Out of the Night

By Pinkmoon

Chapter Two

"The soul selects her own society

Then shuts the door;"

-Emily Dickinson

Disclaimer: Yet again, I do not own Star Wars or anything associated with it. I don't even own the movies. Depressing, isn't it?

AN: I'm sorry if any one got multiple alerts about this story. Document Manager was being evil and leaving out things so that I had to delete the chapter, change it, and then repost it. I hate Document Manager. I really hate it.

He couldn't see. He was either blind or the darkness was really strong here, wherever here was. He didn't like it. He was cold and alone and he wanted Daddy. Daddy would keep him safe. Daddy would turn his lightsaber on and he would be able to see and he'd be able to snuggle up close to Daddy and keep warm.

"Child who walks the sky…"

He looked frantically around, searching for the owner of the soft whisper that wafted though his ears. His stomach felt funny, like it was a gigantic hole and everything was falling through, leaving him only with fear.

"Who—Who's there?" he cried out. The voice laughed harshly, louder than before. He wrapped his arms around himself. Where was Daddy? Why wasn't he here? He wanted him so badly.

"Child who walks the sky…" the voice whispered from somewhere behind him. He snapped around but saw nothing.

Daddy…he called out in his mind.

He and Daddy could do that some times. Talk in each other's head. He wanted him now, so he could get rid of the scary voice and take him home. Where was he?

Daddy? Where are you?

"Child who walks the sky…"

He turned around once more to the voice. A red lightsaber blade sliced through the air above his head. He looked up into the man's face and saw a monster.


"Luke! Wake up!"

Four-year-old Luke Skywalker's blue eyes snapped opened and locked onto the worried ones of his father. He launched himself into his father's arms. His small arms clung to Daddy's neck and Luke buried his face in the skin just below it. He started sobbing, relieved to be safe and with Daddy and no longer with the…monster or whatever that was. One arm wrapped around him and strong fingers stroked his hair.

"Shh, baby. It's alright. It was only a bad dream." Daddy mumbled into his ear. Luke tried to snuggle closer into him. Daddy's scent, a mixture of grease, leather and something else Luke couldn't identify, soothed him, like it always did. He breathed in deeper than before. Soon, his sobbing ceased and he was reduced to sniffling.

He heard yelling and lifted his head a little from Daddy's shoulder. That's right, Luke remembered as he looked around, they were on a transport shuttle. The cabin was small, enough room for two bunks. Daddy slept on the top one; Luke and Leia shared the bottom, sleeping at opposite ends. Their bags were on the floor, mostly clothes, and Artoo and Threepio stood off in a corner, powered down for the night.

Their ship had been stolen a few months ago while they had been in some city eating dinner with a man who had kept his face hidden underneath his cloak and spoke about a rebellion, whatever that was. Daddy had been mad when they had returned and saw the ship missing. He paced angrily and mumbled about how he should have left the droids. Leia had plopped down and started crying and Threepio fretted and worried. Luke and Artoo had just stood there silently, quietly, waiting for Daddy to decide what to do.

And he had decided that they needed to go visit another friend who had either worked for Mama or worked with Mama. Luke couldn't remember anymore. Seemed like everyone they went to see fell into one of those categories. Anyways, Daddy was sure they would give him another ship.

"Luke," Daddy whispered, probably not wanting to wake Leia, "are you alright now?"

Luke shrugged and just cuddled back into Daddy's chest. The fear from the dream no longer ate at him but he could still feel it. Could still feel it resting deep inside him just waiting to come back out.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Daddy asked, his fingers running over Luke's forehead. Luke shook his head. He didn't want to remember the darkness or the cold or the monster who's face…who's face he never wanted to see again.

Daddy didn't say anything else and quiet and darkness did their work on Luke. His arms slipped from around Daddy's neck and he closed his eyes. Daddy kept stroking his hair and Luke felt himself start drifting off into sleep.


Luke jumped at the unexpected yell from outside their door. He snapped around, wondering what was going on.

"What in the galaxy are they doing out there?" Daddy muttered to himself as he stood, hoisting Luke onto his hip. He palmed their door opened and leaned out to peer down the hallway. Luke saw four of the crew members struggling with what looked like a teenage boy. What are they doing, he wondered.

"Let me go! I swear I'll pay," the boy screeched.

"We don't keep stow ways on board. Now shut up! Y'er gonna wake up the payin' cust'mers" one of the crew growled. The boy started to open his mouth before Daddy's strong voice cut through the air.

"What's going on?"

It was funny to watch all five freeze mid-struggle. The boy especially. His mouth hung open slightly and he looked, what was that word, amaz-a-something. Finally one of the crew spoke up.

