Drowning in Denial

Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to the brilliant Masashi Kishimoto-sama.

Warnings: Boys' love.

Pairing: NaruSasu

A/N: This is finally the end of my story. Thank you to all my readers who followed through this story to the end, all those who favourited it, and most importantly, my darling reviewers. You guys helped me to persevere on till the end, and I'm immensely grateful for that. Love all of ya loads! Please bestow upon me more reviews for this final chappie!! Thanks!! And a special thanks to Utena-Puchiko-nyu who gave me a review for every chapter! Kisses to you too, love! And also a big thanks to Light is Gay, I love your exciting comments! XD

Sasuke sat on his new bedsheets, and took a deep breath as he closed his lids. Everything still smelled of Naruto. He couldn't understand. He had washed his bedsheets, gotten new ones, dusted his house… His eyes flipped open once again, taking in the surroundings.

Though every single object carried Naruto's familiar scent, they seemed to scream out his stark absence as well. Everything seemed dead, lifeless. He could smell Naruto everywhere, but he couldn't see him, hear him, touch him, feel him. In his absence Naruto seemed even more annoying. For he haunted Sasuke.

Sasuke clenched his fists. He needed to break this bond. He had no room for other emotions. Hatred is the most critical thing to become stronger, in order to kill Madara. He had to stop thinking about a certain blond. Moreover, the blond bastard had given him a reason to nurture more hatred. He should be hating Naruto for his actions back at Orochimaru's hideout.

Sasuke glared down at his fists, feeling frustrated that he was unable to summon his feelings of loathing from within, especially when he remembered the unworldly sensations brought by the dobe's touches, and the … He shook his head fiercely to clear himself of the taboo thoughts.


"What?" He snapped.

"Oh I'm merely visiting my favourite student. I heard that you kicked Naruto out of the house. I'm guessing that the fifth Hokage doesn't know a thing yet. So do you need me to keep watch instead? In case the burglars come." Kakashi's visible eye crinkled.

"No. I can take care of myself."

"Without chakra?"

Sasuke bristled, shooting a death glare at Kakashi.

"Oh well, there's always someone looking out for you anyway, and I'm too busy." Kakashi shrugged.

"What do you mean by that?" Sasuke questioned, his coal eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"Nothing. I just want to tell you that Naruto really cares a lot for you. You've already let your team mates down once. Do you want to let them down a second time?" Kakashi said seriously.

"What would you know about our situation? I hope you've finished your speech." Sasuke growled.

"I really do feel like binding you with my chakra strings and hoisting you to Naruto so that you both can talk it out. But I guess you two aren't kids anymore." Kakashi said amicably.

Sasuke glared at him, remembering the last time he had bound him against a tree. His problems always seemed to be revolving around Naruto. He hated it.

"Oh well I better go now, I'm late for my mission. See you around!" Kakashi chirped as he leapt out of the open window.

Sasuke quickly exited his room, and left his house, locking the reminders shut with his keys after Kakashi's departure, unable to withstand the loneliness of being alone in his empty house. He stared down at the keys. Dangling to the silver keys was a keychain, a green frog keychain with a grumpy expression, with a grinning frog next to it.

Sasuke clenched his fist around the keys, stuffing them deep in his yukata. Naruto even had to add his own element to the house keys he was given. Sasuke didn't know why he was using Naruto's keys instead of his own. Maybe because it was nearer to him, and he was in a rush to leave the house, he didn't know, and didn't want to guess. He walked quickly down his corridors to the streets.

His feet led him to Ichiraku. He was about to step in, but hesitated. It was Naruto's favourite haunt. He could be in there… Sasuke snuck behind the wall and stole a peek. True enough; the dobe was there, with Sakura in his glaringly orange jumpsuit.

"Ojii-san, one more!" Naruto yelled in his cheerful voice. Sakura looked at him worriedly.

"Naruto, stop pretending. There's no one else around." Naruto's chopsticks stopped stirring at the ramen.

