Hello all! This is the new story I have been working on. I posted the last one pretty fast, but that was because I had already finished it when I decided that I would post it. This story is my new muse, and it is not finished. So it might take a while for me to post all of it. I hope you all enjoy it and please! Any reviews would be greatly appreciated.

To give you an idea of the setting: Ben and Abigail have finally been married, and are now on their honeymoon! Woo! Lol. They are in England, staying in a 5 star hotel/resort.

Disclaimer: Sadly since my last story I have still not come into possession of anything to do with National Treasure.

Abigail Gates stood on the shore of the exotic beach staring out at the rolling waves that sparkled and winked at her. She loved it here, it was beautiful. The sand beneath her feet was warm. She wiggled her toes and felt the sand seep between them, the miniscule grains spreading everywhere. It was white sand, which only increased the scenic beauty. To add to the cliché the sun was setting, and that was what she was focused on at the moment.

"Isn't it beautiful Ben?" she asked her new husband, who was sitting next to her feet piling sand into what she could only assume was supposed to be a sand castle of sorts.

"Yes, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he answered standing and brushing all the sand off of himself, taking her in his arms, and staring straight at her.

When she noticed that it was she, and not the sunset that he was staring at, she blushed and ducked her head into his shoulder. "Ben Gates, you are a smooth talker; you know that?"

"That's part of the reason you married me," he replied with a grin, looking her up and down. "The other reason you married me is my charming wit and devilishly handsome looks,"

She grinned at him; "You wish!" she called before pushing away from him and taking off down the beach. He chased after her and grabbed her, bringing then down to the sand, where he began to tickle her mercilessly.

"Ah! Ben stop it," she giggled, her blonde hair flying about her as she tried to escape her husband.

"Never, at least not until you admit to me that you married me for my looks and my superior wit,"

"That would be a lie," she managed to tease through her gasps.

"Okay then, I guess I'll just have to keep tickling you," he said as if it didn't bother him in the least.

"Alright! I give up; I married you because you are the best looking guy I've ever met. And you're wit is second to no other," she gasped out.

He snorted and leaned down to kiss her. "I love you, Mrs. Gates," he whispered.

"I love you Mr. Gates," she replied with a shy smile. She gasped as the tide brought the water up to them.

He laughed and splashed her, then took off into the ocean with her close on his heels.

Life was paradise, no problems. No life altering treasure, no Riley whining about whatever he would be whining about at the time. Not that they minded some whining, it was Riley- he wouldn't be the same without a little bit of whining. But everyone needed a little break, it was their honeymoon anyways. And no one had their room number, ensuring they wouldn't be interrupted if they didn't want to be. They had left their phones in the room, and put them on silent. It was the perfect honeymoon.


When they returned to the hotel, they took a shower and prepared for an evening together. They were going to one of the best restaurants in the area, as recommended by the concierge.

Waiting for women had been a hard learned lesson for Ben Gates because; lets face it: he wasn't very patient. One might think this absurd when considering the fact that he spent a huge portion of his life looking for the Templar Treasure and was not discouraged even when people told him it didn't exist. That was totally different. Ben had always been a little bit edgy when it came to waiting for people.

Take his high school girlfriend Emmy for example. His lack of patience was what caused their break up. It was not a fond memory of his past and he preferred not to think about it. And even now, with Abigail. But the fact that she was his wife and that he loved her more than anything kept him from making comments and ruining a perfectly good evening.

He reminisced upon this fact. No matter how early you told them to be ready- even if you said a little bit earlier than you really meant so they would be ready on time- they still weren't ready. So what was one left to do? The classic examples are to: sit idly by on a couch twiddling your thumbs; or in the car tapping your fingers on the dashboard; or as happened to be this case- on a bed in the five star hotel room in your resort flipping restlessly through the television channels.

Ben was cursing women's incessant need to keep men waiting when the door to the crazy, and in his mind unnecessarily, large bathroom opened.

"You look amazing," Ben breathed in awe, as she entered the room wearing a black evening dress, her beautiful hair cascading around her shoulders. And she smiled, her eyes shining. "Shall we?" she asked.

Maybe, he thought to himself, waiting was worth it sometimes.

"We most definitely shall," he agreed, taking her extended arm.

The dinner was indeed excellent, and they danced too. Abigail enjoyed that part the best.

The next thing they did was to retire to their room with a bottle of champagne for the evening; where they fully intended to enjoy each other's company.