I Never Believed In Love
Well I Guess You Guessed Right
Chapter 2
Still Sharpay's P.O.V
When I got home I thought my heart was going to fall all the way down to the floor and come back to its original place. How could I be such an idiot and embarrassed myself in front of all those guys!? What am I going to do if they go to the same high school that I do?
When I walked in the kitchen Ryan was still there. I told him the morning incident and asked him the same questions I just asked myself over, and over again.
"Well, I guess the only thing you could do is hope that they forget about it…That's if they go to the same high school we do" He said trying to make me feel better.
Ryan could be so nice at times. And I had my own very problems to thank him back, but I don't think these problems matter to anyone…well duh, you don't have to ask stupid questions Sharpay, not even your own brother knows your deepest secret. And I'm not planning on telling him.
While Ryan was leaving again, without my response of course, I needed to stop him I couldn't let him leave like that not again.
"Hey, Ry!?" I asked him
"Yes, Shar?" He answered
"Thanks for being there for me, even if it's the smallest thing" I smiled at him
Surprisingly he smiled back and said "No worries, you know I'm there for you"
"Ry, what do you think of the dress for dinner tonight, the black one…" Sharpay asked her brother trying on dresses.
"This one..." She said showing him a black and white one.
"Or the final choice…this other one!" She said showing him a dark pink dress.
Ryan took a while to decide but at the end he chose the dark pink one (A/N: You could find everyone's options in my profile).
"Oh My God, Ryan, thanks a lot…but what are you going to wear?" Sharpay asked her brother. He told her to get on her dress do her hair, and then he'll show her.
"Ok, Ry, but hurry up!" She said to him while he walked out of his sister's now pink room. It was a mystery how could the people, their mom employed, did to paint it so fast.
"I would have to say the same thing to you, sister!" He screamed while walking to his bedroom.
Sharpay took her robes off, and put her dress on did her hair in a fancy high-pony tail, and went to her Shoe Closet. She picked a pair of matching high heels, and went down stairs.
When she entered the kitchen, she was surprised. She was wearing a golden night dress. Her hair in a high bow, and smiling. She just couldn't believe how could her mom act all fancy.
When she was about to tell her off, her brother came in, with a black tuxedo, and a white tie in hand.
"What's up? Why is everything so quiet?" He said while putting his tie on his neck.
"Well, I was just about to tell Sharpay how pretty she looks right now" She said
"And I was about to ask mom how dare she wear that dress!?" Sharpay screamed the last part
"What's so wrong about that dress...oh I know...ummm mom why are you wearing that dress?" He asked now getting madder by the minute.
"I really don't see what's so wrong in this dress, dear" She said in a calm voice but also loosing her patience.
"See, Ryan she doesn't even remember that she wore that very same dress, for her wedding! I mean c'mon I even remember that and I was 5 years old, mom!" You could tell that Sharpay couldn't stand her mom at all.
When her mom was going to speak again the door bell rang
"I'll get that" said Marissa (the mom)
When she was finally out of sight Ryan looked in disbeleif at his sister.
"Sharpay, just ignore her she doesn't deserve your time, mom she cannot control herself as she used to" Sharpay couldn't stand it anymore she had to take it out
"ARGHH!!! I just hate her I swear if anything like this bad happens I'm moving out!" Ryan was shocked. He had never heard his own sister scream like that. Not even when she was little.
"Shar, just ...just forget her live your own life don't let her tell you what to do. OK?" He was looking into her eyes. They were piercing through her own.
"OK. I guess I'll have to stay calm and try to cooperate"
Right when Sharpay finished her sentence their mom came in with a flower in her hand and a tall man right behind her. He was not only really tall, but really reach. I mean he was wearing a Ralph Lauren tuxedo. So I think it was pretty obvious. He had dark brown hair. A small amount of beard. But for Sharpay it wasn't enough...it wasn't her dad.
"Darlings this is John McCourtney" Marissa said smiling widely.
"Hello, I'm guessing you're Sharpay and Ryan Evans, Right?" He said he seemed cool but Sharpay wasn't going to show that to no one.
"Well, Hello there, you guessed right" She responded with an Icy tone and grin.
He slowly backed away.
"Ummm, please excuse my sister, she is way too quick to judge" Ryan said looking at his sister
"John, why don't we step into the kitchen" Marissa nervously said.
When they got to the kitchen, Marissa made Mrs.Dewster serve dinner. It was a really akward dinner, except to lucky Mr. McCourtney, and Ms.Evans.
When Sharpay finished eating her mom was looking at her all weird.
"Sharpay, dear, I think you ate a little too much don't you guys think?" She asked John and Ryan
"Mom, that's not true..." Sharpay's mouth was wide open
"Uhhh...honey I don't think you should have said that, I think she ate what she wanted to eat..."
"Excuse me, John, Ryan, Mrs. Dewster, I'm gonna go for a walk..." she said slowly.
"Shar.." He didn't stop her he knew she needed to be alone
Sharpay went upstairs to get a sweater. But this time she didn't care if it matched or not. She grabbed her favorite jacket, the jacket her dad gave her. It was black, but it said her name in big pink and white letters. Sharpay smiled at the flashback.
Flash Back
Sharpay went for the hundreth time to her dad's house in Albuquerque. But for some reason she could feel this time was going to be special. She could feel it.
When she hugged her dad he gave her right away a present wrapped in a 'Happy B-day' wrapper.
End of Flash Back
That present wad that very same one she was wearing. Instead of going all the way to the kitchen she took a short cut. She jumped off the window. Not literally but with help of the bushes.
She started walikg to the park that she found earlier in that morning. Now it was closed. She didn't care she took off her shoes and climbed the wire. When she was on top, she threw her shoes first than she threw herself down.
She was swinging, and also staring at the stars. 'Does my mom really thinks I'm fat?', 'Does she really think I should stop eating?', 'I wonder if she actually likes me at all'. These questions were coming and going out and into her mind.
"I think my mom really does think I'm fat, I don't want to make her worse than she already is so, I am going to stop eating right now, and no one, not even my brother, is going to stop me from doing what I want" She set her mind even though she did knew what that meant. She didn't care.
She suddenly heard and saw someone climbing up the same wire she climbed minutes ago. She ran in back of the...monkey bars? 'Whatever it's too dark no one is gonna see me.'
Sharpay's P.O.V.
I saw the teengo to the swings he sat next to the one I was just sitting on. I decided, since he was a teen and I was preety sure of it, t go next to him.
I sneaked behind him. I am suprised he didn't see my shadow. When I got next to him I saw his eyes closed and...OH MY GOSH! It was the guy I saw in the morning.
Well...I'm bored so might as well have some fun. I quietly sat in the swing I was seating before. I got so close to him that our noses were 2 inches appart from each other. I could feel him getting uncomfortable, he was going to open his eyes sooner or later...and...
Dun, dun,dun,duuuun what will happen? Will Sharpay keep her promise? Will she scare the guy? Which of the guys was he?
Hey there just building a little bridge over here well... I hope u liked it and thnx for all the comments!!
REVIEW -Hermione12XOX
-Toodles :) xoxo