"Sakura-chan…" Naruto finally answered mournfully to the bowl of ramen.

"Naruto, other people may not be able to tell that you're pretending, but I am your team mate for so long! So just drop the act!"

"Sakura-chan… there's nothing to for me to say. I love— you know, and that teme is just acting all prissy about it, and I did something I ought to be slaughtered for, yet he saved me from it… That teme loves me, right?" Naruto blurted, unwittingly letting out the word 'he', causing the ramen shopkeeper and his daughter to stare at him queerly.

He went on, "Argh, I don't know… he kept giving mixed signals… and after what I did… he will never even regard me as a friend anymore… Hell even I hate myself!" Naruto banged hard on the table.

"I don't know what you did… but from what I've heard… I think… yes… he does love you… but, more importantly, he didn't leave the village did he?" Sakura asked anxiously.

"No… I waited for him to fall asleep each day, and it's only been two weeks, luckily, and I haven't been assigned any missions yet, but I think it'd probably be soon… should I get Kakashi-sensei to help? But Kakashi-sensei's busy too, hell, everyone is busy actually. And he's sleeping later and later these nights…" Naruto sighed.

Sasuke flinched.

Sakura shook her head at the depressed Naruto. "Goodness, no wonder your dark eye rings are growing bigger. And don't you lie about not getting missions. You have missions daily at five, but it's just that they're one-day missions that Tsunade-sensei gave you to be able to check up on him! And supposedly, he should be more trustworthy, since he has limited chakra anyway, and it's been two months, so she should be giving you overnight missions in two weeks time, and you're worried. Look at your eyes! They're so tired!" Sakura reprimanded fiercely.

"Hmmph. I'm doing the Elders a service in staying within the village anyway, so they'd probably make her prolong my short missions. Don't worry about me… Sakura-chan, I feel that I owe him this much… for doing something so terrible to him I cannot forgive myself for… and for not keeping my final promise… that old hag simply won't give in! And after I roped in Kakashi-sensei and you too! Without his chakra, he can't even practise Mangekyou! But not that I want him to anyway… seeing what it did to Itachi… I don't want him to turn blind too…"

"He's already blind for not acknowledging what you did to him." Sakura pointed out in mild irritation.

"Sakura-chan… you don't know what a terrible sin I committed…"

Sasuke turned and walked away from the shop, guilt crowding in on him for some reason he couldn't comprehend.

"Ah! Sasuke-kun!" A loud voice rang beside his ears, as a heavy figure launched on his back. He narrowed his eyes at the unwelcome person.

"Ino." He greeted curtly.

"Sasuke-kun! I'm so happy to catch you alone! Let's go to Ichiraku's!" Ino purred sweetly, dragging him into the shop as he protested feebly.

"Ah! Naruto! High forehead! Look who's here!" Ino chanted as she pushed Sasuke to sit next to Naruto whilst she herself settled on the seat next to Sasuke. Sakura scowled at her.

"Ino-pig. You're always making things worse."

Ino beamed at her. "What, jealous are you Sakura? I heard you went out on a date with Fuzzy Brows though. Your taste in men has certainly dropped."

Sakura scowled further at Ino, though her eyes darted nervously between Naruto and Sasuke in the midst of her glaring contest with Ino. Sasuke stubbornly kept the back of his head towards Naruto as he asked Ino dully, "I'm not hungry, why did you bring me here?"

"Ahh… Sasuke-kun, don't be so bad. It's once in a blue moon we meet! It's my treat, come on." Ino cooed, linking her arm around Sasuke's.

Sasuke huffed impatiently, but remained seated, his dark pupils shifting towards Naruto in an askance glance. A sharp shot of electricity seemed to spark as their eyes met, once Sasuke realised that Naruto had been staring at him all along.

He pulled his arm away from Ino to clasp his left hand with his right in his usual resting position on the table, pressing his thumbnail against his lips as he hurriedly directed his gaze straight ahead at the boiling soup of ramen in the pot the shop-owner was cooking.

