A slightly overplayed story line, I know. But I don't care. I've got fab ideas for this one, so it should stand out in the crowd a bit I hope. Enjoy :o)


I looked to the ground and fidgeted with my bags before looking up to face my two best friends in the whole world.

Miley stood before me with tears silently falling down her cheeks. She was doing her best to stay strong, but failing miserable.

Oliver on the other hand, was trying very hard not to ruin his "manly" reputation, but like Miles, wasn't fairing to well either. Tears were welled up in his eyes as he gripped my bag tightly. Being the gentleman he was, he had insisted that he helped carry my things.

I swallowed my tears roughly before speaking, "I guess this is it", I announced rather weakly.

I turned to Miley first and hugged her tightly. After a few moments, we separated and Oliver pulled me in to a bone crushing hug, kissing the top of my head in a brotherly fashion before releasing me.

"We're really going to miss you Lils" he said sadly.

"I can't believe you're moving. Things won't be the same here without you" Miley added on, frowning deeply.

I smiled lightly, despite the tears that were cascading down my face.

"This isn't goodbye you know" I reminded them, "mom promised me that we could fly you two down once we're all settled in. And I promise to keep in touch, I mean it. I'll always be just a text, call or email away." I paused to envelop them in a tight hug.

"I'll be around. I promise" I couldn't quite tell if I was saying this for their benefit or mine.

We stayed in our hug until I heard my flight being called for boarding. We broke apart and I wiped my tears away before smiling at them the best I could.

Oliver handed me my bag and I made my way to where I would board the plane. Right before I entered, I turned to get one last look at them. I waved, and walked through the threshold, leaving Malibu, my home, behind me.

Once I was situated on the plane, I thanked my parents silently for buying me a first class ticket, although it hadn't taken much persuasion. Their little girl was riding a plane by herself across the country, and they wanted to make sure I was comfortable and safe, even if I am 17.

The reason I was by myself was that my parents had left for our new home two days earlier. They had wanted to make sure I got a good chance to say goodbye to everyone, and figured that since I was old enough, I'd be able to fly home on my own.

So now, here I was, on a plane ready to go from Sunny California, to New Jersey. From the west coast to the east. Lovely.

You see, my dad had recently been offered a new job, which just happened to be on the other side of the country. So as a result, the three of us now had to move.

But don't get me wrong. I'm excited for my dad and extremely proud of him, but that doesn't mean I have to like the circumstances.

I shook my head and brushed away a few more runaway tears before I putting in the ear buds for my iPod and preparing myself for the long journey ahead.

About 6 1/2 hours later

I awoke to the rather annoying voice of the flight attendant announcing we had arrived and my iPod playing at a soft volume.

I glanced out of my window, a frown gracing my features as we neared New Jersey soil.

Most people would be excited about the change, but the only thing I wanted more than anything was to turn this in to a round trip and go right back to Malibu. Too bad that wasn't an option. I'm sure Robbie Ray would have let me stay with him, Miles and Jackson.

It took a bit for me to get from the plane to the terminal, but once I did, my mom found me instantly and enveloped me in to a tight hug. You would think by her reaction that I had been gone for 5 years instead of a few days.

"How was your flight?" she asked, taking one of my bags from me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her over protectiveness.

"It was fine mom" I assured her, as we headed out of the airport and to the car.

Once we had started driving, we were silent until she glanced at me nervously.

"So um, how are you holding up?" she asked carefully.

I shifted in my seat to give her and incredulous look, which then shifted in to a slightly sarcastic look.

"I just left my best friends and basically everything I cared about across the country, I'm feeling fabulous" I told her, putting emphasis on the last word. I hadn't really meant to sound so bratty, but considering everything that was going on, I had every right to be upset.

My mother swallowed hard. I could tell this was a bit awkward for her. She never really had been the "let's talk about our emotions" type of mom. She tended to avoid that kind of talk.

