Y'all never cease to amaze me with the awesome comment you leave. I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate them. Hope y'all enjoy!

Chapter 28

As Ethan exited the office, Booth enveloped Brennan in his arms once again reveling in their good news.

"Is this really happening?" she whispered against his shoulder.

Booth pulled back slightly meeting her questioning eyes with his.

"You better believe it!" he said with a smile before wrapping her tightly against him once more.

After getting a grasp on reality, the pair made their way down to Ben's room. Hearing the door swing open, Ben jerked his head in their direction.

"Look Booth!" he squealed. "Pudding!"

Booth glanced over at Temperance. "That is my son!" he said before joining Ben on the edge of the hospital bed.

Temperance took her place right along side Booth. She now had the courage to play the game of life instead of merely watching. This was her family and she was playing to win.

Booth and Tempe delivered the amazing news to Ben concerning his progress; celebrating with a congratulatory toast of pudding.

Kate entered the room smiling at the family she'd grown very fond of over the past month.

"You ready?" she asked Ben.

"Yep," he replied without hesitation.

"Well let's get started then," she replied smiling.

Kate's routine was part of their normalcy. There were no more wide eyes as she connected tube after tube, no turns to gaze away from the IV bag as she set the drip, and the mournful silence no longer echoed against the walls. The room was now filled with voices, laughter, and bright eyes that smiled. The room was for living; not dying anymore.

Their stay seemed much shorter than usual and while everyone was still in a light hearted mood, they knew all too soon Ben's body would react to the treatment. Booth knew the best place for them as he turned the SUV in the direction of home.

After the two hour trip, Ben was beginning to wear down. He was tired and sluggish; he just wanted to rest.

"Can I rest on the couch, Tempe?" he asked; his eyes pleading for comfort.

"Of course you can," she answered as she guided him into the living room.

After taking off his shoes and nestling into the couch, Brennan covered Ben with a blanket that lay haphazardly across the arm of a near by chair. Booth flipped on the T.V. to find the children's programming he knew Ben enjoyed watching. Seeing that he was settled for the moment, Booth and Brennan ambled their way into the kitchen.

"You hungry?" Booth asked as he rummaged through the cabinets.

Her only response was a shrug.

"I could go by the diner," he suggested being unsuccessful with his search.

"If you want," she answered quietly.

Finally Booth turned around concerned with his partner's current lack of communication skills. His eyes settled on her nervous form as she sat at the island watching, waiting impatiently for Ben's call.

"Hey," he soothed moving behind her and resting his hands on her shoulders, "stop worrying so much."

"I just don't want to see him hurting," she admitted.

"I know," he whispered as he massaged her shoulders, "but watching him like a hawk won't keep the pain away."

"I know," she confessed.

"Come on," he persuaded; turning her chair to face him. "You've got to be hungry."

"Maybe a little," she reluctantly admitted.

"Maybe some….fries?" he tempted.

"Ummm," she paused putting on an air of indecisiveness, "okay, maybe just a few."

"That's my girl," he remarked. "I'll be back soon."

He lightly brushed her hair behind her shoulders before leaning down for a kiss. She obliged; cupping his face in her hands.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I know," he stated with a cocky grin, "but I love you more."


The path of least resistance often times is paved with giving in and giving up. As far as Temperance was concerned, Ben and Seeley deserved much more than that. That was her driving force – her family.

Ben's reaction to the chemo changed slightly with each treatment. Fewer stomach pains accompanied each dose and the nausea was almost nonexistent. Booth wasn't sure who was more relieved; Temperance or Ben. What he did know was that his family was healing just like Ben.

They had fallen in a routine; all three of them. Booth and Ben were together every morning and afternoon on their ride to the Hoover Building. A time Booth enjoyed beyond words, just about as much as he relished in the fact that Temperance always seemed to beat them home.

It was July 3rd. Ben had finished his last treatment the previous week, and for the first time in a long time Temperance no longer felt the dread tugging at her heart. She was sitting in her office engrossed in paperwork when the shrill sound of her cell startled her back to reality.


"Temperance, how are you?" an enthused voice answered.

"Fine, and you Ethan?" she asked; nervous as to the reason behind his call.

"Never better," he replied. "In fact that's the reason I called."