He quietly consumed his bowl of ramen, the right side of his torso next to Naruto tingling in the weirdest fashion the whole time he was eating. Once he finished, he whipped out his wallet and slapped some notes on the table.

"I'd pay for my own." He informed Ino, and left her disappointed at the table, exiting the shop in haste. For some reason, Naruto and Sakura had remained in the shop throughout, and he didn't understand why. He hastened his footsteps when he heard someone jogging up to him.

"Sasuke! Wait!"

He stopped and whirled around, preparing to whip out his icy glare and cool composure, which instantly died at the sight of the keys with the frogs keychain clasped tightly in Naruto's tanned hand.

"Your housekeys." Naruto said softly, placing the keys on Sasuke's outstretched palm. Their palms met, fingers tingling from the soft contact as their fingerless gloves brushed against each other, marble pale against bronzed tan. Sasuke accepted the keys mutely, and tried to retract his hand, but the bronze fingers curled around his alabaster ones. He stared down at the fingers, unable to meet the gaze of the owner. He could feel Naruto's azure orbs boring into his head.

"That's my keys isn't it?" Naruto questioned. Sasuke remained dumb.

"Sasuke!" he prodded.

"Yes, so what? I accidentally took it." Sasuke snarled, pulling at his hand, still staring down at the tanned, callused fingers that held his hand firmly.

"I don't believe you. Sasuke…" Naruto started to whine. Sasuke quickly looked around. People were starting to look at them weirdly. And the whisperings had once again begun. Was Naruto immune to all these? Sasuke glared at the crowd, and pulled Naruto with him. They leapt together towards the forest clearing, as Naruto had refused to let go of his hand.

"Are you crazy!? Everyone was staring at us!" Sasuke accused hotly, his eyes finally swinging up to meet Naruto's gaze, and he was startled by the sight, now that he was face-to-face with him, up close. His blue eyes resembled dull glass and the dark eye rings were almost comparable to Gaara's. Underneath the tanned bronze skin Naruto seemed pallid, almost gaunt, his haggardness unbefitting the healthy skin tone.

"Yes, I'm crazy… I'm going crazy… without you… without your forgiveness… I know I don't deserve it, I don't expect it, but please, at least, tell me you do feel something for me!" Naruto pleaded, his two palms now grasping Sasuke's one palm that still held the key.

"I… You ought to get more sleep. You shouldn't be spying on me." Sasuke changed the topic nervously, raking his free hand through his raven locks to soothe his nerves.

"You overheard me and Sakura-chan talking? I'm sorry… I missed your sleeping face… It's just so peaceful…" Naruto admitted sheepishly.

Sasuke released a grunt, though his face flushed a pale peach at Naruto's confession.

"You're crazy."

"Sasuke… please…" Naruto begged.

"I told you I didn't want to see you anymore. Why did you come after me?" Sasuke asked harshly, beating himself on the inside for his heartless blurting of words again. He never failed to break Naruto's heart.

"I'm sorry… I just wanted a chance to see you properly." Naruto said softly, his ocean blues downcast.

Sasuke sighed before he stepped closer to Naruto, his heart pounding. He leaned his body gingerly against Naruto's, his free palm pressing against Naruto's back. Naruto stiffened in shock, before he abruptly relaxed and softened himself into the hug, melting in Sasuke's unexpected embrace.

"I had wanted to cut off our bonds… I thought the most important thing in my life was revenge… and my lo-our bonds were stopping me… now I know it's not possible. I didn't want the pain of losing anyone dear to me anymore, that's why I built the walls around me… I… I don't know what else to say… I just know… that I still care… for you, no matter what happened in the past… and if you still feel sorry for that time, I have to tell you something, that I'm sorry too." Sasuke murmured into the fluffy blond spikes.

"For what?" Naruto's voice breathed against his jet black hair.

"For trying to kill you at the Valley of the End… and, and also thank you, for helping me kill… the man I hate most." Sasuke said in a hushed tone, closing his eyes as he inhaled Naruto's familiar scent. He could memorise the forest-like scent, the aroma of trees and forest dew.

