Chapter 6: What Ned Doesn't Know…
Chuck didn't know exactly where she was, (but she did know she was with a friend) but it was dark. And damp. And she was pretty sure that there was a spider making its way down her back.
There may have been an empty chip bag underfoot, and a pair of knitting needles, as well as a knitted money holder, or maybe it was a bootie, she couldn't tell. She smelled a distinct smell of Al's Pancake World's buy a taco get a taco free deal.
Any who she heard the sound of the shopping network explaining how the newest knitting needles are non-slip. She went through her mental list of who would eat tacos from a pancake world and love to knit. Ned, no, Olive, no, Some Guy, no….. hmmmmmm….. who else. Then the phone rang and went straight to an answering machine saying,
"Hey, Emer…."
Some one shot forward stopping the machine. But if that message had kept going she would have heard,
"Hey, Emerson is starting to actually think, please hurry up. You'll be caught if Ned stops having fits!"
Another thing that Ned didn't know is that Some Guy had been sitting under Ned's apartment window over hearing their conversation. He had also faked his death, little did they know there was a another Some Guy, HIS TWIN BROTHER!!!! His name was Bobby Baslsam, he was murdered by his brother Billy Balsm (A.K.A. Some Guy).