Information So..I got this idea from a picture I drew..A couple of days ago. Its kinda like a crossover story..O-o Well, I don't know if anyone would read it, because of the idea…o-o''' I'll explain, Ichigo is special now. He is what is called a DearS. Yes, he's an alien now, he looks exactly the same as he usually does, except for three triangles on his forehead. Problem is..Now…He's a slave and looking for a master..8D Usually a person would pick a DearS to be their slave, but Ichigo is no ordinary DearS. He's a 'gift', a DearS who pick their master. Lets see who he picks as a master, though its quite obvious…8DD!

Extra Information

DearS is another anime and a manga also, for those who don't know.. ' Slightly perverted anime..XD And..Some of the ideas will be based off of the DearS anime and manga, like the beginning..

This will start in Shirosaki Ogichi's point of view, he goes to Karakura High, and is now heading home..8D

Shiro, or Shirosaki Ogichi was walking along the side way of the road. He wasn't what you called..'Normal.' Hell, he was labeled as a freak. His pure white hair and albino skin caught a lot of attention to himself. His most interesting feature was his eyes..The whites an inky blackness, his irises yellow like the burning sun. His attitude, well…Cocky, sadistic, and psychotic. He had few friends, because of these such attributes. Anyways, enough of his looks and attitude.

He spotted something out of the corner of his eye. Bright orange..Hair? He blinked stopping in his tracks. A person bundled up in cream colored sheet, leaning against a building. The person or whatever was shivering, why? How the hell should he know..

Now, this wasn't like Shiro..He wouldn't stop for anyone, but this…Uh..'thing' kinda distracted him. With the hair and all, though it was under a hood..It was quite noticeable. He let out a small sigh, taking a step towards the person.

" over there, ya alright?" Shiro asked. The person looked up to him..And to his surprise..It was a male. Glazed, honey brown irises boring into yellow ones. The male took a few steps toward him. As a human, instincts took over, and he stepped back. Shiro wasn't the scared type, but this guy was just a little…Out there. When the male got too close for comfort, he raised his arms in front of himself and pushed the male backwards in defense. The male fell back, his grip loosening around the cloth in his hands and exposing himself, naked. Shiro's eyes nearly popped out of his head at this.


He momentarily forgot about the guy's…Naked ness. His eyes narrowing at the red collar around the male's neck. He kneeled down, covering up the male's lower half. The male blinked, leaning forward towards Shiro. He leaned back slightly, as the male just leaned forward more…When..Their faces got close enough..


The male's dulled expression never left his face, even though he was just punched. Shiro crawled out from under the male, and got to his feet. The male stared up at him, tilting his head to the side, ever-so-slightly. Shiro glared at the male, growling softly. "What are ya, gay or somethin' ?!" The male looked at him like he didn't understand. "G..ay?" the male asked. So, he could talk. Shiro quirked a brow, what was this guy? Stupid, or something? "Tch, whatever…Imma go now, don't follow me." With that said, he walked away from the 'stupid creature' as he now labeled him. Unknown to him, the male got up and started to follow him. He didn't notice till a few blocks later.

When he did notice, he turned and pointed an accusing finger at him. "What the fuck is your problem man?! I said GO AWAY!" The male blinked, losing his dulled look into that of confusion. They stood their ground for a minute or two, when the male started walking away. "Finally.." Shiro grumbled, turning around. And just when he was about to take a step, he heard the loud, annoying beeping of a car horn. He turned his head slightly back, to see the male in the middle of the road. He growled and was torn between the decision to let him get hit or save him. He's gonna regret this, isn't he? "AUGH, FUCKING IDIOT!" He dropped his book bag, and ran over to the male. He jumped and tackled him out of the way of the car. On the other side of the road now. Shiro laid ontop of the male, furious he actually saved this guy. The male stared up at him, his eyes held a more…Lively look to it now. His eye lids shut, as a black light engulfed him.

Shiro got off the male quickly and stood. Black ribbons came from the collar and spiraled around his lower half. Shiro's eye widened in curiosity on what this guy actually was now. The ribbons formed into baggy pants, the knees having a sort of knee pads on them. Two belts, one slanting down his hip. The upper half of his body..He had short sleeves, a shirt…Well, not exactly a shirt, didn't cover much. The 'shirt' was held together in the front by criss-crossed ribbons, while the shirt went down to about his stomach, maybe a little higher. He stopped glowing, getting on his knees, sitting on his knees infront of Shiro. He grasped Shiro's hand in his own hands, placing a soft kiss atop Shiro's hand. This guy was freaky! The male looked up at him, speaking in an alien language which seem to translate in Shiro's head.

"The bond between us is established..

From this moment on...

..until the end of time...

I am your...


The male seemed to float up to Shiro's face, and Shiro was lost of words to do anything. He placed his hand softly on Shiro's cheek…Leaning forward he pressed his lips to Shiro's.

End Chapter One

XDD First chapter and already a kiss..I tried, and it probably sucked. It kinda happened like the first chapter of the DearS manga..Second chapter gonna be funny, Shiro's gonna learn "Ichigo's" name..Hehe. And human clothes for Ichigo..! Next chapter ish gonna be fun to make. Review for an opinion..If you say it sucks then..Imma continue it anyways..I like typing. I might even make an extra where...Shirosaki and Ichigo Bleach meet Shirosaki Human and Ichigo Alien...Slave..Thingy, uhh..DearS. 8D! Its kinda interesting how Ichigo's a slave and all. No, he won't be out of character, he's gonna have his normal attitude, but a bit more submissive..8DDD!! What fun..! Anyways..I'm done..XD! Bye!