"Your father and I really are sorry, sweetie. But we promise that things will work out just fine here. Our new house is gorgeous, just a few miles from the boardwalk. There's also a very nice family next door, 4 sons I believe. Their mother, Denise, is just lovely. I haven't met the boys yet, but we were invited to dinner at their house tonight, so we'll meet them then." Mom told me, trying to make the best out of a bad situation.

I simple shrugged, I guess it would be nice to meet new people my first night in town.

Within 40 minutes, mom had pulled in to the driveway of what I had to admit was a very nice looking house. Dad had shown me pictures of it on the internet, but it looked much nicer in person.

I saw that parked in front of us was a large Uhaul truck with the back open. Inside were mountains of boxes, all containing our possessions, and our furniture which was covered in protective plastic. It was strange how much a small family could have.

The sight made my stomach drop slightly, as the realization finally hit me at full force. We weren't going back. I had always had that small hope in the back of my mind that we'd turn right around and go back to Malibu, but seeing the boxes of our things made it official. The Truscotts were here to stay.

My eyes began to sting slightly as a fresh round of tears came to my eyes. I furiously wiped them away and proceeded to follow my mom in to the house.

"There you are Lilly!" My dad came up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Well," he started, gesturing around him, "what do you think?"

I wanted to tell him the truth, that I just wanted to go home, but the grin on his face signaled me that I had to lie. He was so happy, and I just couldn't bring myself to ruin it.

"It's great, dad" I told him, forcing a small smile.

If possible, his grin widened at my words.

"So, which room is going to be mine?" I asked, deliberately changing the subject.

"Up the stairs, end of the hallway" he said, pointing me in the direction of the stairs.

I nodded my head, and followed his directions.

The room I found was actually quite nice. It was a wide open space with wood floors and currently white walls (my parents had given me complete creative control over the room, which I figured would be put in to action the next day).

On one of the walls was a window that faced the back of our house, which meant I had a fair view of the ocean, something I was rather comforted by. I was also excited to see that I had my own bathroom, which meant no longer being yelled out for "hogging" the bathroom.

I threw my bags on to the floor, figuring I'd deal with them later.

At this point, there was a small knock on my door, which I responded to with a loud "yeah?"

My mom entered, glancing around the room as well. "It's nice isn't it?" I nodded, a sigh escaping my lips.

"We thought you'd like it. Anyway, your father and I are going to head over to the Jonas's now, but you can stay here and fix yourself up. But once you're done, just come over. It's the house to the left of ours" she told me, pointing over in the direction.

Technically, I figured it was really the right, if you were looking at it from the street, but my mom never had been the best with direction, so I let it slide.

"Alright mom, I'll be over in a few" I told her, again forcing a smile. I had a bad feeling that was how most of my smiles would be for awhile.

She left my room, and a few minutes later I also heard our front door open, then close.

I rummaged through my suitcases to find a new outfit to wear. In the end, I decided on my black and blue Fall Out Boy shirt, a pair of dark wash jeans and light blue ballet flats.

I pulled out my bag full of bathroom things, and headed in that direction. I took the time to wash my face, brush my teeth and comb out my hair. I kept my blonde hair down, liking the punk rock look I currently had due to the dark brown streaks I had administered in it a week or so earlier.

I put on a layer of eyeliner, some eye shadow, mascara and a bit of lipgloss before deeming myself worthy. I reentered my room and grabbed my cell phone, always hoping that I would hear from Miley or Oliver.

I left the house and walked next door to the house mom had indicated earlier. I rang the doorbell and waited until the door was opened. During the waiting period, I busied myself with examining my nails.

I heard the door open and looked up. My jaw instantly dropped at who had answered the door.

No. Effing. Way.


So, I hope you liked it! Reviews are totally appreciated, so drop me one. Next chapter Lilly meets the JoBros (yay!). Oh, and since I'm having a tough time deciding, do you guys want Lilly to get with Joe, Nick or even Kevin? Although I'll probably play around with crushes and such, let me know what you want to final couple to be :o)

I don't own Hannah Montana or the Jonas Brothers.