A/N:So i'm going to do a little time jump here...Because I feel the need to end this fic soon. Their will still be a few more chapters but that will be it. By 'a few' I mean about 4 or 5...So their's still a bit of time before this is completely over. Thank you all for reading this! I've really enjoyed writing this and I will definitely be writing more fics soon. Mainly one shots for awhile though. So anyway...Let's get back to the story!

Chapter 10:Best Year of Our Lives

A year had passed since Light Yagami and L Lawliet had started dating. A year since their first kiss. About a year since they had first had sex. And what an amazing year it had been. Lights father finally accepting them as a couple(for the most part), moving into their own house and Misas execution was finally over with and the world was back to normal. For the most part. Their were still those who thought Kira was just taking a break but those who had been on the investigation team knew Kira was gone.

L was still solving cases but was now based in Japan. Light was going to school to become a hair stylist because L told him that he'd rather not like Light joining the police and Light had agreed and found himself fascinated with styling hair. Everybody else from the investigation team are still on the police force. Sayu was now living with Matsuda. Yes, Sayu and Matsuda are now together. They have been for about five and a half moths and Sayu had moved in with him about a month ago. Her father wasn't too pleased but accepted it quicker than he did Light and Ls relationship. He was still having problems with with them together but he never showed it. And Watari had gone back to England to take care of Whammys house, which Light wasn't even 100 percent sure what exactly went on there that had made L laugh so hard while on the phone with the elder man sometimes but he decided it would be best not to ask.

Right now Light was sitting at home, waiting for L to return from his latest case. L had been working with the Japanese police lately on a murder case. They had found the murderer, thanks to L, but where now interrogating him. But that would soon be over and they would once again have more time to themselves. Which Light was looking forward to. He had something he wanted to ask L and tonight was the night he has chosen to ask him. Which is why he is waiting for him. They had reservations at a very nice restaurant with Matsuda and Sayu tonight.

Tonight should be L and I's alone night but if I take him there alone... He'll get suspicious and figure out exactly what I'm doing before we even order our food... Light was soon brought from his thoughts when he heard the front door open. He looked from the couch where he was sitting and looked up to see L walking through the door. After closing the door behind him, L pushed of his shoes and walked over and sat down next to Light with a sigh. "Fun day at work?" Light asked jokingly. L just turned his head and gave Light a frustrated look.

"But every day is a fun day when it comes to working with criminals." L answered sarcastically. Light just chuckled at Ls answer and gave him a kiss.

"Well dinner with Matsuda and Sayu tonight will get your mind off of work."

"I guess you're right. Tell me, what exactly does Sayu see in him? He's eleven years older than her and he's also not the brightest..."

"Well they do have a lot in common. And age doesn't really seem to matter these days. Anyway, you're seven years older than me. So I don't think either one of us really has room to complain."

"That is true. But even though I'm older than you I seem to be the 'girl' in this relationship..."

"And that's one of the many reasons I love you." And they just sat there, staring into each others eyes with loving smiles plaster across their faces. "Well we should be getting ready. I said we'd be there around six and it's already 4:30. And you know how traffic is this time of day. And remember to try and wear something nice. This is a five star restaurant we're going to."

"Okay. I'll go change. But you are not permitted to watch me change. Remember what happened last time we were supposed to go out like this and we ended up being two hours late?" Lights face turned red as he recalled that incident. L was just too hard to resist. Especially when he was naked... Light had to shake that thought. No screw ups tonight. Everything has to be perfect.

"Let's not talk about this right now. Let's just go get changed, in separate rooms, and leave." And with a nod they both went to the bedroom, got their outfits for the evening, and Light went to the guest room to change while l used the bedroom.

When they were both done they met in the living room. Light stopped in mid step when he saw L. He was wearing a white button up shirt that form-fitted his upper body perfectly and a pair of really nice black pants that showed off his ass perfectly. "Light? Are you okay? You're staring at me." Light shook his head.

"I'm fine. You just look so-"


"No. You look perfect." L blushed.

"You don't look too bad yourself." And they were soon in each others arms. Kissing passionatly.

"Okay, we really need to stop. It's 5:15 and we need to leave." Light said as he broke apart the kiss.

"You are right. We do need to leave." And they both exited the house and got into the car. Light in the drivers seat and L in the passengers. They drove in silence for most of the ride. But it was a comfortable silence.

Once at the restaurant they parked and walked to the front door, hand in hand. Once getting inside they automatically saw Sayu waving them over to the table. "Hey Light. Hey L. It's nice to see you actually made it on time."
"Ha ha Sayu." Light said as him and L sat down across from the odd couple. "Hello Matsuda."

"Hi Light. Hey L."

