Title: Breaking Rule One
Author: tromana
Rating: T
Characters: Fourth Doctor/Romana
Spoilers: None
Summary: Just how many different 'Rule One's is one Time Lord allowed?
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who. I didn't get it for Christmas either sigh. Maybe my birthday?

Breaking Rule One

The Rules:

Rule 1: Do exactly as I say.

Rule 2: Stick close to me.

Rule 3: Let me do all the talking. …The Ribos Operation

Romana had always intimidated him somewhat. Tall and brooding with quick intelligence hidden behind a vision of beauty. Or as K9 had so 'politely' put it, 'she is prettier than you'. Which wasn't exactly difficult. Where his curls were messy and untameable, her dark locks had fallen shoulder length, with glossiness worthy of a princess. Although Princess Strella being her absolute identical was a mere coincidence, of course. His grin was always seen as being something slightly manic, but if Romanadvoratrelundar graced anyone with a smile, it was almost enough to bring you to your knees.

It hadn't changed when she regenerated. A little shorter, a lot blonder and the faint smile had turned into a bright beam. Whilst the intelligence remained, naturally, the harshness fell, and 'his' Romana became a lot more agreeable. He liked to think she had always been his, even when she had the tendency to continually psychoanalyse him and stare him down disdainfully. He wasn't quite sure when this had happened. Despite her more amicable nature now, she probably wouldn't approve still.

"Yes, Doctor?"

She hurtled through into the Control Room, all bundles of energy and excitement, yet still managing to maintain that air of elegance. If he didn't know otherwise, the Doctor would have put it down to bodysnatching from Atrian princesses. Irritated, he threw his scarf over his shoulder and fiddled absent-mindedly with the controls of his precious TARDIS.

"You've broken Rule One, Romana."
"What, 'do exactly as I say'?"
"Well. Yes." He paused, not quite remembering when that was their 'Rule One'. "But that's not the Rule One I meant."
"There's another Rule One?" She furrowed her brow. "Really, Doctor. How am I expected to keep up if you don't even know which Rule One we are going by? And if you don't know what Rule One is, what about the others?"
"Remember Rule Three?"
"The old Rule Three or some new one you are about to inform me about?" She stopped briefly but before he had a chance to interrupt, continued. "You haven't told me what this new Rule One is anyway…"
"The only Rule Three I've ever told you about."
"'Let me do all the talking.' Why?"
"Listen to it, then. For a change."

She rolled her eyes but remained mute. It amused her somewhat that whilst she stared defiantly at him, he avoided looking at her, choosing to glance at the door, TARDIS control, the room where K9 was recharging, umbrella stand, and screen. Anywhere but at her despite the fact she was standing a couple of metres in front of him. And surely the randomiser should have chosen a destination by now? He stepped closer, hesitantly, with one hand in his pocket. Part of her was weighing up the probability of being offered a jelly baby.

"Never, ever, let me fall in love with you."
"Rule One: Never let me fall in love with you."
"Right." She looked confused for half a second. "And that's the 'Rule One' you are currently reprimanding me for breaking?"
"Yes." The Doctor stated.
"Well, rules are there to be broken, aren't they?"