Chapter 37:

Field on the Kent Farm, 2 years later:

I lay on the plaid blanket, the warm sun re-energizing me. The sound of my family around me having a good time, although Clark is off saving somebody, he should be back soon. I hear Lara and Jack laugh as they play with Hannah, my hand comes to rest on my stomach, the feel of the bump making me smile. The conversation Clark and I had after he went to the Fortress to talk to Jor-El after finding out I was pregnant again brings a flutter within my chest. The scene fresh in my memory:

'I was in the kitchen baking a fresh batch of cookies for Martha and the kids while they were out. Feeling a tad guilty for eating the entire batch they made this morning. Usually I would just buy some pre-made cookie dough but today I need the distraction, I'm pregnant again and as happy as I am, I can't shake an uneasiness that's settled over me from the memories of the twins' pregnancy.

I finish placing the dough cutouts on the baking tray and load the tray into the oven, making a note of the time. I stand up to have two strong arms snake their way around my waist. I lean back into Clark as he leaves a trail of kisses down my neck.

"Hello sexy." He mumbles.

I close my eyes in ecstasy, "I take it things went well with Jor-El?" I query a little breathless. I spin around to face Clark; a look of pure joy settles itself on his face.

"As a matter of fact it did… he was actually straight forward with me." I can tell Clark's excited but I would really like to know exactly what is going on.


He looks puzzled for a second, "Oh right… well Jor-El said that a Kryptonian pregnancy lasts for approximately six earth months, and that both you and the baby should be fine. He went into greater detail and it was really quite fascinating… but you don't want to hear about that do you?" he asks as I glare at him.

"I don't want to know the 'fascinating' details Smallville; I want to know how Jor-El can be so sure seeing as I had a six week pregnancy last time."

"Well… according to the knowledge Jor-El has access to-"

"Spit it out Clark, I don't have all day." I cross my arms and try to look stern but fail at the far from amused look on Clark's face.

"Putting it simply, the only thing that kept you alive was the fact that you were pregnant. Thus, as a defense mechanism the embryos developed at an accelerated rate. Jor-El said that it should have made it a three month pregnancy but the influence of the redK on my system accelerated the pregnancy even more-so."

Clark takes a breath to continue but I stop him. "So that was all some freak occurrence and this pregnancy everything will be fine?" he nods, "That's all you had to say Mr Kent."

He smiles his charming Kent smile, "Is that so Mrs Kent? If I had of known that maybe we would have gotten together a lot sooner." he arches his eyebrow seductively.

"Are you trying to hit on me?" I tease as I lean in for a kiss.

"Maybe." He mumbles as our lips meet. Consuming each other. The kiss is full of passion and soon becomes more heated as my fingers find their way into Clark's hair and his hands run along my stomach.

He breaks the kiss, "We're going to have a baby." He says in complete awe as he continues to rub my stomach.

I place my hands on his chest, and look deep into his eyes, "Yes Clark, we're going to have another baby."

"I love you so much Lois."

"I love you with my entire being Clark, forever and for always." He leans down and captures my lips'

I can feel a blush creep up my cheeks as I remember the rest of that afternoon, I stand as quickly as possible and head towards a wooden fence not far away. I look out onto the sea of green before me, déjà vu plaguing me. I marvel in the feeling of the sun on my skin, the slight breeze in my hair and the sound of the children playing putting me at ease. Then it hits me, this is the field from my dream. I turn around, answering to my name.

"Careful of your mother Lara, you don't want to hurt the baby." A sandy blonde blur leaps at me; I catch Lara and twirl her around, swinging her onto my right hip, avoiding my swollen belly.

"Lara." I whisper as I smile at my daughter. I take in her appearance, the small changes in her face as she matures; she looks more like me everyday. I'm still captivated by the blue eyes she inherited from Clark. I look down at Jack as he tugs on my hand.

"Mommy, pick me up too." An adorable puppy dog look on his face. He looks more like Clark everyday.

"Don't forget your manners Jack." Clark chastises.

"Please Mommy."

Before I can answer, Clark picks Jack up, taking Lara out of my arms and placing Jack where she previously sat on my hip. Jack holds onto me tighter than Lara did, snuggling into me a lot closer too. He looks into my eyes and sighs. I hear Lara giggle.

"Faster Daddy... Faster." My head shoots up and I can't help but grin at the sight of my husband twirling our daughter around as if she were flying.

"Clark." I whisper breathlessly.

He walks over to me, Lara bouncing in his arms. As he draws nearer his smile grows wider and my heart beats faster. He leans over and kisses me softly, but oh too briefly. I'm disappointed but soon get over it as Clark takes my spare hand in his and leads me back over to the blanket. I place Jack down and carefully lower myself onto the blanket. Clark collapses next to me, Lara still in his arms. Jack sits on my lap, placing his head on my stomach, listening to the little being inside. Clark leans in and kisses me again, this time deeper and full of burning desire.

I break the kiss, grabbing Clark's hand and placing it on my belly where the baby's kicking. A look of complete awe and glee absorbs his features. Eyes dancing with merriment. Two little hands appear next to Clark's matching looks of wonder on the twins' faces. I don't think I've ever been this content.

Lara quickly removes her hand and shoves Jack, "Tag, you're it."

Jack looks at me questioningly, "Go on little man." He grins that famous Kent smile and takes off after Lara. I watch the children happily chasing each other around the green field.

"I love you so much Clark." I say to Clark and he smiles as he leans in to kiss me again. All similarities to the nightmare fade away.

"I love you with my entire being Lois, forever and for always." Our lips meet once again, tongues battling for dominance.

"Ew you two, get a room." Lucy states disgustedly, Bruce trailing behind with their five month year old daughter Ella.

"Why jealous Mrs Wayne?" I question good humouredly.

"Why do people always try to pit Batman against Superman?" Bruce says exasperated.

"Who knows." Clark sighs as he leans back into the blanket.

I smile at my sister as she sits down next to me. I look around the field my family is sitting in. Lucy, Bruce and Ella sitting on a blanket next to us. Martha and Lionel return from a short walk. The General playing with three of his grandchildren and Chloe and Jimmy laughing and talking not far away.

"Where's Alfred?" I ask curiously.

"He's coming, had to change his shoes before heading out into this disaster waiting to happen." I chuckle as I spy Alfred approaching, still in his suit. Some things never change. My smile grows wider as I realise this is it; life can't get any better than this. I lean in to Clark, content to just live in the moment, leaving behind the life of charades.

The End.

Hope you all enjoyed reading the story as much as I did writing it. And a huge thank you to those of you who have taken the time to review, each and every review has meant a great deal to me.

Just letting you all know that there is a sequel to this story that I'll start posting within the next couple of weeks, although the sequel is a work in progress so it won't be updated nearly as fast.

That said, thanks again. Lise xoxo