I Never Believed In Love
Chapter 1
Who Are You Anyways?
Sharpay woke up in a really dark, December morning. She thought of last night….
Flash Back
Ryan P.O.V.
"Sharpay! Where are you?" I screamed looking for my sister. Our new house if you could call it a house and not a mansion was almost empty. No furniture only boxes and boxes and even more boxes than in our old house. If mom were to get another 'boyfriend' we most probably would move to New Jersey, New York, or something with New. This is her 3rd boyfriend since she divorced dad. Sharpay was born in California Malibu, I was born in New Mexico Albuquerque, Now we're back in New Mexico. That meant we won't travel that much to see our real father. Well at least not in planes.
Sharpay couldn't stand the new 'soon to be fathers' (which they never got more than 3 months with their mother). She only kind of got to like this one of our mom's boyfriend…Lucas…no…Trevor… no anyways it doesn't matter, well not anymore. We won't see him again unless he became a really famous chef in this city, which I doubt.
Well I was looking for Sharpay everywhere. 'Darn it, this house is freaking big' I thought to myself.
"Ryan? Where are you?" I heard her voice. I started following it. When I finally found her I found her behind the boxes that she was supposed to bring in.
"What are you doing down there?" I asked her while, I guessed, she was trying to unstuck her right foot.
"What do you think I'm doing? Nothing! My foot is stuck you retard!" I was used to her talking to me like that. Even though I was the big brother I knew she wouldn't do any harm to me. I know her, always trying to protect herself. Ok fine I didn't really understand her that much, but I still love her.
"Fine, fine I'll help you!"
"Could you hurry up? My leg is getting kind of numb already"
Finally getting her foot off all those boxes, I helped her to the kitchen, so we can talk. Like we always do when we get to a new house, it was kind of a tradition.
When we finally checked the kitchen clock, it was like 6:00 pm.
"Wow, I didn't notice it was that late" She said between smiles
"I know but when…" I was going to tell her how much I wonder what High School we'll get this time, when my mom comes in the kitchen. We both turn around, expecting the obvious.
"Hello, Sharpay, Ryan. I wanted to inform you that tomorrow your new dad is going to come to dinner. Is that ok with you guys?" For some reason after she divorced our dad she would start talking to us formal. At first we were kind of scared, but we got used to it after a month.
"What time is he going to come?" I asked her. I knew Sharpay was thinking the same thing
"At 7:00 to dinner, Mrs. Dewster got people to put the beds and the most important things already, so I expect you to brush your teeth, take a shower and go to sleep" Mrs. Dewster is our employee. Unlike our mom, we treat her nice, I mean she was an old lady.
"Ok, mom. Let's go Ryan" My sister told me…
We brushed our teeth and tried to find our rooms when we did we fell asleep in the very first minute. Well at least I did.
End of Flashback
Sharpay remembered what happened and thought to herself 'another stupid man to meet, another three months, in a different high school, and another three months of hell'.
She couldn't stand all of the moving states, high schools, and houses. The only thing that she liked about being in Albuquerque is that her dad lives there. So she gets to see him more often, at least that's what she thought.
When she saw the clock, she ran to her bathroom, brushed her teeth, and took a quick shower before going to her closet and picking her clothes for today. When she got out of the bathroom she realized that everything was organized like her old room. Even though she did notice that her walls weren't pink. But everything was like it was supposed to be.
'Sharpay stop staring at the walls and choose your clothes!' she thought to herself.
She was looking at her big, believe me when I say big, walk in closet. Since she was going to go run a bit and also get to know the streets and stuff, she choose a pair of black short-shorts with her name sewed in pink, and a matching pink tank top. When she was walking out of her room she noticed that she didn't have shoes. She went to her 2nd closet, or as she called it "The Shoe Closet", since it was for shoes only. She chose a pair of pink socks and black shoes. She put her hair in a pony tail, and since she just showered it looked curly. She looked herself in the mirror and said,
"Now I am ready" and smiled
When she was going to enter the kitchen, she stopped. She heard her mom and brother arguing. She wasn't going to walk in that would be stupid. 'I might as well hear what they're talking about.
Sharpay P.O.V.
"But mom, you can't make her do what you want, you know pretty well that she'll tell you to go mind your own business, she won't tell you anything!" I heard Ryan. He wasn't happy, you could tell miles away.
"Ryan, dear, please don't tell me that I don't know my daughter! I know she'll tell me what I want to know about him!" My mom wasn't happy either.
I can't stand this anymore I'm going to eat my breakfast and leave.
"Hi mom, Hi Ryan" I said trying to look like I didn't hear anything.
"Hey, Shar" My brother said
"Hello, Dear" And that's my mom
"No breakfast today?" I asked totally confused but kind of expecting it.
"No, apparently mom was too busy talking to her new 'boyfriend', and forgot about it" Ryan said using quotation marks in the air.
"Ryan, you know that is not true" She said. I knew if I didn't stop them they were going to start fighting…again.
"Ok, I'm going to my daily run, Ryan, you wanna come?" I asked him, he usually comes so I guess he's going to say yes.
"No, I have to stay here and have a little chat with mom" Argh! I hate it when they do this!
"Ok, whatever, bye!"
When I walk out of the door, I see the sun fully out. Wow, I didn't see the Albuquerque sun in a long time. I'm used to run in the place where my dad lives, but I guess I could go run over here.
A few blocks later I heard some basketballs and someone screaming. Hey maybe I could ask them if I could play with…whoever they are.
I first peeked into the park. I saw like four high school boys, well at least I think they are. One of them was really tall. Actually they were all tall. But one of them had this really weird afro. They were all wearing red and white suits. One of them said Troy, the other one said Chad, the other one said Zeke, and the last one said Jason.
"C'mon guys, step it up!" I heard another man say, which I think that's the coach.
C'mon Sharpay, just ask them if you could at least watch. Ok I have to go in.
"Excuse me?" Oh My God I feel so nervous everyone turned to me
"Yes, may we help you?" Said the Troy guy which by the way was really cute
"Could I watch or is it a closed practice?" I asked first to the guy and then to the coach
"Who are you anyways? Are you from West High? Are you trying to spy on us or what?"Said the guy with the afro.
"Gosh, don't have to snap at me, I'm new in this place, I moved in just yesterday." I said kind of mad"Damn, girl I didn't know that, and besides why would you want to watch guys play basketball? It's not like you know anything about it. Oh I'm sorry, you might know that when girls play they always break their nails" said the Zeke guy. All of the guys, even the coach started cracking up. They did not just mess with me.
"Oh really, well unlike you I think I could play way better than all of you together, against me" I guess I could beat them at their own little game.
"Dad, what do you think?" Troy asked his dad I guess
"Is it true that you can actually play basketball, girl, whatever your name is?" asked the coach
"Yeah, I can and my name is Sharpay…coach…sir" I said. Could you tell I was nervous????
"You know what, whatever, I'm leaving right now…um…I have to leave right now…I got to catch up…bye!" What the hell was I doing!? OMG I couldn't even believe I went in there.
I ran as fast as I could back to my house. Well look at the bright side…I kind of met someone..
OK, phew, well that was long. Sorry if I kept you in way too much, it was supposed to be an intro kind of thing. I swear next chapter is going to be better and shorter than that.