
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon, or any of its corresponding characters or anything like that. You would know if I did… there would be a lot more slash.

Warning: SLASH! Malexmale. Don't like don't read, got it! All flames will be hunted down and destroyed mentally.

Summary: Takeru is on a blind date at his junior homecoming, but what happens when someone else catches his eye. SLASH Daikeru. Don't like don't read. Rated M for sexually suggestive language, and sexual actions in later chapters

Onto the Story….

The Setup

Why did I say yes?

This was the question which Takeru was currently asking himself as he fixed his hair in the mirror. He looked at himself as he wondered what the hell he was thinking. His blond hair, usually covered by a hat, was now uncovered for the world to see. It was streaked naturally with darker blond strands, as well as with very light blond. His face was, thank god, clean of all blemishes and pimples, and perfectly smooth. He had on a black dress shirt, with small, almost invisible blue stripes, that made the shirt look completely black, while serving to help his bright blue eyes stand out. His black pants were almost too big for his small waist; his parents had bought them, assuming he would grow into them, 3 years ago, but his small frame seemed to have barely grown since then. He had on black dress shoes, and to finish it off with a very dark blue tie. A random person on the street might say that Takeru looked emo, but in reality, he just liked the color black. He liked the way is contrasted with is fairly light skin, and he just thought that that color was what he looked best in. As he looked at himself in the mirror, more nervous than he had been in years, he continued to wonder what the hell he had been thinking.

If only I had just said no.


Takeru was at Daisuke, his best friend's, house. Ever since they had gotten into high school they had had this tradition. Once a month every month Takeru would head over to Daisuke's house for the weekend, and they would essentially spend the entire time being kids again. Sometimes they went to the digital world – so that they could see their friends again- but usually they just stayed at Daisuke's house, or mansion really, and acted like they were 8 again. There had only been one time in 3 years that the boys had not done so: When Takeru's grandfather died. That weekend was spent at Takeru's house, and Daisuke spent the entire time trying to keep him happy, and comforting when he started to cry. He always said it was because they were best friends, and that was what a real best friend would do, and there was never any reason to doubt it.

So this weekend found the two boys sitting in front of a Daisuke's large screen TV- which currently held a scene in a paused video game- arguing.

"Dai, you're cheating!" Said the slim blond boy, wearing his characteristic hat.

"Am not! It's not my fault you can't play this game!" Said the cinnamon haired soccer player, defensively. He was still in his pajamas.

"Then can you explain to me why my controller does the opposite of what I tell it to do?


"That's what I thought."

"I have no idea what you-"

"Hold that thought, my phone is ringing"

Takeru pulled out his cell phone and looked at the screen. Yoli Calling was splayed in little black letters. Wonder what she wants

"Hello?" greeted the confused teen.

"Hey TK, its Yoli" Uh oh, she sounded extra hyper, like she had had sugar lately. This couldn't end well.

"Hey Yoli, it's been a while, what's up?"

"Your homecoming is soon right?" Asked the hyped up young woman, right to the point.

"Um… yeah…"

"You don't have a date do you?" Again, right to the point.

"No, but Yoli, aren't you like practically engaged to your boyfriend? Plus, you're a gi-"

"No! you idiot, I'm not asking you out! My cousin is in town and he wanted to know if you would go with him."

Yes him. It had been a widely known fact for a while now that Takeru was gay. He came out a week after his brother, who, turns out, is also gay, and going out with Taichi. There was almost no controversy over Yamato, and so Takeru took advantage of the timing and told everyone as well. So now all the digi-destined know, as do most of his friends, his parents, and probably three quarters of the school.

"You mean your cousin Shane?"

"Yeah, you remember him? He is staying with my family for that weekend, and I promised I would find him something to do, and it turns out he's gay, and single, so how about it?

"Yeah, sure, I would love to take him!"

"Great! Oh he is gonna be so excited! You guys are gonna have so much fun, oh I have to get you guys a limo and a photographer and…"

Takeru had almost forgotten that Daisuke was right next to him, and he looked up to find a very puzzled look on his best friend's face.

"Hey Yoli, I have to go, but I will talk to you later, OK?"

"What? Oh! OK, bye TK! And give Daisuke a kiss goodbye for me!" And with that, the hyperactive college student hung up.

"What was that all about?" Daisuke asked with a confused smile.

"That was just Yoli. She's setting me up on a blind date with her cousin Shane, for homecoming."

"Awesome dude! Now you can go on a double date with me and 'Kari!" Dai said excitedly. Takeru didn't notice that Daisuke's face fell a little bit. But then again, neither did Daisuke.

"Yeah, I can't wait!"

The boys quickly went back to their video game, and Takeru almost forgot Yoli's last wish, until…

"Oh yeah!" Takeru leaned over the pillow that both boys were sitting on and gave Daisuke a kiss on the cheek. "Yoli sends her love."

"I will have to thank her next time I see her." Daisuke said, without even flinching. No one thought to question the fact that Daisuke didn't even flinch when his best friend kissed him, even though he had a girlfriend, even though he was straight, because no one had ever been able to find a reason to question it.

End Flashback