Bella POV

This goes for the whole story I am not Stephenie Meyers! Which means I don't own twilight.

Hey guys!! This is chapter one! Just edited by my new beta angelgirl44! Thank you so much!

Bella POV

"Alice! I want to go home! We have been shopping for the last four hours. Can we please go home?!" I ask in a whiny voice.

"Sure, once I try this last outfit. I need a perfect CHRISTMAS!" she yells very excitedly in her beautiful bell like voice "I love CHRISTMAS! It gives me the perfect excuse to go shopping!"

"You would anyways." I state to her as a matter of fact.

"So then it gives me an excuse to spend money on you! Since you are just dieing to get home even though Edward won't be home for another couple of hours, he is still hunting with the rest of them, just let me try on this outfit. I think it is the one I am looking for, and if it is, then we can go home." She sadly tells me.

"Tadaa. Here I come. How does it look?" she asks.

"Wow that looks great it is totally fits the holiday, and it is so you." I state out of truth and relief. "Now we get to go home right?"

"Fine, if you promise not to complain too much when you open your gift from me or Edward." She says happily.

"Fine you win."

"Hello love." Edward says in his beautiful velvety voice.

"Your back Alice said you wouldn't be home for a couple more hours." I ask in confusion.

"She just wanted you to stop complaining, I am sorry you had to endure 4 hours of torture." He says sweetly.

"HEY SHE NEEDED IT!" Alice screams up at us.

"It was alright but I am glad you are back now we can enjoy Christmas Eve." I say, happy to be back with him. "What are we going to do the rest of the night? Do you guys have any traditions you usually do?" I ask.

"Sort of, but I am not sure if Emmett and Jasper are back yet, so until then we can just relax." He says in his marvelous voice.

"What are they doing, and what is your tradition?" I ask, unsure if I should participate.

"You will just have to see. I am not going to spoil it for you, but you have to promise you will on my team with Emmett or else I don't think you should do it." He says.

"Sure but why with Emmett?" I ask curiously.

"It is just for your safety." He says mysteriously, with a glint in his eye.

"Oh alright, if I should then I will." I ask still unsure why for my safety would I have to be with him and Emmett.

"BELLA YOU'RE HERE!" Emmett screams up the stairs while barreling into me.

"Human…. Can't…. Breath…" I choke out as he laughs his booming laugh.

"Hi Emmett good to see you to, so what are we doing that I can't know?" I ask hoping he will tell.

"Well if Eddie hasn't told you then it must be a surprise."

"Hey, don't call me Eddie, you know I hate that!" Edward yells at Emmett.

"Ok, cool it would you, and what is the secret? Why can't she know?"

"It is a surprise since it is her first Christmas with us. Did you get it all ready?" he asks

Ugh they are talking between themselves, and they won't tell me what is going on. I wish they would. I am sick of being the one that doesn't know what is going on, and what is it that I can't know about just because this is my first Christmas with the Cullen's. I can't believe Charlie actually let me come. It was probably because Alice asked him to. He would do anything if Alice asked him. I think with a smirk she must dazzle him like Edward dazzles me.

"So when is this surprise going to happen?" I ask hoping it is now, so I can finally know what is going on.

"Now, I guess if you go with Alice and get ready." Edward said.

"BELLA ARE YOU GOING TO LET ME GET YOU READY?!" she asks very happily and loudly.

"Sure if I must." I said jokingly to bug her.

"You don't want to?" she asked me worriedly.

"Yes I do. I just said that to bug you." I reply to her so she won't worry so much.

"Come along then!" she yelled.

As we raced up to her room, she said that she just bought it and that hopefully I will be warm enough.

"Wow Alice, why would I have to wear this, it isn't that cold?" I ask her because it is so hot and bulky.

"You will see." She said annoyingly to me.

"Edward where did all of your family go I thought they were following us?" I ask knowing they were right behind us a minute ago. We drove for not long to somewhere in Alaska to the mountains.

"They are giving us our privacy, but you will see them soon." He said lovingly to me.

"Oh, I thought there was something about teams." I ask knowing there was.

"Yeah, later but not now, now we get to have a lovely walk through the forest, and enjoy Christmas Eve." He says amazingly loving. He must like it that he has someone here for Christmas like his siblings do every year. I thought to myself.

"Okay that is great. I love walks, well I love anything if I get to do it with you." I said.

"Me too love. I would do anything with you."

We walked threw the forest for awhile when…

Hope you enjoyed chapter one!