Chapter 8

Daniel drove Jack into the SGC to have his cast removed on the pre-arranged date. Jack was in high spirits, smiling and joking. Daniel was happy too, but a thought was gnawing at the back of his mind.

What if once we get back to work and we start going off-world again, we go back to just being co-workers, and not good friends too? We both have our issues, and knowing them has made us close, but what if by working day in and day out again, we only see the issues and not the understanding and friendship too?

Daniel tried to lay his concernaside as he watched Jack's cast come off. X-rays were taken, and Janet confirmed the good news.

"Three weeks did the trick, Colonel. The bone is entirely mended, and after about two more weeks of physical therapy to make it strong again, you should be clear for active duty."

"It's about time! Remind me never to break a leg again."

Jack slid off the hospital bed and took a few trial steps. There was no pain and he could put his full weight on it, but his calf muscles gave out easily.

"So…does this mean I can move back into my own place now?" Seeing Daniel smile fade slightly, he quickly added, "Not that it hasn't been a great two months Daniel. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time! But you know, I still need to let the dog out…"

Daniel's smile returned. "Yeah, Jack, whatever you say."

Jack patted him on the shoulder and than turned back to Janet. "I don't see why not, but take it easy at first," she warned, and then turned to go back into her office.

"Hey wait a second, Doc. I've got a bone to pick with you. Get back here."

Daniel and Janet both winced as Janet cautiously came back to face Jack.

"Doc," Jack said slowly, "where's my beer?"

Janet relaxed and smiled. "It's in my office Colonel. I'll go get it."

"They had all better be full!" Jack called.

"Watch it, or they won't be!"

"I'll get you…just you wait for April…" Daniel heard Jack mutter.

It was too late for Jack to pack up his all his things, scattered all over Daniel's usually neat apartment, and move out, so he spent one more night. That evening was spent in much the same fashion as all the others. They ordered out pizza, half sausage and mushroom, half everything but anchovies and pineapple, played cards, chess, and watched TV.

While playing through what they swore was their last round of cards for the night, Jack suddenly looked uncomfortable.

"Daniel, I…"

"Jack, you don't have to thank me."

"I was about to say I think you dealt yourself an extra card…" Jack said lamely. They chuckled, and then Jack attempted to go on. "I just wanna say thank you, for everything. I was going nuts in that infirmary. Old Doc Fraiser was probably about ready to just put me under and keep me there until my leg was healed."

"Yeah, well…you helped me out when I first got back from Abydos..."

Jack stopped looking at his cards to look Daniel in the eyes. "That was different. You were an emotional wreck, and I…well, I knew you had nowhere to go, nobody to talk to...and you'd saved my life on that first mission. So don't you go thinking we're even. We're not. But hey, who's keeping track anyway?"

Jack smiled as if that settled the matter, and Daniel couldn't help but smile back. When Jack saw the smile finally reached the crystal blue eyes, he knew the matter was settled for good.

The two friends worked together to search the house for all of Jack's belongings, putting what they found into a big pile to go out to the car in the morning. Neither of them bothered with the food in the pantry. Since Daniel would never eat it all, Jack knew he would be able to find something to snack on the next time he and the rest of the team came by. Daniel had other plans for the food. He and Sam had been planning a little "welcome back to duty" party for Jack, and this way the only things Daniel would have to buy were cake, and of course, beer.

As he curled up on the couch to sleep that night, Daniel wanted to laugh at his previous fear. To think that he had actually thought that the problems they ran into while off-world could get between them…He and Jack had been through so much together already, and it had just made them closer friends. Even dealing with each other's quarks everyday for two months hadn't ruined the friendship they had gained over the passed year. If anything, it was stronger for it. If they could manage that, Daniel knew that the friendship he shared with Jack would make it through a whole lot more, and who knew what was still ahead of them…

Smiling happily, Daniel slipped into a deep, peaceful slumber.
