AN: The final chapter is finally here and I feel happy and sad at the same time if that makes any sense. There are so many people I want to thank for supporting me while writing this story that I should make another chapter just to be sure to mention everyone. THANK YOU for taking your time to read this and for giving me reviews – my favorite part - that helped me get up and write again whenever that dreaded writer block threatened me. I cherish each and every one of you my dear readers! And now let's toast for the sequels! "brings out the cake and champagne"
WARNING: Angst and mention of disturbing imagery and situation. That sums it all.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to the Fullmetal Alchemist universe/manga/anime, except for this insane plot, so please don't sue!
Behind him, the Fuhrer's new secretary watched him impassively with Trisha Elric's eyes, before resuming her duties.
"How come you get a medal and I'm stuck with a three months suspension?" despite the cocky words, the tone lacked the usual bite Roy had learned to associate with the blonde currently slouched on a chair on the other side of his desk.
Having been released from the hospital only a day before, Roy was on a light schedule that included only paperwork: something his 1st Lieutenant found particularly amusing. And with his leg on a cast Roy was practically glued to the office. That's why on that cold day Edward Elric was scheduled to take the train back to Risembool, a week after the attack that will later be known as the "Bloody Monday", said teenager was gracing with his presence a rather frustrated looking Colonel in his office rather than the train station seeing that there was only an hour left before the train went its merry way.
"What can I say? I played my cards right." Roy tried to sound smug and felt a bit better hearing the snort he got as a response. Still it was rather weak and the Colonel couldn't help but to be apprehensive of what had Ed endured on the week he was in the Army's capable hands. The teenager looked a bit ill: face too pale, limp hair and eyes that lacked their usual luster. "Edward, what did they do to you?"
The young alchemist shifted a little in his chair, looking anywhere but at the patiently waiting officer. The action caused more concern to the Flame Alchemist, but he let the silence stretch knowing in the end Edward won't stand the need to fill it.
"You aren't going to let this drop, are you?" seeing the resolute look he got, Ed sighed and finally decided on his answer. "I thought not." Then louder "It wasn't so bad. True I did freak a little when I woke up on that hospital bed."
"That's an understatement." at least according to the report Roy had on his desk with a list of the injuries seven soldiers and one nurse had suffered from the panicking teenager. But Ed wasn't finished.
"You know hospitals, they all look the same. At first I thought that I was still there…in that place. Anyway, they gave me a full physical, decided that I'll live and the next thing I knew got me into the interrogation room. Keep asking me about the attack and what did I knew about Hakuro's plans and the research center. Over and over again, no matter how many times I've told them the same thing. I guess it's the standard procedure, right?" seeing Roy's small nod, Ed let out a deep breath then straightened up a little.
"I was afraid" he admitted with a small voice "I was afraid that they discovered my…condition. And was really relieved when nobody made a fuss about being a girl, even if they called a liar a couple of times. Say…" at this point Ed looked straight at the older man "How did you pull that of?"
"What makes you think I had anything with it?" Roy was the poster child for fake innocence.
"Right. Thanks…bastard."
"You're welcome….shrimp. Or should I say little flower?" he barely contained his chuckle seeing Fullmetal going red with aggravation. Good, it was a much better look on him…her, than the half dead expression she had worn from the moment she had walked in his office.
"You….you…argh!" really intelligent there Ed, but the teasing was a much needed bit of normalcy at this point in life so he decided to let it slide. This time. So he changed the subject.
"Do you know anything about Maes?" that was one of the questions that had plagued his mind for the last seven days.
"Maes Hughes last known location was the infirmary where he arrived accompanied by Lieutenant Hawkeye and Lieutenant Havoc. The last person to see him was a nurse. She states that she treated his wounds and left him sleeping only to return a couple of hours and find him missing. Officially nothing was heard of him ever since."
"Do…you think he's well?" silently Roy leaned forward and gave him a paper note. Slightly surprised Ed took it and after seeing he had the approval to read it hastily unfolded it and did just that:
"Roy, the Fuhrer has more secrets than we previously thought. I have a hunch and I'll contact you when I'll know something for sure, but right now there is someone I really need to see.
PS: Tell the brat not to worry."
