Rating: K
Summary: Set in the Year That Never Was. For someone who walked the Earth for a year, Martha sure was well groomed.
Disclaimer: Do you really think the owner of Doctor Who would have to wait over 6 months to see the Christmas special, not watching it on YouTube because they were busy using it to watch the classic series?
Author's Note: The inspiration for this fic was a comment made by my dad about Martha during the last episode.
Well Groomed
It was March 18th, 2008. Martha Jones had made her way to North America, and had just finished another day of preaching the Doctor's message. After leaving the small group of people with their instructions, she was approached by a young man named Daniel.
I can't believe I'm speaking to the legendary Martha Jones! he thought to himself as he began.
"So Martha," he said, "what happens now?"
"Basically, I'm going to continue my journey all over the world, 'til I've spoken to just about all of the human race," explained Martha. "If the Doctor's right, the combined psychic energy of everyone's thoughts will be enough to overthrow the Master."
"Right," said Daniel. "So … you'll be going now?"
"Not yet," replied Martha. "I just need a few more minutes here." As she spoke, Daniel observed that she was taking off the large backpack she was carrying.
"What's in there?" he asked her. "Food? Water? Clothing? Some form of reading material? An inspirational DVD?"
"Um, not exactly," admitted Martha. She opened up the bag, and Daniel peered inside, holding his breath. As he looked in, a wave of disappointment swept over him. Inside the bag, which was full to the brim, were hundreds of sticks of mascara. Its powerful scent wafted up into the room, and Daniel couldn't help but look at Martha with an eyebrow raised.
"Now," said Martha, "where's the bathroom?"
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I thought of lots of ways of doing this, but in the end I decided that less is more. Please review!