"To tell me you've never felt better?" confusion ever present in her tone.

"Yes," he paused before continuing, "because I received some wonderful information about someone you know quite well."

"Ben," her whisper filled with emotion.

"That's right," he confirmed. "Seems like I'm gonna be seeing a lot less of him. He's in full remission, Temperance. Ben did it. He beat it."


"Temperance?" he worried. "Are you there?"

"Y..y..yes," she stuttered through tears. "Thank you Ethan."

With a smile in his voice, he spoke, "I'll be in touch."

Brushing the tears from her cheeks, she hastily stood from her desk readying herself to leave. A smile played upon her features which only seemed to grow as she thought of telling Booth the good news. Being focused on her hurried task, she failed to notice the determined clicks that were moving in the direction of her office.

"Dr. Brennan," the voice pierced the daydream hovering in the office.

Startled, Brennan turned toward the visitor at the door.

"Caroline," Brennan stammered, "what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was just in the neighborhood," she stated moving further into the office, "and I thought I'd come by."

"Oh," Brennan sighed somewhat relieved, "I can't really talk right now. Sorry."

Brennan attempted to brush by Caroline and escape before favors could be called in, but Caroline would not be brushed aside so easily.

"So Cherie," she gloated, "how are the wedding plans going?"

"What!" exclaimed Brennan.

"The wedding plans," Caroline coaxed. "Wasn't that our deal?"

If the truth were known, Caroline had no expectation on ever seeing Booth and Brennan married, but agitating a certain forensic anthropologist definitely put a silver lining on her day.

"Caroline," Brennan negotiated, "I thought we made an agreement."

"Yes," giving an air of pretension, "you and Special Agent Hot Stuff are getting married, remember Cherie?"

Temperance wanted to marry Booth, that wasn't a secret. For crying out loud every employee at the Hoover Build knew that piece of intel. So maybe it was time to just stop fighting and start winning. However, the next words out of Brennan's mouth would have caused any bookie to lose their job.

"Ya know what, Caroline," Brennan grinned, "you set the date, time, and location and I'll be there."

With that Brennan strolled out of her office leaving an opened mouthed Caroline in her wake.


After running out of the Jeffersonian and almost causing a dozen wrecks, Brennan finally made it to the Hoover Building. She had toyed with the idea of calling Booth first, but decided against it. She wanted to see the unspoiled surprise in his eyes; she wanted the full effect.

Reaching his office door, she lightly knocked before peering around the door. Booth was leaned back in his chair; feet resting on the corner of his desk as he talked on the phone. Dropping his feet, he motioned her in and quickly tried to end the conversation. Brennan nervously sat in one of the upholstered chairs situated in front of his desk as she impatiently waited for his attention.

Once Booth ended the call, he made his way around to her dropping a light kiss on her cheek.

"What are you doing here?" he pondered aloud.

Releasing the sigh she'd been holding, she answered, "I got a phone call concerning Ben's test results."

"What's wrong, Temperance?" he voice plagued with worry.

"Nothing's wrong," she smiled. "Ben is in full remission!"

Relief washed over Booth as he ran anxious fingers through his hair.

"You're serious?" joy building in his voice as he paced the small distance in front of her.

Brennan stood; catching him on his next lap. Placing her hands at his elbows, she forced his focus on her.

"You better believe it!" she said attempting his charm smile.

In one swift move, he lifted her to his arms and whispered, "I love you, Temperance Brennan!"


The morning greeted the 4th of July with a beautiful sunrise and the promise of perfect weather as the family readied themselves for the day. First on the agenda was the parade. Ben drilled Tempe and Booth with questions concerning the parade as his imagination ran wild with all the possibilities. He'd only seen the Macy's Day Parade on television when he was in the hospital. He couldn't quite get a grasp on the reality of seeing one in person. True to his expectations, the Fourth of July Parade didn't disappoint.

After spending much of the morning and afternoon in the city, the trio was ready to head home for a relaxing evening. Booth was in charge of the barbeque for the evening while Ben wanted to try out the pool. After coating Ben in sunscreen and giving Booth one last chance to opt out, Temperance headed to the home office to check her email and grab a book before joining her boys in the back yard.

