Harry's getting adopted, after years of abuse from the dursleys. Takes place the summer before his fifth year. This is my first fic, so please review.

Harry woke in a cold sweat. It was his fault, Sirius was dead from his hands! Wait, that couldn't be, Sirius was in the next room, and Remus was in the room across the hall. He looked at his alarm clock and realised it was only around one in the morning. Harry walked quietly over to his godfathers door, wanting the comfort his godfather gave him, and went to knock when he heard Remus saying " When are we telling Harry about... it, he needs to know, besides, both you and I know he'll find out, wheather accident or not."

Harry went back to his room and grabbed the pair of extendable ears the twins had giving him, and creeped back to Sirius's door, and started feeding the ears under. Just in time he heard Sirius say " How do you think he'll take the news, he's happy, do you want to ruin that by telling him?" Before he got a chance to wonder what he meant, he heard Remus talking again. "How do you think he'll take it if we hide it from him untill the day we have to go?" Harry heard Remus walking to the door, and reeled the ears in. He got into what he hoped was a look like he had just got up and hadn't heard anything. He put his hand up to knock when the door opened and both Sirius and Remus saw him.

Sirius was off his bed in a flash, asking Harry what was wrong, did he feel okay, and so many other things Harry's head started to reel jus from hearing them all. Completly forgetting his plan, Harry asked what they had been talking about and showed them the extendable ears.
Sirius paled as Remus steered both of them to Sirius's bed, before giving Sirius a tell-him-now look. Sirius gulped and sat next to Harry. Remus started " Sirius and I want to adopt you legally." "Which is a good thing, I love living with you guys," Harry said with a smile.
"It is, and thank you, but we will have to attend a abuse trial against the Dursleys," Sirius said, frowning as Harry flinched at their name.
" Are you willing to do that Harry? Both of us will be with you, and "they" won't be able to hurt you or even come by you." Remus said, knowing what the Dursleys had done, since he had healed quite a few of the injuries himself. Harry hesitated, before saying that he would as long as "they" wouldn't be able to do a single thing to him.
"Well then, lets go to sleep, we have a busy day planned tomorrow. Harry, want to sleep with me tonight?" Sirius asked, getting a nod in return.