurt any of you to actually listen to McGonnagal.

Why on earth would we do that?

Well, we do have our OWLS this year!

Yeah, we know. Your point?

You'll be needing notes to study.

Yeah, and we'll have them.

Really? You haven't taken notes for the last 5 years. Stop grinning James, you haven't either!

We know we know. But we'll just study from yours!

'Cause you're such a great friend.

The best friend a guy could have.

And you're incredibly...



Don't pfft us. You know your HOT.

If I didn't know you were in love with a certain Miss Evans (get that look off your face James) I'd swear you were gay.


Haha. Okay change of subject. Moony, today I found a worm in my lunch.

You don't think it could have been spaghetti?

Thats exactly what James said! But I dunno...

Wow. You're incredibly dumb today Padfoot.


And you're incredibly cranky, my dear Moonykins.

And I'll be even more cranky if you keep calling me that!


Yes Prongsie. Gay. Get over it. You seem to have problems getting over things...Has anyone else noticed this?

I have.

I don't know what that was supposed to mean, Miss Evans, so I'm going to take a leaf out of Sirius' book and pretend I didn't see it. Moving on, why's Moonykins cranky?

I don't know. Why are you cranky Moonkins?

Because you keep calling me that!

Calling you what, Moonykins?

We're not calling you anything, Moonykins!

Yes you are! You did it again.

Just tell us what you don't want us to call you and we won't.

I'm not saying it!

Oh Moonykins, if you don't tell us, then how will we know what you're talking about?

Moonykins, just write it.


Go on.

Y'know how to use a quill. Remember? You hold it like this. Just look at me.

Padfoot, I know how to use a quill.

Just write it, Moonykins!

FINE! Moony...kins! ARGH! We are so burning this paper.

OHHHHHHH Moonykins. Why didn't you just tell us? Oh, and by the way, we're not gonna stop calling you that.

So Prongs..Asked Lilyflower out lately?

Firstly, not really no. Last time I asked her was breakfast but she slapped me so I didn't ask again. And secondly, only I call her Lilyflower. Do I have a red mark on my cheek?

Why Prongs, it appears your darling Lilyflower has scarred you.

HAHA Prongs got scarred by a giiiiiiiiirl. Ask Lily out.

Ok. Will you go out with me, my gorgeous Lilyflower?

Why yes! I'd love to. I just spent the last 5 years of my life rejecting you for no apparent reason but I would absolutely LOVE to go out with you! Goodbye.

I daresay she was being sarcastic.

You don't say?

James, why do you have a lit firework in your hand?

Even you're not that dumb James. When you light a firework, they go off!

Oh crap. You guys distracted me. I'll throw it at Snivellus.

HAHAHAHA that was so funny! Good aim Jamsey! Right up his sweater! The only person I've seen fly that high into the air was Flitwick, when he ate those edible fireworks.

Ohhh good times, good times.

That was pretty funny.

Even Moony agrees! Subsequently, it was HILARIOUS!

Do you even know what subsequently means?

Of course I do. It could be substituted for: Therefore, for that reason, consequently etc...

How did you know that?

Once a month I read Remus' dictionary to learn a new word.


To impress you.


Are you impressed?

I am bewildered.

How did you know what that means, Prongs?

I do it too.

You guys are weird.

I love Lily.


Really Really.

Really really really?

Really really really really.

Really really really really really?

Really really really really really really.

Okay guys, stop now.

Ooh, hey Shona.

Hi James.

Heyy Shona.


Is it just me or did I just recieve the cold shoulder?

You're so observant.

Anyway, what are you guys doing tonight? Fancy sneaking out to Hogsmeade?

Yeah sure.

I'm in.


Er, I guess I don't really have a choice, do I?



Bring some friends, Shona.


Is Lilyflower included in "friends"?


Great, I can hardly wait.

Yeah Prongsie, 'cause you're really going to score.

Shut up, Padfoot. I'm going to talk to Lily.

' Luck.

Hey Lils.

Hello Potter.

Good start, good start.


Never mind. Your hair's looking exceptionally gorgeous today Lily.

Yours is looking exceptionally messy today James.


Well that is your name.

Since when?

That wasn't funny.

Sorry, just trying to get you to crack a smile.

Erm, okay.

So why haven't you yelled at me yet?

So why haven't you asked me out yet?

Why? D'you want me to?

No! I haven't yelled at you yet because you can't yell on paper.

I'm sure you, being incredibly smart and all, could figure out a way to do it.

Stop sucking up.

I wasn't! Just telling the truth.

No you were sucking up.






Gosh, your so immature. Leave me alone and pay attention to McGonnagall!

Well that went well.

It did. Strange, wasn't it?

I was being sarcastic.

It started off alright.

Yeah I thought she was really going to be nice.

What're you talking about? Lily Evans isn't nice! She's EVIL! E V I L .

I am not even going to answer that. Ooooh Remus, Millie's looking at you!


Millie's looking at you! See, look!

Ooooh! She is too! She smiled. And again! And again! AND AGAIN!

Wow, she really is very happy.

Remus, your blushing!

Awww, has wittle Remmy got a wittle cruuuush?

Shut up!

Little Remmy, you better smile back.

Yes Moonykins! Smile, before she thinks you don't like her.

But I DON'T like her!

Oh please. It's obvious.

OOOH a wink! She winked at you!

She's R A U N C H Y!

Shut up you guys. Leave her alone!

Aww so cute. Defending your future girlfriend.

Young love.

I hate you two!

We love you too Moonykins!

Detention! All of you!

Oh crap.