A/N : Before youeven begin reading this, this is my first fan fiction, so please don't kill it with a pitchfork and flaming torches. I love Tokyo Drift, and clearly, the character Han and with the lack of HanxOC stories out there, this is my sad attempt.
I will stay with the movie until a point. Don't know when that is, but you'll see it when it happens. : ))
Oh, and reviews and comments are encouraged, but not necessary .. : )
AND, if you have any questions or ideas on how I can improve this, PLEASE let me know. Feel free!

Sooo, on with the story!

Ch 1. - Arrivals and Introductions

Evelyn Boswell could have killed her older brother if given the chance. Thanks to him, all star jerk Clay and his blonde girlfriend, herself and Sean were now packed and boarded on a flight to Tokyo, Japan.

Evie was seeing red.

The guy seated next to Evie moved his arm and bumped Evie's elbow off the armrest, claiming it for himself. Evie sighed and shoved Sean's arm off the other armrest and took that one.

"Hey - "

"Too bad, so sad." She replied. "Fight with that old lady for that armrest. This one is mine."

Sean looked at his baby sister. He closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat. "Ev, I'm sorry Mom made you move too - "

"But she wouldn't have if your dumb ass didn't race."

"But I did, and I'm sorry for that too. I didn't want this either. Would you rather me have gone to Juvi?" Evie looked up at Sean and he opened his eyes. "Don't answer that." Evie smiled sweetly and went back to staring straight ahead. "Look, I'm 18 in a few months and we graduate not soon after. Then we can high tail it outta here and move back home. Sound good?"

"It all sounds grand Sean, but that's a total of 7 months in a foreign country." Evie looked back up at Sean. "It's not like moving to another state or even Mexico. Japan has a whole different alphabet. Get ready to learn your ABCs all over again." She then leaned forward and dug into her carry on.

Sean laughed and patted Evie's back. "At least you'll be right there learnin' them with me, Ev."

Evie leaned back up, her I-pod in hand. "Ha ha, you're so funny." With that, she put in her earphones, made herself comfortable and detached herself from the world.

Sean just looked at Evie and then looked around the cabin. "It won't be so bad." Said Sean, even though he knew Evie would hear him. Sighing, he grabbed at a random magazine in front of him and tried to understand the strange characters on the page.

"Dad is a real peach, Seany." Stated Evie, pulling her bag out of the trunk of the taxi.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Sean pulled the trunk shut and the taxi drove off. Sean saw the neck of his guitar through the back window and sighed. He pulled his bag over his shoulder and walked to hid father's front door. Evie stood behind him, taking in the unfamiliar sights and sounds as Sean rung the doorbell.

A few moments later, Major Boswell appeared in a robe. "Sean. Evelyn." He seemed completely surprised, which made Evie roll her eyes. She noticed that in front of her, Sean twitched his head and she knew he was pissed as she was. "I thought you guys were gonna be here on the 7th."

"Today is the 7th." Replied Sean.

"Just hold on one second.:" Major Boswell slid the door shut and Sean shuffled his feet, clearly agitated.

Evie opened her mouth to say something, but Sean beat her to it. "Don't wanna here it Evelyn. Save it." Evie closed her mouth and crossed her arms, clearly dejected by her older brother.

Major Boswell re-appeared, only this time fully dressed and held a feminine looking coat. Evie's thoughts were cemented when she saw a small woman walk out from behind Major Boswell. Evie grinned and bowed her face, her long hair hiding her amusement. Sean's father helped the woman into her coat and said their good-byes. Evie raised her head and made eye contact with the woman who looked clearly embarrassed as she hurried off. Evie felt bad for her, slightly. The anger emotion won over her present mood.

"Come on in." Sean walked across the threshold with Evie close behind.

The term '3 is a crowd' finally made a whole lot of sense to Evie standing in Major Boswell's impossibly tiny apartment.

"This is it." Major Boswell said, going to stand in the middle of the room. Sean went exploring through the kitchen, while his father attempted to straighten his bed. Evie's attention went to look around the room. She was surprised to see the apartment crammed with stuff, but not to a cluttered state. Evie was mainly shocked that so much stuff could fit in one small area. "Uh, you know, I was plannin' on being there for you guys. But your Mom, she said that 7th, and well see, we're a day ahead of you here. But you guys are here now and that's good."

"If you wanna call it that." Said Evie, still taking in her surroundings.

Major Boswell looked at her and cleared his throat. "Um, so .. So how's your Mom?"

Sean finished exploring and his survey of the room and stared at his father. "Where do we sleep?"

