The Cuteness

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar, the characters, or my insiration for this: The Beach.

"Come on, Azula, even you have to admit, he's cute," Ty Lee continued to press on and on with the stupid Avatar. "He's the last of his kind, too; at least that anyone knows of."

"Ty Lee, you're going to give us away," I snapped quietly, cracking the reins on my mongoose-dragon. "I swear that blind girl can hear anything within a ten mile radios."

"Aw, just admit it. He's a big softy…" I didn't have to look to know that Ty Lee had that annoying signature puppy-dog eyes face.

It wasn't worth it to risk giving away our position away to anyone of anything, even if it was 'the big softy.' But I didn't want to admit anything more. "Can it, Ty Lee."

"I'm not gonna stop until you admit it…"

"Did it ever occur to you that we're not locked in my room with Mai at midnight on the weekend? We're working, we don't have time for this." I kept my eyes on the path. Last time I looked away, a very low branch about killed me.

"I'll only ask one more time."


"I could've asked it by now."

"Fine, ask, I'm not answering."

"Isn't he just the sweetest thing you've ever seen?" she asked like she was talking about a kitten or puppy.

"You really wanna know?" She nodded out of the corner of my eye. "NO, that bison is NOT cute!" I yelled, probably alerting the blind girl, the lemur, the bison, and anyone else with sensitive hearing.

"Double negative."

"Shut up."

A/N: Okay, I was watching The Beach and when Ty Lee was talking about the bedspread, I randomly thought she probably thinks Appa's cute.