Naruto pressed a soft chaste kiss at his raven black hair, muttering a thank you to Sasuke, that went only heard to Sasuke's ears, as time appeared to slow to a stop for this moment of their embrace of acknowledgements of their cares and concerns.

Sasuke shoved Naruto off shortly, his ears burning from his awkward confession. Naruto stumbled back a little, his face still aglow with happiness, lit up with a soft smile that Sasuke had never seen. Sasuke felt his already warm face growing hotter, and bowed his head low, making his bangs hide his face.

"You love me. You do, you really do!" Naruto shouted in zest, crashing back into Sasuke's strong frame, squeezing him in a tight embrace.

"Usuratonkachi." Sasuke muttered, even as the corners of his lips tweaked into a tiny smile.

"Sasuke-teme, I promise you, I will never ever hurt you again, for you love me! And we'll join forces for your complete revenge I swear! And we will be successful! Once everything is over, we'll live a peaceful life happily ever after!" Naruto gushed in excitement, staring into Sasuke's dark onyx orbs, almost getting lost in the eternal beauty of the velvet blackness.

"Stop it. I didn't say anything like that. And shinobi never lead peaceful lives. Don't be so melodramatic."

Naruto grinned foxily at Sasuke's sullen tone, understanding his awkwardness in revealing emotions. This day of confessions was almost more than Sasuke could bear. Naruto cupped his angular face together, planting a soft kiss on his lips.

Sasuke stared back at the brilliant blue irises for a long moment after the chaste kiss, lost in the sincerity of the loving sea-gaze, before he grabbed Naruto's sunny blond spikes and melded their lips together in a forceful kiss, which Naruto returned just as eagerly.

He pulled at Naruto's short tresses, sculpting the skull beneath in his hands, digging his fingers deep at the base of Naruto's neck, while Naruto's hands slid down his back.

The two of them eventually parted for some air after what seemed like an eternity, faces flushed and lips a rosy pink, smiling at each other, wrapped in the evening glows of the sun that draped inky black shadows around the two silhouettes.

Ino gaped at the sight before her, partially hidden by the thorny bushes that scratched at her face, her chakra well masked.

"They're gay? Sasuke-kun, gay?" she gasped.

"I told you not to follow them." Sakura admonished, holding the woman back with her iron-strong grip, though her own lips were slightly parted in shock at her own team mates' passionate displays of affection for each other.

But she knew, and had always known that she could never be a part of them, though they were once all a team, she had somehow, always been watching their backs as they walked together in front of her, and now she was watching the two as they stood in their tightly bound embrace, with no room for her.

She knew, in terms of love, she could never compare with Naruto, he loved with endless energy and boundless limits. He was the only one who could give Sasuke happiness, eternal happiness, and though she was bitter, she knew that only with Naruto, Sasuke would blossom from his tight little bud. Sasuke needed this sunlight that only Naruto could offer, Sakura knew it. And Naruto, in turn, was never quite as true to himself and natural, perfectly natural as he was with Sasuke.

They in their weird rival challenges, existing as dichotomies, had never needed anyone more than each other, just as the light needed the dark, and only they two understood each other's loneliness as the others couldn't. Now that they were finally together, she was happy for them, truly she was, but she had never felt as lonely.

She knew, in time, she would move on, and maybe even accept Lee-san, but she wondered if she'd ever find a love quite as powerful, pure, tainted, destructive, that brought eruptions of kaleidoscope to their lives. Many people wait all through their lifetime never even to experience a love like this. They were blessed to discover it at such a tender age.

Sakura smiled wistfully at the two embracing silhouettes, before pulling Ino away from the bushes. She knew they could not hide their chakra signatures for long, and Sasuke would immediately push Naruto away if he knew anyone saw them in such a affectionate manner. Sakura didn't want to break their tender moment, which was rarer than the rarest diamond, only happening after so many fights and pains.

