Dr. Emmett Brown stands inside an office inside the administration building of the Pescadero State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. He reads through a form identified by a combination of letters and numbers. A seal is on the upper right corner.

He signs his name on the line.

"Now go," says the man behind the desk.

He walks out of the building towards the visitors' parking lot for the mental hospital. The memories of the past fourteen years still haunt him. The abuse by the orderlies, the drugs, the electroshock treatments have taken their toll on his soul. He can never recover who he was.


The church is packed with dozens of people dressed in their fine clothes, people of various ages from ten to eighty. Fifty-nine-year-old Lenny Powell sits in one of the back pews, writing down notes. He recalls how long he has covered stories on this family.

Memories of his dead daughter Kate briefly surface.

It has been almost ten years. God, I miss her. If only we could have gotten along better.

Those sad memories do not surface as often as they once did.

He still recalls hearing about how Biff Tannen was killed in a hunting accident last year near Lassen Peak.

So they say.

He looks at the bride, Lorraine Baines McFly Tannen. The priest asks her if she will pledge herself to the groom, and she answers that she does. Then the priest has the same conversation with the groom.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," says the priest.

Lenny stands up with the others and claps, congratulating the new married couple. He steps out, hoping to ask them a quick question.

"Third time's the charm," says Lorraine.

She then embraces her husband, and kisses Cliff Tannen.