Disclaimer: I do not own anything

"I.. I see... then the man she is marrying must be a really great person..."

"What'd you say?"

There was a silence as the girls thought about her statement.

Then, they all burst into laughter.

She was looking very confused indeed, so Motoko explained the situation. "Ahaha... no, the groom is very disappointing! Even though he was a Toudai student, he only got in after taking the exam three times! His average was only 48!"

But despite that... he never gave up on his dreams... I'm really happy for him that he's come so far...

"He was always very clumsy... and a pervert to boot. He would peek as us in the hot springs pretty much every time we were in, and feel us up every single time!"

Kitsune piped up, "And before he even knew if he failed the exams he ran away overseas! I've never seen a guy as weak as him!"

Well... I guess I never really stood a chance with him huh? Hmm... it's not like I was really serious till the end... but it's really too bad...

"WHAT? Then why would she want to marry such a loser?

Shinobu cut in before she really got a wrong impression of him. "No no... he's not a loser at all! Because of his hard work, in the end he made it into Toudai and fulfilled the promise the two of them had made!"

Yep! He's such a determined person, yet at the same time so kind and gentle... I... I only wish I could have...

Su pulled out some random records of his excavations. "That's right! And he found his dream too. Now he runs here and there all over the world doing archaeological excavation work..."

Haha! I guess I was just too hyper for him, wasn't I?

Mutsumi clapped her hands together. "And this year the score of his battles with Motoko was 16 to 27... so his martial arts skills have made progress too!

Kei-kun... I wish you and Naru-chan the best!

Ema looked towards all of the girls, and she noticed that all of them were deep in thought.

All of them... all of them look so... happy... yet with regret at the same time... he... must have been a really wonderful person.

A/N: I just wanted to praise Keitaro a bit.