A fond smile lifted the corners of her lips when she thought of their rivalry that developed into something so deep. It was indeed a love unrivalled by all others. Konoha would be a volcanic village from now on, now that they're together. She couldn't imagine the couple fights they'd get into.

Chidori versus Rasengan. Chidori Nagashi versus Shuriken Rasengan.

Konoha would be starting to need a lot of savings for repairs. She'd better hurry back to warn Tsunade-sensei. She smirked whilst Ino stared at her incredulously.

"Aren't you sad, Sakura?"

"Why should I be?" Sakura smiled at Ino.

"Sasuke and Naruto… you know…" Ino stuttered, her face scarlet.

"I always knew they'd get together. In fact, I was the one who encouraged Naruto! So we'd better hasten our heels now, if not we'd ruin their happy moment. Naruto kept whining incessantly about Sasuke being such an insensitive bastard, so he must be deliriously happy now…" Sakura said almost to herself the last words.

Ino gaped at her. "You encouraged Naruto!? Do you have a fever or something? I thought you always liked Sasuke!"

"Yes, I like him. I like them both. They are my best team mates, and will always be. But Naruto loves him. And he loves Naruto. They'd be happy together." Sakura smiled at Ino.

"I can't believe you let him go without any fight. In the past, you ended our friendship for Sasuke! Your feelings were that strong!" Ino argued.

"No. I was just childish then. So… want to rebuild our friendship now? It's not too late I hope." Sakura laughed, her jade eyes twinkling.

"Well, we'll see. Another Sasuke might show up one day." Ino sniffed haughtily, though her sky blue eyes warmed. They giggled together, and leapt along the towering green trees back to their village.

"You know there were some people watching all along…" Sasuke murmured into Naruto's ear. Naruto smirked, still clutching to his back tightly.

"But they're gone now."

"Usuratonkachi. If you hadn't wound your chakra around me I would have killed you by now. How'd you learn turning your chakra into strings?" Sasuke tried pulling away from Naruto slightly to look into his face, though his body was still tightly bound to Naruto.

"Kankuro taught me, remember that guy with tribal tattoo on his face? He's Gaara's brother, and was so happy I saved Gaara previously, so he taught me this puppet chakra string jutsu or something. Turns out really useful!" Naruto yapped happily, oblivious to the darkening look on Sasuke's face.

"Gaara… he really likes you?" Sasuke asked reluctantly.

"Well don't be jealous! I can't help my charms! Oof!" Naruto yelped in pain when Sasuke flung the both of them of the ground, knocking the air off Naruto momentarily when his back met the rocky, moss-covered ground.

"Wait wait Sasuke! I was gonna add that I only have eyes for you! So it doesn't matter does it? I turned him down in the end! He accepted my rejection like a real man!" Naruto babbled hurriedly, staring up at Sasuke in slight trepidation.

"Dobe. I still can't do anything to you in this state. And I think my hands hurt more than your back. They practically cushioned your fall." Sasuke scowled down at him. A wide grin spread across Naruto's face, stretching his whiskers.

"You're so right. And I can do something." Naruto said smugly, before leaning up to catch Sasuke's pale pink lips, which curled slightly before parting for him.

P.S. I noticed some readers didn't seem to realise that this is the final chapter, so here I am giving it a proper ending to it with a song that Sasuke should dedicate to Naruto. XP

Evanescence-Forgive Me

Can you forgive me again?
I don't know what I said
But I didn't mean to hurt you

I heard the words come out
I felt like I would die
It hurt so much to hurt you

Then you look at me
You're not shouting anymore
You're silently broken

I'd give anything now
to hear those words from you

Each time I say something I regret I cry "I don't want to lose you."
But somehow I know that you will never leave me, yeah.

'Cause you were made for me
Somehow I'll make you see
How happy you make me

I can't live this life
Without you by my side
I need you to survive

So stay with me
You look in my eyes and I'm screaming inside that I'm sorry.

And you forgive me again
You're my one true friend
And I never meant to hurt you