Author's note: my first fanfiction, a tribute to the men at Blood Gultch, as well as to the many Cogs that has lost their lives to the Locust. In short hand, that mean this is a Gears of War/Red Vs Blue Crossover. I should warn you now that I'm not as funny as the guys at Rooster Teeth, but I'll try.
Disclaimer: I don't own Halo, Gears of War, or Red Vs Blue. They are owned by Bungie, Epic Games, and Rooster Teeth, respectfully
Episode 1: The Worthless Box Canyon
It was a hot, clear day, the sun practically cooking the ruins of what appeared to be a once glorious city, now dilapidated with war and lack of maintenance. This is, however, not the story of that city, it's occupants, or the well known squad that was passing thought it. This is a story of a valley several miles away, with a base at two ends. Both bases looked identical, a one story, circle building, two doors at both ends and several walls on the top to hide behind should a battle begin. The bases, however, where silent, bar two men on top one of the bases. Upon closer inspection, most would see that the two were Locust; large, pale, ugly looking monsters that have been at war with the human population of Sera. Two noticeable differences from the "normal" drones is that both wore helmets, and, if you could get close enough to smell (which I highly advise you to not do), the smell of banana coconut sun-screen over powered the normal smell of death and a lifetime of not bathing.
"Hey" said the one on the right, who's armor took on a brownish hue
"Hm?" said the other, who's armor was something more in the area of grass stain.
"Do you ever wonder why we're here?" said the right one
"Actually," said the other " yea, I have. I mean, what possible reason could putting a base here be beneficial to us?"
"...I was talking about creation against evolution, but your argument's okay too..."
"I mean, the ground is too hard to dig, there is nothing of value, and it would take weeks for reinforcements to get here! Why would the queen do something so stupid!?"
"Are you questioning the Queen's orders?"
"What? No!"
" to talk about it?"
"You sure?"
As the two locust talked to each other, two humans stood on a cliff that over looked the locust base. One held a Longshot sniper rifle, his armor with a cobalt streak on the shoulder pads of his black armor. The other one had a cyan color streak, and held a Lancer assault rifle instead.
"So," said the cyan one "what are they doing?"
The cobalt one let out a groan of frustration, then looked over to the cyan. "God damn it, I'm getting sick and tired of hearing that question!"
"They're just talking! The same thing they were doing when you asked half an hour ago, and the same thing they will be doing when you ask again in another 10 minutes! So quit asking that!"
"I'm sorry, but I'm not the one with the sniper rifle. I can't see shit with this."
"Well, their just standing there and talking. If they do anything different, I'll say"
Thetwo were still for a few minutes, then the cyan realized something else, then turned back to the cobalt one "What are they talking about?"
"...they are wearing helmets"
"...Just stand still so I can shoot you"
"Seriously, I have to somewhat agree."Said the brown armored Locust "I mean, the only reason we're here is because the humans have a base here, and the only reason they're here is because of us. Now we each have a base in a worthless box canyon."
"Valley." said the green one
"It's a valley, not a canyon."
"Whatever. And besides, if we moved out today, then they would have two bases. Congratu-Fucking-lation. You have two bases in a worthless box valley.
"Talk about a waste of resources. We should be back home hunting those guys that destroyed our stronghold"
"Yeah, no shit. That's why we should be in charge"
At that point, a theron guard in camouflage, holding a gnasher shotgun rather than a torque bow, walks up under the base, and yells at the two standing on the roof.
"Ladies, front and center on the double!"
"Yes, sir!"
End Episode 1
The end of the first Episode. I know it seems to be identical to the original Red Vs Blue plot, but don't worry, it'll be different after a few episodes. Please read and review!