Author's Note: Enjoy

Author's Note: Enjoy! I'm working on a couple of stories now so I'm going to need a lot of reviews if you'd like me to update quickly! Thanks for the wonderful reviews I've already gotten, I really appreciate the support! I'm glad you all like it hopefully this will keep you happy for awhile, because I have another Sweeney story I'm working on so check that out too! Sorry for the late update hopefully this will make up for it.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Tiffany.

"Take a seat dear. And tell me would it make you happy if she was gone?"

"Very much mam. Very much indeed."

"What is Toby doing sitting down? I need everything done before opening! Which is in less than an hour! The two of you need to stop yapping and shut up!" She said as she lifted Toby up and pushed him towards the washing bucket.

The door swung open and we all turned to face Mr. Todd who was looking quite relaxed, with an anxious Anthony behind him.

"Tobias, Tiffany. May I see you two alone?"

"Yes sir." We nodded in unison handing our rags and aprons to Mrs. Lovett who stood next to the doorway shocked. Mr. Todd and I walked up the stairs in silence whilst Tobias and Anthony chatted behind us. I glanced at Sweeney and found that he was staring at me in an almost lustful but saddened way. I winked at him as we held the door open for the boys. When I walked ahead of him he slapped me on my bum. I turned around red in the face from embarrassment and he just winked at me as he passed by. I opened my mouth to reply but he interrupted me.

"Anthony and Tobias, I will have the two of you go out to Mr. Foggs asylum tonight."

"Yes sir."

"Of course Mr. Todd." They answered together, apparently they were more excited than nervous….well that's for now.

"I've been there. You two don't want to get in. Trust me. I doubt they'll even let the two of you as wig maker apprentices." I could feel Sweeney looking at me questioningly.

"And your point is? Is it not worth a shot?" His voice had the most passion in it that I had ever heard from him. I grabbed him by his lower arm.

"Can I talk to you alone for a moment?" He nodded his approval and motioned for the boys to stay as we traveled into his more private room.

"Sweeney, you know that you got me from Foggs! I would never forgive myself if those two young boys in there get caught, and I could have stopped them." He looked at me questioningly.

"This is like war Tiffany, you can't make an omelet without cracking eggs. Any cook will tell you that."

"Mrs. Lovett is our cook though, and I'd rather not ask her about cracking heads…I mean eggs!" He laughed at me.

"So you saw the men when they slid backwards from the chair?"

"That…is not a chair. That is a living death trap. The man's brains littered that floor! Who cleans it up anyways?"

"I do keep Mrs. Lovett around for a reason you know." I chuckled at him.

"Sweeney please. We can not send those two in there. I'd rather go."

"Fine, you and Anthony then?"

"No! Sweeney send him alone and leave the boy here. He's getting too far into this business…"

"What did you tell him?" He asked me anger burning furiously in his eyes.

"I only asked him if he'd like it if you and I could keep him out of the work house yet get rid of Mrs. Lovett, Sweeney he likes that idea. We could do it too! As soon as we get Johanna we shall do it."

"And how do we get Johanna out?"

"We send Anthony in." I nodded in a sad agreement. We turned back around to face the young men in unison who were chatting excitedly about their jobs.

"Tobias, you and I shall help train Anthony for his job. Anthony you will be so well trained that you'll actually be a wig-makers apprentice." I gushed as the two younger of the three youngest men in the room silenced.

"Tiffany…that's not a half bad idea."

"Oh yes it is Mister T…Sweeney. I tried that once, it tisn't a good idea to send such a young lad in there alone. It wasn't a good idea to send anybody younger than I am now in there alone." He nodded and patted my shoulder lightly in understanding. Anthony snorted in response.

"I beg for indulgence Miss Tiffany but I think that I can handle it." Sweeney and I glanced at each other a rolled our eyes.

"Fine, you'll go into the asylum alone…and if it's not too much to ask of the great Anthony Hope, you'll come out with Johanna." Sweeney remarked as he sharpened a razor forcefully and I pursed my lips with nervousness…hopefully this ended better than I thought it would.

Author's Note: I wrote this on a very long car trip to the house I'll be staying in while I'm here in America. I'm sorry for the late update hopefully I'll update sooner next time. Please review!