A/N: I dunno how this story popped into my head... Last night I was thinking on how best to update ANR, HGSW, and Patience when this just got here! LOL, so enjoy! I don't usually do DMxGW but Ginny seemed more appropiate for this. A bit angsty, and Ginny might seem a little OoC.

Warning: Rated 'M' to be on the safe side, a bit of language and suggestive content.

Summary: Ginny is sick of sweet, gentle, stalking Harry. She wants someone rougher, someone to put her in her place, expose her to the world's crime. She wants Draco Malfoy. [OneShot


Ginny flopped down onto her bed, hoping to discover a way to hide from Harry. Wherever she went, he was always there. Her own boyfriend was stalking her.

"Ginny?", called the devil softly.

"Shit!", hissed Ginny. "Lord, please, don't let him come in here!"

But of course, her prayer was unanswered. She had obviously sinned too much. Ginny's door creaked open.

"Ah, there you are! I thought you got lost!"

"Harry, I am eighteen years old, and perfectly capable to walk around my own house without getting lost since I was three!", Ginny replied irritably. "Now, please, please, I beg of you, get out of my room!"

"But Ginny-bear!", Harry protested.

"Don't you dare pull that face on me!" She grabbed her cloak.

"Where are you going?"

"If you're not leaving, I am. And don't you follow me!", she warned. "If you ever follow me, I am going to put a Bat-Bogey Hex on your face and find a way to make it permanent!"

She slammed her room door, leaving Harry alone in her room.

If I come back, and I found out that he's searched my stuff, Ginny thought, I'm going to murder him.

She went out into the Burrow's garden and Apparated, ignoring her mother's calls. She arrived at a familiar shabby pub. The Leaky Cauldron. She entered and immediately took the place of an empty bar stool.

"Pass one up, Tom.", she said shortly.

"Ah, Miss Ginny Weasley. Out so late?"

"It's only six." She accepted his glass of firewhiskey.

"Does your mother know?"

"I don't give a crap what my mother thinks! She's hardler worser then the idiot that's my boyfriend."

"Regretting Scarhead already?", drawled a certain ex-Slytherin.

"He stalks me, in my own house!", she replied. "Pass another one up, Tom. Anyways, why do you care?"

She took a huge sip of firewhiskey and felt it burn her throat.

"I don't. Give me one too, Tom."

"Why are you here, anyways?"

"Same reason you're here."

"You're getting stalked by Harry, too?", Ginny giggled. The firewhiskey was getting to her head.

"No, I can't stand the person I'm with."

"Ahh, I see... Another, Tom."

"Miss Weasley, I don't think your mother would approve..."

"I told you, I don't care about what she thinks! Now give me another drink!", Ginny demanded.

"Tut, tut, Ginevra, a bit angry, are we?", Malfoy smirked.

"Oh shut up, you." Ginny's voice was starting to slur.

"You love my voice, don't you?"

"Oh sure, almost as much as I love to hear banshees sing.", Ginny replied sarcastically. "No, scratch that. I love your voice as much as I love you."

"Then that's quite a lot, isn't it? You can't resist me."

"Oh get a life!"

"I have one, but you're about to end yours. Stop drinking so much."

"Wouldn't you like to see me dead? No? You don't believe I'd die? Here, I'll show you... Tom, give me the bottle..!"

"Miss Weasley...", Tom protested.

"Don't argue with me Tom!"

Tom handed her the 60 ounce Firewhiskey bottle which was more than half full. Ginny took a swig.

"If I don't die by the time I finish this bottle, you can rape me." Ginny started laughing hysterically. Malfoy cocked an eyebrow at her. She was so drunk.

"Well, don't hog the bottle, I want some, too!", replied Malfoy. He grabbed the bottle from her and drank deeply.

"It's... mine! Gimme...!", she grabbed it back and took another large sip. The started fighting over the bottle. Some time between, Ginny ended up on Draco's lap, straddling his hips.

"Here you can have it." Ginny let go of the bottle and Draco nearly fell over. He laughed. His face was tinted pink and Ginny was infected by a fit of giggles. Draco let out a low moan as she began rocking back and forth from her dizziness.

"Ginny...you-- you should get off..."

"Why would I want to do that?" She gave him a hard stare, and he saw her eyes filled with lust. Was it just the firewhiskey?

Draco was going to say that her mother would have his head but instead,

"So I can get us a room."