A/N: Ok, I had a lot of suggestions, and I'm sorry that I'm not doing any of them in this chapter. It's not that none of them were good, and I will get to them, but I got this one in my head a while ago and I'm really excited to write it.
Chapter 2: The Record Store
The twelve gods and goddesses walked out of Abercrombie and Fitch in their new clothes. Though they were still distinguishable from all of the other humans in the mall, they fit in just a bit more without their Greek clothing on.
The air filled with music which got Apollo excited. The music playing Apollo immediately identified as sixties rock n' roll, but surprisingly enough, he did not recognize the singer, or band, but it did sound like someone he created to play music, or maybe four people.
Suddenly, the god of music's sight focused on where the music was coming from. It was a store that said Top Rock Music Store in big red letters.
In one of the windows, Apollo saw a gigantic sign that read, "Beatles Week." That was it! He had known when he created John, Paul, George, and Richard (who had now become Ringo), they were going to become a great sensation, but he never had checked up on them to see what they had done. Apollo now started to listen to the music.
I am his, you are his
You are me and we are all together….
Apollo let the lyrics (which turned out to be nonsense) take him away.
…I am the eggman (wooo)
They are the eggmen (wooo)
I am the walrus!
Goo goo g'joob!...
When the song was over, Apollo walked into the store, almost in a trance. He had fallen in love with the Beatles' music.
"Apollo," Athena started as she and the other Olympians stared at the god of music oddly. "Where are you going?"
Unsurprisingly, Apollo did not answer. He just kept walking until he walked beyond the threshold of the door to the store.
The remaining eleven Olympians rushed into the store to drag their friend out but once you go into the store, it's almost impossible to go out without having listened to at one least amazing CD.
When they got in, they immediately forgot about Apollo and went to the area that appealed to them the most. Hera and Artemis went to soft rock, Athena and to classical, Hades, Zeus, and Ares went to heavy metal, Aphrodite to pop, Poseidon and Hermes to Broadway, Hephaestus to Disney, Dionysus to a new section; Sounds of the Vineyard, while Apollo could –of course- be found at the section that said Beatles Week.
As a new song a came on, Apollo stopped looking at the back of the Rubber Soul Beatles' CD, closed his eyes, and let the music take him away.
Picture yourself in a boat on a river,
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies.
Somebody calls you
You answer quite slowly,
The girl with kaleidoscope eyes…
…Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds,
Lucy in the sky with diamonds,
Ahhhhh, Ahhhh….
Aphrodite could be found nearby, almost on top of a poster with a man's face that read Justin Timberlake under it. She had already picked out five of his CD's, and was listening to even more. With her headphones on, she did not realize how silly she looked dancing to music that no one else could hear, while on top of a Justin Timberlake poster.
I once had a girl
Or should I say,
She once had me.
She showed me her room,
Isn't it good,
Norwegian wood….
Apollo had convinced the DJ to play the whole Rubber Soul album and it just happened to be on the most beautiful song of the album, Norwegian Wood (this Bird has Flown).
She said I could stay and she told me to sit anywhere,
Then I looked around and I noticed there wasn't a chair…
By now, the music had sunk in to Apollo's brain and he was literally floating around the room. He grabbed Athena and started dancing with her as she struggled to be freed of his grip. Finally when the music stopped the god of music stopped and calmly walked away like nothing had ever happened. This left Athena dizzy and confused.
A few aisles back, Poseidon and Hermes were looking through piles upon piles of Broadway CD's.
"Hey Hermes! Listen to this!" Poseidon yelled at Hermes who turned his attention to the sound coming out of the headphones of a giant box that played music.
Whenever I see someone, less fortunate than I,
And let's face it, who isn't less fortunate than I?
My tender heart, tends to start to bleed…..
Hermes looked at the cover of the CD. It was green and black and read in big black letters, "Wicked."
"Isn't this an awesome musical?" Poseidon asked.
"Wicked awesome!" Hermes answered
Dionysus was in a trance, almost as bad as Apollo's, while he was listening to the first CD of sounds of the vineyard. He could hear people walking among vines and picking grapes, and even the popping sound of the grapes when people squish them, and the swishing and squeaking sound of people stomping in giant piles of grapes to get the juice out. Finally he fell asleep.
