Okay final installment, I couldn't resist one last poem. I hope you enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun. I own nothing but the poems. Enjoy (then review plz) Much Luv Gnome

DG wrapped up the Poetry Slam as fast as she could. Before the word "Goodnight" could fully leave her lips, her legs were in action, springing off the stage. Weaving in and out of the seating arrangement, DG had only one goal in mind.

The corridors were empty, no Tin Man in sight. If DG could pick a moment to suddenly grow wings and fly, now would be it. She carried herself as fast as she could to every place that she thought Cain might be.

Finally she spotted him on one of the balconies. The view before him was breath taking, however, it was not his focus. He seemed to be trying to catch his breath, his knuckles were white from gripping the railing. From what DG could see, he was hanging on to dear life.

"Cain? Are you okay?" The man jumped slightly at the sound of his own name.

"Yeah, I thought I was going to faint. But I think I'm okay." His eyes were wide, skin seemed flushed and his breaths left his body much quicker than normal.

A smile seeped onto her lips. "Cain you don't look okay."

"DG? I um…"

"No don't, don't say anything. While you catch your breath, I want to apologize."

"Apologize?" The question was accompanied with a confused look.

"Yes. I shouldn't have pushed this poem thing. It was petty of me. It's only a poem. You didn't have to do what you did tonight. I just wanted people to see you the way I do. I wanted them to see the caring, warm Cain I get to see." Cain could feel her sincerity radiating off her body. Despite how relaxed he had grown around DG, he couldn't seem to shake the fear of expressing himself.

"I wanted to." He choked, she raised an eyebrow. "Maybe not all of me wanted to but some part of me did. I don't know why though, it was horrible."

"Horrible? What are you talking about, you're a natural. You're great at this poetry thing."

"Don't push it Princess. I may have wanted to read the poem but I think I'm done with writing." His gaze changed direction and DG found herself staring at his back. Slowly she inched closer to him and wrapped her arms around him from the behind. After taking in his scent she spoke.

"Cain, it was beautiful. Really it was. I'm just sorry that I forced it on you the way I did." She let go and walked away. Cain would come around, once the adrenaline rush passed and his nerves calmed he'd be himself again. Or at least she hoped he would.

Sunshine poured in through the windows awaking DG from her slumber. The night before seemed to be a dream mixed perfectly with some good and some bad. Guilt still haunted her and she felt partly responsible for him becoming a nervous wreck. Her eyes craved more sleep, but as she rolled onto her side something caught her eye. It was a note, folded and sitting neatly atop her pillow.

DG unfolded it, instantly recognizing the neat script.


Don't be upset about last night. I did want to read my poem, I guess I was just afraid. Thank you for giving me that that extra push. It was all I needed from you to get up there and read.


PS- I lied. I wrote another poem. It is much shorter but dedicated entirely to you.

Today, Tomorrow, Forever


I will think about you


I will fall in love with you


Is the time we'll spend together


I will hug you


I will kiss you


I will love you


You will become my friend


You will be my love


You will be my mine

From me to you
