A/N:Oneshot dedicated to yami-chan!(troubled spirit of hell)




Suddenly, the ruby red river roared with life.

She stared dazedly at the blood that was falling from the cuts all over her body. There were no more tears, she lost all her tears an hour ago. No more emotion. Oddly calm, that was all she felt.

"Beautiful. You're so beautiful like that, my pretty butterfly."

She watched the red threads of her blood entwined among themselves. A drop of sweat fell onto the blur of red on her hands. She looked up.

"I know."

It was all a lie. How could it be real, anyway?

She should have known that there was no such thing as a fairy tale. Everything that had seemed so perfect before fell apart right in front of her eyes. She felt broken. She felt devastated, she felt anger. She did not feel fear. All these emotions were locked up safely in her. Was she so foolish as to believe she could cheat death? No, she knew she never could. Death was waiting, and she was taking small steps towards him willingly, almost teasing him.

She stared into his face-the face of death. Calm and impassive.

She stood up with all the remaining strength she had. It hurt, but she knew she could do it. Slowly, step-by-step, she walked towards her murderer. She would make him remember her eternally. To be the only one… to kiss him.

"What are you doing?" he asked suspiciously, eyes narrowed in accusation.

"Nothing,"she lied.

If she had to die, she would bring a part of him with her. She would make him weep, play the game of make believe that he played with her. She would torture him with her own death. Reduce him to what she had become.

There was no such thing as love, but there was such a thing as illusions.

She placed her hand against his shoulder to steady herself. He flinched, but did not take her hand away.


"I love you, "She whispered, and laughed silently at how real it had seemed. Love. No, it never existed.

"Nani?!" He asked shocked, eyes wide.

She placed a finger on his lips to silence him, all while smiling. Then, she kissed him tenderly on the lips before falling to the ground in a crumpled heap, exhausted. Still she stared at him, determined not to break eye contact.

"I want you to be the last thing I see,"she murmured, just loud enough for him to hear. "because I love you, and I know that in your own way, you loved me too." She says, smiling, "You loved me too. I knew you had to kill me, but I could not tear myself away because I knew…you loved me too,"she half-whispered, impressing her point on him, almost as if convincing herself. Her eyes sparkled with an unknown emotion as she watched him regard her with fear on his face. Of course, she never knew he would kill her, she was too caught up in her silly fantasies.

"You are lying to yourself."

"Am I pretty in my blood, Itachi?" she asked, teasing him.

He stared at her for a long moment as she let her eyes fall shut.

"You can't…lie to me… you said I was…beautiful. I'm still… your butterfly," she murmurs softly.

He found himself bending down to catch her words. Mesmerised both by her death and her foolishness.

His finger wiped the blood on her face.

"Yes," he whispered, even though she knew she could no longer hear it, "You're beautiful,Kurenai."

The other three words no longer needed to be said, for he had already said it all.

A/N:Review! First reviewer gets to request a pairing!:)