There was no signature, but they didn't need one. A small smile played on the teenager's lips and Roy felt relieved to see some of the tension leave the young shoulders.
"It was on my mail between old letters and bills. Nobody saw anything."
"I guess I should be going then or the train will leave without me." Getting up with a bit more energy than needed, Ed was starting to look like his old self and Roy felt grateful for it.
"But, before I go. I want to know…is Hakuro really dead? They say you've killed him." Reaching for the door the alchemist missed the strange mix of pain and frustration that molded for a moment the Colonel's features. He stood there; ready to leave, when the answer was delivered in a rather monotone voice.
"I really don't remember much. But they've positively identified the body." Seeing that no further details were forthcoming Ed nodded his salute and left the office leaving the older man to remember the latest addition to his nightmares: the image of a gun pointed to his head by a smirking cold-hearted bastard, accompanied by uncontrollable rage, a feeling of hopelessness and the strong will to survive that gave him the power to snap his fingers before the other one could pull the trigger.
Three days later a decidedly nervous Edward Elric stood outside Rockbell's house trying to get the courage to knock. It was rather late, but he knew those inside weren't asleep, his sensitive ears easily picking the no-nonsense voice of Granny Rockbell as she explained something automail related to an eager Sergeant Fuery that seemed really into the subject, while Winry could be heard one-side arguing with someone.
Finally here. You are such a chicken Ed. What's the worse that could happen? Besides a wrench in the head? He knew what he was really afraid of: rejection of what he had become. But he also knew that standing outside like a dolt wasn't really the smart choice.
Here it goes.
"Winry, do you mind answering that?"
"Ok, ok I'm going. Sheesh who could be at this hour?" hearing another knock she mumbled "Keep your pants on. I'm coming. Now what do…you…" and she just stood in the doorway gaping like a fish, eyes set on the visitor. Then with a shrieked "ED" that could be heard from miles around the house she tackled him and sent them both to the ground in a tangle of aching limbs. Not that she cared as she sobbed into his shoulder.
"Ed...I can't believe you're here. We thought you were dead!"
"Hush Winry…It's alright…I am here now." Eyes misting with tears moved from the sobbing girl to the gaping audience standing in the lit doorway. "A little help here?"
That seemed to snap them into action and a still shocked Sergeant Fuery came and tried to get them back on their feet, not an easy task with Winry attached to the alchemist in a vice grip. But then to their surprise she quickly disentangled and in one move she had perfected over time, knocked him on the head with the wench she always had on her person.
Ouch, that hurt! Still rubbing his sore head he almost started a verbal war with the girl hadn't Granny Pinako chosen that exact moment to interfere.
"Edward. Come inside. I think there is much to be discussed"
"Sure, but first things, first. Where is Al?" he asked hopefully only to get more than a little worried when he noticed their sudden downcast looks.
"What happened? Where is he?" unknown to him there was a slight growl to his words and Fuery, who had stepped closer trying to comfort him, froze on the spot uncertain. Even Winry felt a shiver going down her spine and with eyes no longer clouded by happiness could finally see some of the most obvious changes.
"Ed?" she gulped when gleaming golden eyes were suddenly directed at her "What happened to you?"
"Never mind that!" he was getting really frustrated but once again Pinako stopped things from getting too out-of-hand.
"He's alive. Stop the drama, already! Now come inside to talk."
And then she entered the house leaving the door opened in a silent invitation. Ed was quick to follow, suddenly free from Winry's grasp, with the other two moving on a more sedate pace. They both have felt it, the change in Edward, and they were more cautious about it. But that only damped their spirits a little, the important thing being that Ed was relatively well. And they both had confidence that as long the older Elric was alive and kicking he would find a solution to any problem.
Of course, neither of them was prepared for the full extend of the change.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE A GIRL?" a second shriek shattered the silence of the hills that night giving the town's people the basis to gossip on the sanity of those living there. Not that was really news, after all the Elrics and the Rockbells have always been a little strange.
The end…..
AN: Like I've said there will be 2 sequels: The Misadventures of Miss Edward (thank you Xstarlight-dragonX for the suggestion) will be posted one one-shot at the time starting November and Reaching for Midnight (yes I've finally decided on the title) from December. Hopefully I will hear from you then. Until the next story I wish you happy reading and good fanfiction!