Major Boswell looked at his boy. "Now Sean, you know that your Mother had no other choice. It was either this or you off to Juvi and Evie back to - " Evie shot a glance to Major Boswell and he once again cleared his throat. He turned his attention back to Sean. "You just can't keep moving away every time you get into trouble."

"Worked for you, didn't it?"

Major Boswell was defeated. He lowered his head and looked for his next words. "None of us asked for this, but I promised your Mother I'd take care of you both. All you guys have to do is go by the rules we agreed to and you'll manage just fine."

"Rules?" asked both Sean and Evie.

Major Boswell chuckled. "Yeah, rules. They're real simple. You go to school and come back here right after. And Sean, I don't want to see or hear you anywhere near a car." Evie looked at her brother and hid her smile at his 'mhmm, sure' expression. Major Boswell turned and opened a door. "Here, the bedroom is both of yours." Evie groaned and followed Sean into their 'bedroom'. "Make yourselves comfortable." Once Evie was in, Sean went to close the door. "Lights out in ten."

Sean shut the door and Evie dropped her bag onto her bed. "Make ourselves comfortable? How in the hellare we both to make ourselves comfortable. There's barely any room to breathe."

Sean just nodded and drew back the curtain hanging in the room. Much to his and Evie's surprise, a little old Japanese woman looked away from her TV with a mouthful of noodles and waved. The siblings smiled politely and moved the curtain back for privacy. "Looks like we have a 3rd person sharing out room." Joked Sean.

Evie glared at him and moved back to her bed. "This blows, Sean."

"I know, Ev." He dropped his bag on the floor. "Just get ready and go to bed."

Evie unzipped her bag and pulled some clothes to sleep in out. "Yes, Mother." She turned around before Sean could give her a look. Evie sighed and began to change. Her first few hours in Tokyo weren't exactly the best and she hoped the next 24 hours went better for both her and her brother.

At 6:00 the next morning, Sean and Evie were rudely awoken with the shrill ringing of an alarm clock that Major Boswell had set. Evie groaned and pulled her pillow over her head while Sean sat up and fought with the clock to shut it off. After fiddling with it, he managed to shut it and laid it back on the table. That's when he noticed what his father left for him and Evie.

"You gotta be kinddin'."

"What is it?" grumbled Evie from underneath her pillow.

Sean plucked the note off of his uniform and examined what he was supposed to wear to school. "The train for school leaves in an hour."

This made Evie sit up. "School? Are you kidding me? We haven't even been here for a full 24 hours, and he's already enrolled us?"

"Apparently." Sean picked up Evie's uniform, which was hung behind his. He tossed it over to her and it landed with a flop across her legs. Evie looked at it as if it had a fatal disease before looking at Sean. Reading his sister's look, he nodded. "I know." Sean sighed and laid back down. "You go ahead and start getting ready. I can get ready in 5 minutes tops."

"Gee, thanks." Evie pushed back her covers and stood up, taking her uniform with her. "You catch up on that beauty sleep, Seany. You're gonna need it to make a good impression today." She joked, pulling a few necessities out of her bag. Sean threw a pillow at Evie, hitting her in the back. "Aw, come on. That's not nice." She carried the pillow over to the door and slid it open. Before walking out, she turned and tossed it back to Sean. She made her way to the small bathroom, walked into the room and closed the door behind her. She placed everything on the floor by the door and started the shower. After warming the water, she stepped in and did a quick wash of her hair and body and then turned off the water. Grabbing a towel, she dried off and wrapped up her long hair, allowing it to dry and brushed her teeth. Then Evie dressed herself in the acquired uniform and looked down at her legs.

"They allow skirts to be this short?" she asked herself, trying to pull the article of clothing down a little further than where it rested just a bit past mid-thigh. Of course, she realized after a small fight with the skirt, that they were made in mind of 5 ft nothing Japanese girls. Not a 5'9 American. Giving up on the skirt, she finished getting ready - buttoning up the sweater, tucking in the small tie and applied a little bit of make-up. Evie took down her hair from the towel and took the thick ringlets between her fingers and curled it. She then secured her bangs back with a few bobby pins and decided that she didn't have enough time to fully dry her hair.

Satisfied with her outcome, she opened the bathroom door to see Sean standing in the living room, already dressed in his uniform. "Gonna skank it up today, bro?"

"Hey, I put on deodorant and I'm brushing my teeth. Not totally 'skanking it up' as you like to put it." He walked past Evie and into the bathroom to finish up.

Evie laughed and carried her things back to the bedroom and dropped them into her open bag. She reached for the white knee-highs and slipped them on, followed by a pair of black flats. There is no way I'm going to make myself appear taller than what I already am to these people she though. Evie sprayed on a little bit of perfume before walking out of the room to join Sean who was tying his shoes. "Ready, boy?"