"Hello Matsuda, Sayu." L greeted rather e motionlessly. Soon the waiter had come and taken their orders. L being the only one who didn't order real food. Just the usual sweets.

While waiting for their food they talked about what's been going on in each others lives and such. Light kept feeling in his jacket pocket though. And L soon noticed.

"Is there something wrong Light? You keep reaching in your pocket."

"No. Every thing's fine. Just hoping the food gets here soon. I didn't really eat anything today." Light said with a nervous smile. But he was nervous. This was the day that would determine the rest of their lives. But L didn't know that of course. L also didn't believe Lights answer but decided not to press the matter since they were supposed to be out having a good time.

Soon their food came and the talking stopped for the most part. They all just sat there and ate, once in a while somebody would make some sort of conversation but it never lasted too long. Light was in too deep of thought to really talk and L just didn't feel that much like talking. Sayu and Matsuda were the main ones trying to start conversation. But they failed most the time. But of course Matsuda couldn't help but talk.

"Thanks for the help on the latest case, L. It would have taken us forever to find that criminal if it wasn't for you."

"It wasn't really that hard. You just have to look for a pattern and investigate any leads you have. And you can never dismiss a suspect no matter how little evidence you have or even if you have absolutely nothing to go by."

"But you dismissed Light as your suspect at one point during the Kira investigation..." L glared at him. L hadn't really dismissed him as a suspect. He just let him leave. And he had been right about Light being Kira. But nobody else in the world knew that. Not even Light. Misa was the only other person who knew but she was executed months ago. "Never mind about that then..." Matsuda said as he brought his hand to the back of his head nervously. And the awkward silence started.

"How about we order dessert?" Sayu suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement and they called over their waiter once again and ordered.

Once dessert was served and everybody was finished eating Light decided that it was his turn to do some of the talking. Even if he was only talking to L. He turned to face L and took the other mans hands in his own. And L looked at him, completely puzzled. "L. You know I love you. And I know you love me too. This past year has been the greatest year of my life. Spending every day with you has just made me feel so happy. And I never want this feeling to end." Ls eyes grew wide as Light let go of his hands and got down on one knee in front of him. Light then pulled out a small box and opened it for the man. "L Lawliet, will you marry me?" Ls eyes started to water as he jumped onto the man in front of him and started kissing him. Everybody in the restaurant was now looking at them as they all awaited his answer in anticipation.

"Of course I'll marry you Light Yagami." L said with eyes filled with tears of joy. And everybody clapped and cheered for them as Light slid a silver ring onto Ls finger. Sayu was overjoyed that her brother had finally popped the question and that L had said yes.

L and Light were now off in their own little world as they arrived at their home. They ended up taking a cab home because they could not keep their hands off of each other for even a second. As they exited the cab they quickly paid the driver and ran towards the front door. Once inside they didn't even wait to get to the bedroom, or close the door, before they started riping each others clothing off. Every button popped off of Ls shirt as Light tore it apart. L ended up doing the same as he tried to get Lights shirt off as well. Now both men were kissing passionately as they fumbled with each others pants. They were not as easy to get off as the shirts. But they soon came off along with their boxers.

Now Light had pushed L on the kitchen table that he had pushed everything off of to make room for them. Light soon took his finger and pushed it into L. L moaned into Lights mouth as Light started to push it in an out faster and soon entered another finger. While Light was doing this L had started to pump Lights member with his hand that wasn't tangled in his lovers hair. Light moaned in response to this action and soon took his fingers out of L and moved Ls hand away from his crotch. Light was about to push into L when L decided to stop the kiss and speak. "Light, let's at least make it to the bedroom before we go any farther." And they both ran towards the room which only took them a matter of seconds to reach.

Light threw L onto the bed and started kissing him again. Then L wrapped his legs around Lights waist and Light pushed his member into him. They both moaned into each others mouths as the pleasure coursed through their bodies. Light started to thrust faster and L met every thrust as he bucked his hips in motion with Lights. They both moaned and soon were screaming the others name as they both came almost simultaneously.

They both fell next to each other, panting heavily. They turned to face each other and Light brought his hand to Ls face and cupped the other mans cheek. "I love you L Lawliet. Thank you for making me the happiest man alive." L reached out and ran his hand through Lights messy hair.

"I love you too Light Yagami. And it is I who should thank you as well. You have also made me the happiest man alive. I never want this to end."

"And it never will." And they kissed and Light wrapped his arms around Light as L cuddled up to him. Both tired from their previous activities, they drifted off into a peaceful slumber. That night nothing else mattered. Only their love for each other and the unspoken promise that the other would be their when they woke up...

A/N:Wow...That just kind of came to me out of nowhere... But i'm actually quite pleased with this chapter. But I want to know what everybody thinks about this so please Review!