So here's a story I'm currently working on. I've got the first five chapters completed, but that's it. If you like, let me know and I'll post the chapters I have done.
This first chapter is told from Angela's POV and I hope I've separated any parts that might cause confusion.
And you already know...I don't own Bones., enjoy, and review, please.
Chapter 1
Daydreaming wasn't something Temperance Brennan invested her time in doing. Believing, hoping in the unattainable was just another path to disappointment. She completely understood disappointment and had no desire to welcome it back into her life. Just as life twists and turns its way through time so does your heart and sometimes things begin to change.
If you asked her how it all happened, she couldn't exactly tell you. Oh, she would try, but you'd wind up listening to her ramble on and on about significant turns in their relationship. It would all end in a bigger than life smile and the simple words, "I don't know, it just happened."
I couldn't have been happier for my best friend. After all she deserved all the happiness the world could hold and then some. Brennan and Booth were destined to be together. They were each other's half. Everyone within a hundred mile radius knew they belonged together. Then one day it just happened. They were bickering as usual and this is how it played out.
"Do you always have to be right?" he questioned in a frustrated tone.
"I don't strive to wrong, Booth," she answered with irritation.
"But you do strive to irritate the hell out of me, huh?" his reply full of sarcasm.
"No, Booth! I do not strive to irritate the hell out of you! Although that would be feat even for me! I'm simply telling you that I'm right and you…well…you."
"ARE WRONG!" he yelled, "What's the matter Bones? Did your high vocabulary skills suddenly leave you without an appropriate synonym for wrong?"
"Sometimes Booth I don't know weather to kiss you or just knock you out," she replied as she placed a death grip hold on the back of her chair.
Booth's eyes widened in utter shock as the words "kiss you" fully registered with his brain. Noticing the bewildered look engulfing Booth face, she realized the exact words that had fumbled out of her mouth.
"Booth…" she stammered as she watched him take one swift step in her direction.
"I think," he stated pulling her to him, "I would prefer the kiss."
Before one logical thought could fire in her mind, she was lost in his kiss and embrace.
Booth saw past the Brennan everyone else knew and saw the person before the hurt and disappointment. She saw past the scars and guilt that took the place of his sniper rifle.
Destined for one another from the very beginning and I think they knew it too. Their relationship grew into something magical, unbelievable; Temperance had the daydream. Everything was perfect. They were perfect. Yes, I said were.
It seems like yesterday when everything so perfect started to unravel. A Wednesday. The daydream ended.
Brennan walked out of the office promptly at 2 o'clock. It was Booth's birthday and she had a wonderful night planned. Clearing it with Rebecca, she would first pick up Parker early from school and then they were off to buy Booth his gifts. Parker and Brennan had become quite the pair. Yes, it would seem that Brennan had a way with Booth men.
Parker and Brennan had finished all the necessary errands and had headed back to her place to complete the surprise. Cake placed in the refrigerator, ice cream in the freezer, and decorations laying on the coffee table ready to be hung; everything was perfect. Parker was busy opening the decorations when a knock came at the door. Padding her way across the living room in her sock feet, Brennan peered through the peephole before opening the door. Seeing no one there, she opened the door to glance down the hallway. The nightmare began.
Temperance was met with a bullet that firmly lodged itself into her shoulder. Try as she might, she couldn't move fast enough. The gunman pushed her back inside. She yelled for Parker to run, but when he heard the man shoot Brennan again his feet froze. That seems to be when the gunman opened fire on the entire apartment; Brennan and Parker included.
Of course Booth was notified immediately. Moving heaven and earth, he arrived at the hospital right behind the first ambulance. Parker's lifeless body was wheeled into the emergency room and pronounced dead upon arrival. Booth crumpled to the floor holding his son's hand.
Brennan arrived shortly after and was taken immediately into surgery. She remained in ICU for several days. Her first question when she awoke was about Parker. I didn't have to speak; she could see the answer in my eyes. She didn't talk much after that and the doctors suggested I find something to help take her mind off of things, but I couldn't.
After being moved to a private room a week and a half after the shooting, she finally asked the question I had hoped I wouldn't have to answer.
"Where's Booth?" her voice shook.
"Booth? I'm sure he's around somewhere," I darted my eyes around the room.
"Ange, just come on and tell me. He blames me, doesn't he?" she sounded so far away.
I plopped down into the chair next to her bed. The chair where Booth should have been plastered day and night. Rubbing my hand across the top of hers, I tried to tell her what I knew.
"He's gone," I stated.
"Gone, what do you mean…Gone?" she stammered.
"Cullen says he knows nothing, Rebecca knows nothing, he's not been to his apartment or the lab, he's just gone," I sighed. "Gone."
"It's my fault, Ange," she was almost whimpering, "I caused all of this."
"No!" I raised my voice, "None of this is your fault."
"Then why did he leave?" she questioned.
"I don't know," I was defeated.
When Brennan was released, two weeks after the accident, she wanted answers. She went to Cullen in search of whatever information he could provide; she wasn't going down without a fight.
"Director Cullen," Brennan stated barging through the door.
"Dr. Brennan," he replied, "What an unexpected surprise."
"I need answers," she demanded.
"I presume that you are referring to Agent Booth," he answered coldly.
"As a matter of fact, I am," replying in a cool tone herself.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you Dr. Brennan, but I have no answers concerning Booth or his where abouts."
"I highly doubt that, Director Cullen," she retorted. "I highly doubt that you would let one of your best agents just…disappear."
"Look, Dr. Brennan," he snapped, "It may not be clear to you or maybe no one has explained it clearly, but apparently Agent Booth has no desire for you to know where he is or what he is doing. Maybe you, Dr. Brennan, should realize that Agent Booth does not want you to be a part of his life in any capacity. Now, even if I did have information about Agent Booth, I wouldn't be sharing it with you."
Cullen opened the door and waited for her to leave. He promptly shut the door behind her wishing he didn't have to be so cold.
Brennan insisted on going back to the way things were. The way things were before all of it, before Booth. She refused to move; instead she patched up the bullet holes and went on as if nothing happened.
She returned to work on a Monday, but didn't leave until Tuesday night. She didn't come in on Wednesday and to be honest, I was glad. Everyone needs a day off, right? She returned to work on Thursday and seemed to stay until the following Tuesday night. Wednesday she didn't come in and I became suspicious. She repeated this pattern, but refused to admit that anything out of the ordinary was going on. She wouldn't talk about it, so I did the only thing I knew to do. I hired a private investigator.
The following Wednesday morning, just like clock work, Brennan left her apartment at six o'clock. She went to a local flower shop and then to the cemetery. From what I understand she just sat there at first, tracing the letters Parker Booth with her finger or fiddling with the flowers she had placed on the grave and then she began talking. This apparently went on for over an hour. Next, she went to the hospital where she and Parker were taken. She made her way to the children's wing and stayed well after lunch. Then she was off to her apartment. A few hours later a man, woman, and two children pulled in next to Brennan's car and disappeared inside. Only the husband and wife returned moments later. The car was registered to a Russ Brennan. Around ten o'clock the two returned, retreated inside, and came back with their two daughters in tow. She was bound and determined for everyone to find some happiness. Everyone that is; except for her.
It took Brennan six months to finally tell me what I already knew. Now it's been two years. Two years since the accident. Not much has changed. Brennan bought a beautiful two story house, wrote a new book, and…well that's about all that has changed.
Until now; now everything will change. you want to read more??? Let me know. Thanks:)