A helicopter dropped four masked figures in to a desert, somewhere in Iraq. One by one, they climbed up the ancient building, and soon reached the entrance. As the darkness slowly crept up on the group, the masks and outdoor clothing began to come off. There were three men being lead by a woman. She wasn't too short but was thin, with dark black hair. The man walking behind her was taller than her but not by that much. He had short, spiky, blond hair and a skinny frame that wasn't built. The woman in front of him was his younger sister. They shared similar features and traits. The man behind him was younger, much thinner looking one. The last man was a monster, with a huge build and long dirty blond hair. He looked as if he could break a car in half. But as their looks differed from one another, their eyes didn't. The same yellowish/greenish eyes. Their canines elongated and their skin pale as bones.

They found a ladder that lead down to the bottom of the massive structure. Once they reached the bottom, cracked their neon sticks to light the rest of the paths. The blood of the new vampires have been diluted, making seeing in pure darkness impossible for them. They all looked around seeing that most of the ground was covered in a layer of sand. Danica, the female of the group, looked over to her right and noticed the glyphs on the wall. She noticed that they were the glyphs of the pure bloods, written in cuneiform. She couldn't read it but she had a feeling "He" was here. His glyph was here, next to another glyph that was going in the backwards direction.

(a/n: Remember Drake's glyph, it started from the right to left. The one next to his, is the same but this one goes left to right ;-D)

Wolfe, the youngest of the group was looking into his detecting device and noticed something strange behind the group. "Hey guys, I think I found something", he said. He then pointed over to the opposite of the layer. There was a door that was broken. The foursome walked over to it and climbed through. There they found something interesting. Their were two tombs, laying horizontally in front of them. But the first one was destroyed. There were some of the jewels that were once on the tomb, laying on the ground shattered. The room itself was splattered with blood, and it smelled like it as well. Danica walked over to the the second tomb that was untouched. She noticed the wall that it was standing next to. The wall had had a sword that was in the wall. She then walked back over to the tomb. She looked it over and noticed that the cover was cracked open a little bit. She peeked inside and saw something with shiny. She looked over to the large vampire that stood at the door. "Hey Grimwood, you wanna open this for me?". He came over and noticed that Wolfe had a camera in his hand, ready to take a picture.

"What the fuck are you doing, Wolfe?"

"Hey if this is really him, I want a picture so I could send it to my parents. Man Grimwood think, this is a once in a life time chance to get this guy on camera!"

Grimwood shook his head at the younger vampire. He then hovered over the top on the tomb. He moved it and let it fall to the ground. As soon as the lid was off, Wolfe started to take his picture. The creature inside opened it's eyes almost instantly. He grabbed the thing that was flashing the lights in his face and broke it's neck completely off, spilling blood all over the tomb. The other vampires just watched as one of their own, was being blood sucked unmercifully.

The creature was covered in what looked like battle armor. The face mask was covered in teeth. The creatures hands were covered in huge gauntlets, that had claws at the end of them. It turned over to the rest of them.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!", it said with a voice that wasn't from this world. Danica walked up to it and kneeled. Grimwood and Asher looked down and imitated her actions. They weren't sure if they were going to make it out of here, but kept quite.

The creature looked amuse, so Danica knew it was working. They thing she didn't know was if she should answer it's question. It started to walk around and stopped behind them. Then it happened. The creature let out a loud roar. It pushed them, making all three vampires fly to opposite walls. Danica shook her head and looked to what the creature looked at. It was the shattered tomb, that they noticed e earlier.

As soon as she stood up, the creature had her by the throat. The other two just stared to see what they creature was going to do with their leader.


"wha… what body?"

"THE BODY THAT WAS IN THAT TOMB!", the creature roared. It pointed to the shattered tomb. Danica dared to look at what it was pointing at. She was trying to stop the her body from shaking. She looked back at the face in front of her. The creatures eyes were red with horizontal pupils.

"It was like that when we got here."


"NO! I'm not lying! I swear to you."

The creature looked into her eyes for any sign of deceit in her eyes. There was none. He threw her towards the others. She stumbled to her feet. She got up and stood behind her brother as they watched it's next move.

The creature walked between it's own tomb and the shattered one. It started to dig through the ruble to see if there was a body somewhere in it. It didn't find anything. Not even a finger nail or anything. It then looked around the room. There was blood covering the wall. His shoulders slumped a little and the rage in his eyes and heart started to show again.

"YOU STILL HAVEN'T TOLD ME WHY YOU ARE HERE?", it said without even turning around.

"We need you. It's time we vampires come out of the dark", Danica said quietly. She hesitated but soon stepped in front of her brother. "We need you", she pleaded again.

"FINE! I WILL GO WITH YOU TO SHOW ME THIS NEW WORLD.". It then turned around to the wall that the sword in it. It was gone. It turned and punched it's own tomb. It then noticed something shinny at the bottom. It took it into it's hand and his features seemed to soften. It was a beautiful silver necklace. The charm the reflection of his own glyph, it's own mark. It took and but it around it's neck. It closed it's eyes and only one word escaped it's lips. Not even the other vampires heard what it said.