Artemis and Hera were having a fantastic time exploring the songs of the Soft Rock category. They heard a wonderful variety of songs.
I know there's something in the way of your smile
I get a feeling from the look in your eyes
They were both listening to the song Listen to Your Heart. After that was over, they found an album called All that We Needed by the Plain White T's. Their favorite song on it was Hey There Delilah.
Athena, in the classical section, was listening to some of the greatest classical composers in the world: Beethoven and Mozart. The only song that she didn't like was Beethoven's Seventh Symphony. It was a very low sounding and intense song, just like funeral music. It kept getting louder and louder, and it was to same tune over and over again. It was boring and even a little scary. However, she loved his Fifth Symphony. DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUN! The notes rang into Athena's earphones like hammers banging on her godly head. She was startled for a moment, but then regained her consciousness and listened to the rest of the symphony.
Ares, Zeus, and Hades were rocking out in the store to a gigantic variety of heavy metal. They could not hear anything but the music because it was playing so loud, and every time they went to switch the CD, they heard an annoying ringing in their ears.
In the section closest to the window at the back of the store, Hephaestus was listening to Disney music from many timeless classics. He had already listened to The Little Mermaid, Snow White, and Peter Pan. He was currently listening to the soundtrack from a movie called Mary Poppins. There was one odd but catchy song with a strange, long word in it called Supercalafragilisticexpialadocious. He soon got to a song called Feed the Birds, which was beautiful.
Feed the birds,
Tuppence a bag
Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag…
The music filled his ears with sadness and joy. He even started to tear because of how beautiful it was. Now, just imagine a strong yet deformed god of fire crying. It's not a very pleasant sight. Anyway, he was now listening to Lady and the Tramp.
Oh this is the night,
What a beautiful night
And we call it Bella Noche…
Apollo was still listening to his beloved Beatles music. Song after song, lyric after lyric, he listened inventively and was learning every song by heart.
I'd like to be under the sea
In an octopus' garden in the shade…
Something in the way she moves,
Attracts me like no other lover…
Dear Prudence,
Won't you come out to play…
The magical mystery tour is dying to take you away…
Let me take you down 'cause I'm goin' soon…
Strawberry fields, nothing is real…
All of the songs were flowing through the God of Music's head and the store. From Helter Skelter to Julia, all of the songs were Apollo's favorite. His favorite CD so far was Magical Mystery Tour. After listening to all of the CDs countless times he finally decided to buy them.
"Woah Dude? Do you really want all of these CDs? Your almost buying out the store!" the man at the counter exclaimed.
"Yep! All of them, Dude! This band is rockin'! I knew I created them for some reason…" Apollo mumbled, but loud enough for the man behind the counter to hear.
"Wait. You…created them? Dude, who do you think you are? Some kind of god?"
"I am a god. The god of music to be exact. I'm Apollo, Dude. One of the Twelve Olympians…Ever heard of me?"
"Dude, you sound like you just came out of a Greek myth or something…That name does sound familiar. Anyway, will that be all?" the naïve boy asked as Apollo rolled his eyes.
"No, my buds are getting some stuff too. Oh, and don't expect us to pay with that weird stuff that you call dollars and…um…cents. Zeus will deal with that if you have any questions." The god of music said plainly.
Apollo left the very confused man as he went to find the other eleven Olympians to tell them he was done. Eventually, one by one they all walked up to the counter and confused the teenager behind it. Finally Zeus walked up and threatened him with his trident. They once again got what they wanted for free.
As they walked out of the store, they looked around wondering where they would go next while Hephaestus quietly sang along to his new Disney CDs which were playing on his new blue CD player. Casually (although greatly noticed by regular people) they wandered up and down escalators until something caught their eyes.
In big blue and yellow letters, it said: PET SHOP
A/N: Wow…that was fun to write. I thought it could be better but I hope you liked it! Review and give suggestions, HimmelsDraculina, I think you know where the next chapter is going…