"Sure am." Sean stood up, swung his bag over his shoulder and followed Evie who was walking towards the door. "Dad left us a map so we can hopefully get there in time."

"Sweet." Evie stepped out onto the semi-busy street. "Something to make us stand out more."

"Oh, come one Ev." Sean looked down at the map and walked in the direction it told him to. "Think of it as an adventure."

Evie led her brother down into the crowded subway. "You seriously don't need that map, Sean. Just look around. There are a bunch of kids dressed just like us heading this way." She got to the bottom of the stairs and stood there, waiting for her brother to join her. When Sean came next to Evie, his attention went straight to a pretty girl standing with a group of friends. Evie looked up at Sean and saw that he had a silly smile on his face. Evie was about to stop him, but he walked off to her and Evie was stuck in the current of moving bodies. She was able to break free with many 'excuse mes' and joined back up with her brother.

"How about English now?" he said to the group of girls.

A man that was next to Evie, who was watching the conversation, piped up from behind Sean. "I speak English."

Sean turned around to look at the guy. "Sorry. I wasn't talking to you, bud."

The guy smirked. "I have enough 'buds'."

"Well, that's too bad. I was gonna invite you to the party I'm having."

"Sean." Said Evie through gritted teeth. Every pair of eyes went to her and Sean just waved her off.

The guy picked at a button on Sean's uniform and Evie could tell Sean was getting pissed. "You mind getting out of my face?"

"I can't." came the guy's reply. "It's very crowded here. Lots of assholes."

It was Sean's turn to smirk. "I can see that."

"Sean Michael." Said Evie, now annoyed that her brother had to prove that he was in fact, a male.

The guy stared down Sean and slipped his bag off his shoulder. Sean followed suit, but the pretty girl he zeroed in on spoke up. "I'll hold it for you."

Sean looked at her. "What?"

"Your bag. I'll hold it for you." The girl took it and promptly tossed it onto an open train. Sean watched it fall and went off for it, getting inside the train just before the doors closed. "You can thank me later."

Evie watched as her brother went in the opposite direction and not to mention, on the wrong train, than where they were supposed to go. She sighed and turned back to the group. "I apologize for my brother. He has male complexity syndrome."

The pretty girl smiled and the guy looked Evie up and down. "That's okay." She said. "What I did was for his own good."

Evie nodded. "I believe it was." She smiled and offered a hand. "I'm Evelyn. Evie for short."

The girl took Evie's hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Evie. I'm Neela."

"And I'm," said the guy way too far into Evie's personal bubble, "Morimoto."

Evie cleared her throat and took a few steps away from him. "Nice to meet you."

Neela gave Morimoto a look and he just laughed before heading back over to his 'fan base'. Neela turned her attention back to Evie. "So, you just moved here?"

"That obvious?"

Neela laughed. "Don't worry. Not a bad obvious. Did you come from the States?"

Evie nodded. "But not by choice. My idiotic brother got caught one too many times racing. Along with reckless driving, destruction of property and other various things."

"Ah, so your brother races?"


"Unfortunately? Do you not like that he races?"

"No, not at all. He races to prove he is of the male persuasion. I look at racing as just you and the car, nothing else. Of course, whenever you're challenged, that's a different story. Whenever Sean is in a pickle, he resolves everything by racing."

Neela just smiled. "All guys are like that, Evie. Even here in Tokyo, you won't find much difference." The other train pulled up and opened it's doors to the crowds of people. "Ah! This is us." She took hold of Evie's wrist. "Come on. If your brother doesn't make it to school, I'll make sure you do."

Evie managed to get to school on time with the help of her new found friends. Neela took her under her wing and helped her get situated at school. She even told her about the 'uwabaki' before she stepped into the class room. Evie was able to find a pair in the girls in her size and walked into the room behind Neela. She took the empty seat behind her and waited for class to begin.

About 20 minutes into class, Sean walked in and was surprised to see Evie sitting behind the girl he had tried, unsuccessfully, to hit on not an hour before. He greeted the teacher and Evie had to suppress her laughter as the teacher fought with him about the uwabaki. He disappeared out of the room and came back in with a pair of blue toed uwabaki on his feet. He walked past Neela and Evie and shook his head and Evie just smiled up at him. Sean found a seat near the back of the class and the teacher began to teach, the class getting back on schedule.

With luck, Evie had all classes with Neela, but only a few with her brother. When it was time for lunch, Neela asked Evie to sit with her and her friends. Evie told that she would, after she talked with her brother. Neela nodded and headed to the cafeteria. Evie waited outside her classroom, hoping Sean would walk by. And thankfully, he did.

