Yah chapy 3, im so happy lol. Ty all who reviewed ummh this one is for AuroraRose12 yah ty for the comments loved them. Every little thing helps. So yah my story is here on Saturday yup ypu.i also don't think I did that good on this one so be nice.

Woot im so happy well its kinda short hope you like it and don't forget to review.




I kept running not looking back afraid of seeing him all over my Reid. I knew it was not possible but I was still running it just hurt. You know. Have you ever seen someone you love be kissed by another man or woman depends which way you swing. I guess, right, it seems right. Well I guess I should stop running now people are staring at me, and guess what I see when I look hum guess. Well I say poor Kate crying in the arms of Sarah, great the world hates me. Come on this is such a sign I should break up with Sarah and be with Reid right. I feel my face lighten up as I walk over to the two girls in each other's arms one crying uncontrollably. Poor Kate, I hope was at least nice when he broke up with her.

"Hey," I said softly as I walked in front of them. "What's wrong?" I know that I know but it helps me to be nice kinda, wait was that a right move to make guess not. Now I'm dead, remember me as a hero, please.

"ohh don't act like you don't know," Kate hissed at me.

"Yah Caleb how can you and your friends be so selfish?" Sarah said glaring at me. I growled. Me selfish what the hell. I'm not selfish, oh now she's done it.

"What the hell I'm not selfish and neither are my friends." I yelled, people started looking at us, and guess what I didn't give a shit. Yup I'm proud.

"Oh yah believing that. Pouge broke up with Kate because he's gay its unnatural and selfish sick fag." She yelled back to me.

"Well guess what Sarah I'm gay." I yelled back. "And guess what where over!" I heard people gasp and Sarah yell.

"You asshole go burn in hell," she said then slapped me. Yup that slap hurt but it felt good. You know to be over with it and yah. I guess you don't. I laughed at her.

"You burn in hell you selfish, Btch," I say as I laugh and turn and walk out of the school. Well I was almost out until I herd my cell phone ring tone. It was Reid, I knew it was him and I hadn't even looked at the phone in my pocket it. I let it ring I don't want to talk to him not now hell probably be bragging about his new boyfriend and I wouldn't be able to handle it. Therefore, I just waited to the rings ceased. Then that little ring tone that I had a new message was herd I don't know why but I gasped. I guess I just thought he wouldn't leave a message.boy was I wrong, he did. I slowly reached for my phone, well that's a lie cuz as soon as I herd he left a message I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and opened it up. I placed it to my ear and heard the message. Five seconds later, my phone hit the ground and I start running back up to Reid room's opened the door up and walk in to see the boys standing next to each other.

"Hello," I said softly which made Reid turn around and look at me.

"Caleb," he said, gosh how I love him saying my name just watch one day hell be screaming it as I slow go in and out of him. Wait is Reid hugging me.

"Reid?" I ask as I slowly slip my arms around him.

"I love you, Caleb," Reid said softly in my ear, still holding on to me as if the world was going to end. I gasped, did Reid just say that or am I just hearing stuff. Please don't let me just be hearing it. I tighten my grip on the younger boy making him look up at me. I smile and slowly bend down to kiss his lips, his soft precious lips. The ones that haunted my dreams, his lips. I hear Reid moan under me, yes score he likes it. My hands moved down to his ass, which I grab of course, he gasp and I use it to slip my tongue inside. He tastes so wonderful I can't believe its like so great I cant pin point it yet but it's the greatest thing I've tasted. Our tongues battle but of course I win I am the man in the relationship. I push Reid to the wall lips still intact and he wraps his legs around my waste. I grab on to him harder if that was possible and take him from the wall to the bed I slowly lay him down and I clime on top but I was stopped buy someone coughing I look and notice Tyler still in the room. I looked down at Reid he was blushing bright red.

"Aww you look so cute baby," I say making him blush more if possible.

"I love you," he said again, then I remember when he first said tat I didn't answer him I just attacked him with my mouth. Oh great now it was my turn to blush. Stupid stupid me.

"I love you too Reid, so much." I say and grab his face for one final kiss.

"Hello," Tyler interrupted us ."Did you forget about pouge and the fact Caleb is back and wants to take away your boyfriend."

I nodded" I know I know okay," I grab Reid's hand." And no one is taking my Reid."

"Yours?"Reid said softly. "So where together,"

I laugh. "Of course silly."I bend down and kiss him one more time before getting up. "Okay what do we do?"


So yah end of chapy 3 review and tell me who I do and also chapy 4 should be put up next week on Saturday I think well I hope. Review and plz ant ty.