"Sorry to disturb you, sir. Just found this kid hiding in the cargo hold. We're about to contact the authorities."

"And who are the authorities?" Daddy demanded, his eyes focusing on the boy, studying him. Luke wondered what was so interesting about him that Daddy stared like that.

"Uh, I think Imperial Child Services or something like that. The Captain will know so you don't have to worry about that," the crewman mumbled, looking at Daddy like he was weird. Luke didn't like that. Daddy wasn't weird.

"So he'll be on Coruscant?" Daddy's eyes snapped to the crewman who jumped at the sudden attention.

"I guess so, sir. He'll be taken care of if that's what you're worrying about."

Daddy was silent for a moment and Luke looked up at him. His gaze was fixed back on the boy, drilling into him.

Luke looked back at the boy to see that look again. That look of wonder and fear and excitement, none of which made any sense to Luke.

The crew men were starting to shift around, looking uncert-a-something. That made Daddy break his stare with the boy. Then Daddy raised his hand and Luke grinned in excitement. He loved it when Daddy did this, always begged Daddy to teach him and Leia how. This was going to be so wizard!

Daddy waved his hand and stated quietly, "This boy has paid for his passage. He is my nephew."

All four crew men parroted Daddy while the boy's eyes widened.

"He sneaked out of our room to explore the ship. You are just returning him to me."

"He sneaked out of your room to explore the ship. We are just returning him to you," they repeated. Daddy closed his hand and silence reigned for a moment. Then…

"Oh, sir, quite a struggle your nephew put up. But he hasn't harmed anything," one of the men said jollily and pushed the boy in their direction.

"I'm glad to hear that," Daddy smiled as he grabbed the boy's shoulder. "I sorry to cause you so much trouble."

"No trouble at all, sir. Good night."

"Good night to you as well," Daddy said as he dragged the boy into their room and released him once the door shut. Daddy sat down on Luke and Leia's bed and settled Luke on his thigh.

Luke looked the boy in the center of the room over. Brown hair, he noted, with brown eyes, like Leia and Mama and that lady with the cookies. Tall and skinny with a shirt two sizes too big and pants that sagged on him. He looked around the room with a disinterested look but Luke noticed that he fidgeted with his sleeve and he kept glancing at Daddy.

"You know who I am," Daddy stated.

The boy jerked; eyes wide. He nodded slowly. "Yeah, you're the Hero with no Fear. A Jedi."

"My name's Anakin Skywalker," Daddy told him, slight edge to his voice.

"Whatever," the boy shrugged, glancing down to his shoes. Daddy study him once more. The silence was making Luke sleepy again and he leaned against Daddy's chest. But he fought to keep his eyes open. He wanted to know more about this strange boy and why Daddy kept staring at him.

"What's your name?" Daddy asked, his chest vibrating as he spoke, making Luke even more sleepy.

"Han Solo."

"How old are you?"


"And you're parents?"

"Are dead." The boy, Han, looked up at that and met Daddy's stare. His eyes were hard and Luke didn't his eyes like that. They scared him.

"Where are you from?" Daddy continued his questioning.

"Places," Han said defiantly.

Luke looked up at Daddy's face in an effort to keep his eyes open. Daddy was glaring like he did when he or Leia got in trouble and Daddy wanted them to tell him what they had done.

Luke looked back at the boy, watched as he shifted his weight from foot to foot and avoided looking at Daddy. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Han looked at Daddy and mumbled, "Corellia."

"Interesting," Daddy mumbled and glanced down at Luke who look up at him, his eyes mere slits by now. Daddy ran his finger across his forehead and Luke suddenly felt like durasteel was attached to his eyelids.

"This is my son, Luke," Daddy told Han without breaking their stare, "and his twin Leia." Daddy nodded toward Leia and looked back at Han. His hand came up and began stroking Luke's hair and Luke put in his last effort to keep his eyes open. Just a few more seconds…

"I thought Jedi—"

"That's somewhat irrelevant now, don't you think?"

Han just shrugged and bit his lip as he tried and failed to fight off a yawn.

"It's late. You can sleep on the top bunk tonight. Tomorrow, we'll discuss your…situation more."

Han didn't move for a moment. Just fiddled with his sleeve and looked around the room. Finally, he sighed and walked over to the bunk and climbed onto the top bed.

Daddy shifted Luke out of his lap and knelt beside the bed. He pulled the cover up to Luke's chin and tucked the blanket in.

"Now, son of mine," Daddy whispered as he started stroking Luke's hair again, " it's time for you to go back to sleep."

"But I don't want to," Luke protested weakly, yawning. What if the nightmare came back? What if the monster with the red lightsaber came after him again? What if Han Solo was a thief and stole his father away like the bad person who stole their ship?