"Seany." Evie called out and fell in step beside him.

"Hey, Ev. Glad to see your day is going a better than mine."

"Because I didn't have to almost start a fight among one of our new classmates." They descended the stairs into the cafeteria. "Oh, and hit on a girl that you don't even know her first name."

"Come on, that's my business." Sean fell into line for food with Evie.

"I know it is, but at least know her name." Evie scanned the array of foods offered and just went with what looked good to eat.

"And that is?"

"Smooth, Boswell." Evie smiled as the woman behind the counter handed Evie a glass of juice. "But, it's Neela."

"Hmm. Neela. That's pretty."

Evie scoffed. "Since when you care if a name is pretty or not." Evie paid for her lunch and followed Sean to an empty table. He sat down first, but Evie just placed her tray on the table. Sean stared down at his food, either what was edible or not. Evie debated on sitting with him or Neela, but a little black guy came up and slid into the seat beside Sean.

"Japanese food is like the Army : don't ask, don't tell. The names Twinkie. And you guys are?" he asked.

Sean looked at him and took a bit of food. Evie shook her head and smiled at Twinkie. "Manners, bro. That's Sean and I'm Evie."

"Well, it looks like you don't have a laptop." Twinkie dug into his bag and produced one. "How about half off?"

"I'll let you handle him, Seany. See ya. Nice meeting you, Twinkie." Evie picked up her tray and search for where Neela was sitting. She found her with ease, but was disappointed when she saw that guy, Morimoto, sitting at her table. Evie weaved through to get to the table and Neela greeted her with a smile.

"Hey, Evie." Neela shoved Morimoto to the empty seat so that he opened up a free one next to her. "Here you go, girl."

Evie grinned. "Thanks, Neela." She squeezed in and took her seat and began to test taste her food. She felt Morimoto's gaze on her and she tried to shrug it off. She took a bit and was surprised to actually like what she picked out. "Not half bad. Now, if I can only learn how to use the chopsticks."

"I'll help you." Offered Morimoto, his hands already moving to cover and guide Evie's.

Evie looked down at Morimoto's hands covering hers as he helped position them correctly. She looked over at Neela who just shook her head and went on to eat. Evie then glanced around the table and noticed a few girls were giving her dirty looks. She gave them a look, trying to tell them not to worry. Some of them got it, but the others didn't and went on talking in Japanese.

"There. And now just move your fingers like this." He said and demonstrated. Evie did as told and it worked.

Evie smiled, just merely playing nice. "Wow. Thanks, Morimoto."

Morimoto stared at her, and moved in a bit closer to her. "Not a problem, Evelyn."

"Uh," Evie shifted in her chair, trying to get away from him. "Please, call me Evie."

"Well," Morimoto smiled. "Evie, then." Evie grinned and nodded before looking back at her plate. The girl sitting on the other side of Morimoto, one of the girls that got Evie's look from before, beckoned for him in Japanese, taking his attention away from Evie. Evie looked at the girl and nodded her thanks. The girl just answered with her eyes.

"Don't mind him, Evie." Whispered Neela. "He's just like that. If he becomes a serious problem, let me know."

"Thanks, Neela. But I think I can manage him."

A few minutes went by of just eating, laughing and talking. Evie was thankful that most of the table talked in English for her and that everyone welcomed her. Of course, with the exception of Morimotos girls. One of the girls - Kaede, Evie learned to know, called the across the table to Evie.

"Do you have any plans tonight, Evie?"


"Then you must come out with us tonight." Replied Kaede.


"You'll see. It's a place where I'm sure you'll love, Evie." Informed Neela. "Lots of cars to see, a few races to watch and just hang out. You can come home with me after school. We can be girlie girls and get ready together."

"That may not fly. See, Sean's Dad set up these rules for us. One of them being go to school and come right back."

"Tell him you were given an assignment and we're paired for it."

Evie grinned at her friend. "I like the way you think. That'll work." She glanced across the cafeteria and saw Sean laughing with Twinkie. "What about Sean?" she asked guiltily.

"Who cares about that gaijin?" said Morimoto.

Evie went to her brother's defense. "That gaijin, or whatever you called him, happens to be family. I'd appreciate it if you can keep your comments to yourself, Morimoto."

Morimoto chuckled and then whistled. "My bad, Evie. My bad."

"It's okay." Interjected Neela. "It looks like he made friends with Twinkie."

"Oh, so you know Twinkie?"

Neela nodded. "He runs with Han's crew."


"You'll meet everyone tonight, I promise. As for your brother, I'm nearly positive he'll show up there with Twinkie."