She made quick of her first project: picking out a book while her computer checked for new messages. With book choice in hand, Temperance sat down in front of the computer noticing only one new message. The message was from Kate's email at the hospital and a part of Temperance wanted to shut the computer off and forget all about it, but another part knew she couldn't just leave it be. Reluctantly, she double clicked on the message and closed her eyes before the message appeared on the screen. When she opened her eyes, she saw her family staring back at her. It was a picture Kate had taken in the hospital's entrance after Ben's last treatment. A smile engulfed Brennan's face as she clicked the printer icon.

Temperance walked down the hallway to the living room. From the couch, she reached toward the large table, lifted the closure, and removed a particularly familiar photo album. Turing toward the back, she found the first empty photo slot and slid the picture of her family under its protect barrier. As she stood the leave, Temperance placed the album on the table allowing its memories to be shared; no longer hidden away.

Booth, Temperance, and Ben enjoyed the evening to its fullest. Ben turned out to be quite the water dog, and Booth a master of the grill. As the stars began to twinkle, they found themselves sprawled on a blanket watching fireworks dance across the night sky.

As the last sparkle faded from the night sky, Brennan noticed he heavy eyes of Ben.

"Ben," she soothed pulling away from Booth's arms.

"B – e – n," she sang as she smoothed her hand across his face.

His only response was a gentle hum as his eyes fluttered open.

"Why don't you go on up to bed?" she suggested. "Booth and I will be up in just a second to check on you."

Ben wobbled to his feet stumbling with his first steps.

"Easy there buddy," Booth commented as he steadied Ben. "You want me to take you up?"

"No," Ben replied through a yawn, "I can do it."

Booth and Brennan watched the sleepy figure meander into the house before turning their attention back to one another.

"Tonight was…" he began.

"Perfect," she interrupted.

He smiled in agreement.

"It's been a long time since I was this happy," she whispered; weaving her fingers through his hair.

"I'm glad I get to be part of that happiness," he admitted pulling her into a kiss.


Several minutes later, Brennan mumbled against Booth's lips.

"What?" he questioned.

"Don't you think we should check on Ben?" she asked.

He couldn't help the disappointed sigh that escaped his lips.

"Don't worry," she teased, "we can continue this…in the bedroom?"

Brennan left a disoriented Booth still sitting on the blanket as she made her way across the yard.

Booth finally caught up to her at the patio steps. Wrapping a snug arm around her waist, they proceeded into the house together.

"You go on up," Booth stated as they passed through the living room. "I'll be right there."

Something caught his eye. Something he knew wasn't there before. Something he remembered from a long time ago.

Picking up the album, he quickly flipped through the first pages smiling as he saw his boyish features and her youthful smiles, but his fingers slowed their haste as he saw Parker come to life. His fingers gently stroked the glossy blonde curls that taunted him through the plastic barrier. Unwillingly, he turned the pages reliving Parker's short childhood, but focused intently on the last photo filled page. Two pictures stared back at him with indescribable happiness. Family, he thought. Past, his finger traced Parker's smiling face. Present, Booth's thumb stroked Ben shining head. Future, his fingers caressed the empty blank pages that followed.


Booth made it for the ending of Ben's favorite bedtime story; The Fox and the Hound. Brennan was placing the book on the shelf as Booth entered the room. Ben's soft snores danced with the silence as he watched Temperance gently place a kiss on Ben's forehead. Booth quietly moved to stand beside her; mimicking her actions. Wrapping an arm around his waist, Temperance gave a squeezed and nudged the pair toward the door.

Ben stirred in his bed causing a last glace from the door, but it was the words that mumbled from a small six year old boy that left the pair with tears in their eyes.

"Goodnight, Mommy. Goodnight, Daddy," Ben's tender voice spoke before giving one last sigh of contentment.

The End

That's all folks! Y'all have been AWESOME!

What did ya think?? Come on you know you want to click that little button. :)

Knowing that the next few weeks are going to be stressful with state testing coming up, I wanted to finish this story and sit back and just read for a while. However, after finishing this story, I received a PM pleading with me to do an update/sequel to The Favor. Not really sure if its worth a update/sequel. If you've read it, let me know what you think. If you haven't read it, I would greatly appreciate some feedback in that area. Thanks for reading! And THANKS for the reviews!!