"I'm right here. You won't have any more bad dreams." Fingers kept stroking his hair, luring him back to sleep. Vainly, he tried not to follow.

"Promise?" he mumbled, eyes closing. He was fading away, sleep reaching out to claim him once more. He no longer fought, too tired to give any more effort.

"Promise," he heard Daddy whisper and let go into a dreamless sleep.

"The next day, Han Solo was the son of good friends who had died in the Clone Wars and whose care had been entrusted to my father. Or so the cover story went."

Luke Skywalker sighed, shifted his legs, and looked bored once more. It was only fair, Mara thought. His life should have been more exciting.

"What was the really story?" she asked, drumming her fingers on her knee. How long had she been here, anyways?

"Han's parents died when he was a baby. Some smuggler guy took him in and used him to con people out of their money. Of course, this guy wasn't the nicest guardian around so Han ran away and sneaked aboard the same transport ship we were on. Han knew all about Father, and Father didn't feel comfortable with Han roaming the galaxy all by his lonesome with the knowledge that Anakin Skywalker was in fact alive. So he told Han that he could stay with us and Father would see that he was taken care of. Or rather, he told Han that he was staying with us." Skywalker grinned as he spoke the last sentence.

Mara rolled her eyes and moved on to the next topic of interest.

"What about the dream?"

"What about it?" Skywalker froze and the grin dropped from his face. Mara, though, felt the beginnings of a smile on her face.

"What did it mean?" she asked softly. Skywalker stared off into space and began rubbing his hands again. Mara watched as those hands went back and forth, back and forth. The movement was almost hypnotic and slightly annoying.

"The dream…" he murmured, eyes lost in a trance, "will be important later on." His blue eyes connected with hers once more. Burn into her rather. Seared through her, melted away her flesh and bones. Scorched every covering she had until just her soul was left. She wondered if this was what people meant when they said the Skywalker eyes were devastating. And why were those eyes affecting her now?

"For right now, it can wait," he told her decisively, blue eyes still burning. And she, for once, did not argue. She changed the subject.

"Did Han Solo affect your relationship with your father?" she probed, hoping that maybe, just maybe…

Luke Skywalker broke their staring contest and began to laugh, no, he began to outright howl. He leaned over, clutched his stomach, and his head bobbed up and down from the force of his laughter.

Had he gone mad? Mara could only stare at the man and wonder vaguely if the Emperor would be too upset if she just went ahead and killed Luke Skywalker. Because he was really starting to get on her nerves and the idea was too tempting.

"What is so funny?" she demanded, angrily. He looked up at her, stopping suddenly. Stared for a moment and then he was back at it with the bending over, shaking laughter.

She stood up, crossed her arms, and glared at him.

"Shut right now, Skywalker or I'll kill you with your own lightsaber."

The threat barely worked but Skywalker sat up and stifled his laughter to mere chuckles. He grinned at her and leaned back, waiting.

"Just what was so hilarious?" she seethed, barely containing her rage.

"You just (here he had to smother another fit of laughter)…just sounded like some holo talk show host."

Now she was infuriated. Here she was trying to turn him to the Dark Side with the power to kill him at a moment's notice and he was laughing at her. She leaned down until she was in his face and hissed between her teeth, "Need I remind you, Skywalker, that you and your entire family are being held captive aboard the Death Star? And need I remind you that I have no problem torturing anyone you care about?"

That killed the last of his amusement. His face became hard and the blue eyes that held her captive turned to ice. His body tensed and his hands clenched and she wondered if she should just drop the story-telling scenario and just threaten his family until he turned. It would probably be faster that way. Then again…

"No, Han didn't affect my relationship with Father," he sneered at her. His glared remained as cold as Hoth and his eyes were icicles that pierced her skin and shattered her bones. Only this time, she refused to allow them to weaken her.

"What about your sister?" she questioned. He had to be close. Reminding him of his sister would just help that along.

"She hated Han actually. Well, she did until we finally went to live at the Alliance Base," he said.

"And?" she pressed.

"And you may want to sit down again. Wouldn't want any of your lackeys coming in and getting the wrong idea," he taunted. That's when she realized she was mere centimeters from his lips and that their noses were barely touching. She stood but did not sit. She would never give him a complete victory.

To all my wonderful readers,

I'm so sorry this took me so long to get out but this was the most difficult chapter I have ever written. I started it about ten different times before I was finally satisfied. I also ended up getting a job this summer where I typed all day and when I got home the last thing I wanted to look at was a computer. But that's over now and hopefully the next chapter won't take so long to get out. Once again, I'm sorry about the wait.

On a side note, I finally saw The Phantom Menace all the way through last night. My friends are going to be so proud of me. Anyways…
