Kunoichi Revolution

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the following songs.

A/N: Hello again to all my faithful readers! I finally finished Blood of Eternity and my best friend Kitty wanted me to write another story with me and her in it. So here it is. Guarantied to be hilarious. Please read and review!

The hot spot light, the scream of the guitars, and the chanting of fans. All of it was magic to the girls standing on stages. The two girls standing in front smiled at each other before the one holding a guitar struck a chord as they both began to sing:

We've got bare foot ladies
and tricked out Mercedes
People getting crazy on the boulevard
We've got classic colas
and ice cold corona's
and big pool parties in the back yard

I said

"heyyyyy, that's the way we do it"
new friends and blue skies that never end.
"Heyyyyy, that's the way we like it"
Good times, sunshine and summertime.

You'll see straw sombreros
and t-top camero's
Stereo's blasting in the parking lot.
You'll see rock hard bodies
and bikini hotties
and everybody's got it goin' on,
and showing what they got.

"Heyyyyy, that's the way we do it."
New friends and blue skies that never end.
"Heyyyyy that's the way we like it"
Good times, sunshine and summertime.

I said "Hey everybody, can't you feel the rhythm?"
"Now, hey everybody, don't you want to party?"
"Hey everybody, can't you feel the rhythm now?"
"Hey everybody, don't you want to party?"

"Heyyyyy, that's the way we do it"
new friends and blue skies that never end.
"Heyyyyy that's the way we like it"
Good times, sunshine and summertime.

"Heyyyyy, that's the way we do it"
new friends and blue skies that never end.
"Heyyyyy that's the way we like it"
Good times, sunshine and summertime.

Good times, sunshine and summertime
Good times, sunshine and summertime

"Thank you!" The girl with the guitar yelled. She was about 18 with long brown hair that fell to her waist and sparkling green eyes. "We are the Kunoichi Power! Good night!" As they group of seven girls walked off stage they heard different things being shouted. "Sakura! Sakura! Is that your natural color?" "Ino! Date me" and various other things. They girls ignored them all as they headed back stage to the green room. They flopped down on couches and discussed the night's performance.

"Man, I'm glad the summer tour's finally over!" Sakura said brushing her black bangs out of her face, she had recently dyed them to contrast her pink hair. "Tell me about it" Ino replied touching up her make up in the mirror. "Nice job with the fireworks by the way Tenten." "Thanks," Was the simple answer, Tenten was in the bath room washing the last of the soot from the gun power off her hands. Suddenly there was a loud shout from down the hall. Instantly Hinata came running into the room. "Kitty! Kitty! There's a mouse in the hall way! Oh! Don't kill it! Take it outside!" she cried running to hide behind the black haired girl. "Chill out onee-chan" Kitty said flipping her short black hair out of her face and patting the shorter girl's head. "Are you okay Hinata?" Britt asked walking into the room holding the groups schedule in her arms. "I'm fine, a little mouse just startled me" Hinata said sitting down feeling embarrassed as Kitty re-entered the room having disposed of the mouse.

"Okay everyone listen up" Britt said as she stood up on a near by stool. "Now that the summer tour is over it's time to head back to Japan for school." A groan escaped the girls at the word 'school' "Quiet! We'll be staying in the Music Dorm ironically with seven other people."

"Who are they seven other people?" Temari asked not wanting to be stuck with a bunch of pains in the ass.

"Doesn't say guess we'll just have to wait and see." Britt replied flipping through the pages. "Can't be too bad. But anyway, enough complaining. Kunoichi Power is on its way to Japan!" the optimistic Tenten piped in. The girls laughed before they all shouted their band name together throwing their fists in the air before beginning the task of packing up the stage.

Meanwhile in Japan

In the middle of a small town square a small stage had been erected where 7 boys stood as they prepared to begin their final song of the night. Two tall boys stood in front, one with jet black hair slicked back, and the other with wild brown hair, both held a guitar. The black haired boy raised his pick high in the hair before brining it down hard on his guitar as they whole group began as the two boys sang:

When you walk away
You don't hear me say please
Oh baby, don't go
Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

You're giving me too many things
Lately you're all I need
You smiled at me and said,

Don't get me wrong I love you
But does that mean I have to meet your father?
When we are older you'll understand
What I meant when I said "No,
I don't think life is quite that simple"

When you walk away
You don't hear me say please
Oh baby, don't go
Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

The daily things
that keep us all busy
all confusing me thats when u came to me and said,

Wish i could prove i love you
but does that mean i have to walk on water?
When we are older you'll understand

It's enough when i say so,
And maybe something are that simple

When you walk away
You don't hear me say please
Oh baby, don't go
Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a little later on
Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all
Nothing's like before

When you walk away
You don't hear me say please
Oh baby, don't go
Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a little later on
Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all
Nothing's like before

Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a little later on
Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all
Nothing's like before

As the boys finished their song there was a few polite claps and a few cheers from the people assembled. As they began to take everything down they complained about there situation. "Man this sucks, playing for people and not getting paid for it." Kiba complained as he helped Shikamaru disassemble the sound equipment. "Be thankful we got to play at all Kiba" Neji said handing cases off the stage to Naruto, "I had to practically beg the chairwoman to let us play." "I'd have paid to see Neji Hyuga begging" Naruto said setting the cases on the back of Neji's truck.

"Yeah, well, I wish we could just get a paying gig, especially since the stereo broke last month. I'm still paying off bills on that thing." Shikamaru said winding various wires around his hand. "Will you guys stop whining?" Sasuke asked packing away his guitar. "We got it better than a lot of musicians. I mean, half of them are living on the street playing for chump change. At least we got a place to stay. Now stop your complaining and let's head back to the dorm." He sat the case on the back off the truck before throwing himself over to sit beside it. "Sasuke does have a point you guys" replied Lee hopping into the back too. "Anyone know who'll be sharing the dorm with us?"

"I got the paper yesterday. Just says we'll be staring with 7 other people, doesn't say exactly who" Neji said climbing behind the wheel with Shikamaru sitting beside him. "Can it be any worse than sharing a dorm with Naruto?" Shino asked climbing into the cab also. The group of boys drove across the small town to their boarding school. "Well I guess it's another year of school and hoping for a chance to go pro." Kiba said after they had brought all of their gear inside for the night. "Well whatever happens we'll make sure everyone in Tokyo hears of Ninja Revolution!" Naruto yelled jabbing his soda in the air. "A toast, TO NINJA REVOLUTION!" Lee cried copying Naruto. "May we kick ass twice as hard as those Kunoichi Power bitches! No matter how cute Sakura is!"

The remaining men laughed at Lee's remark as they toasted Ninja Revolution.

A/N: Thank you for reading! Sorry the first chapter wasn't much but I promise the drama starts next chapter! Please keep reading! And REVIEW PLEASE! Or I'll cry ;;