I am so sorry that this chapter took so long. Kinda got carried away with my other story 'Brother to Daddy'. Well I finally finished this chapter at last. I am in the middle of the next one, so hopefully you won't have to wait as long. I hope you enjoy it.


Dean rushes over to Bobby and helps him back to his feet, "You okay?"

"Yeah." Bobby rubs the back of his head, wincing when he touches the hurt spot." Dean, we can't let him help a Demon."

Dean turns back to look at Sam, curled into a ball on the floor. Sam's mumbling words and his body has started to shake. He pulls up his gun and fires at the Demon, smiling when it vanishes. He rushes other to Sam.

" Hey?" Dean touches Sam on the back causing Sam to flinch, " Sam?" Dean places a finger under Sam's chin and raises his head. " Tutus." (safe).

Sam lifts his head there's blood running from his nose, slowing dripping to the floor. He coughs and blood splurts from between his lips. " Haud magis." (no more). Sam drops his head and curls tighter, pulling his arms free to wrap around his legs. " Haud magis", whimpers coming through the deep breathing.

" Bobby help me get him back to bed." Dean drags a hand down his face. " I really need to know what's going on Bobby. He can get past salt but not iron. He's healing himself and now demons are turning up for a visit with Doctor Sam. What the hell is happening?"

"I've sent out messages to others and studied books but I haven't got anything yet." Bobby walks over to help Dean pick up Sam.

"Haud,haud,haud." (no,no,no) Sam's voice comes out quiet, just loud enough to be heard.

Dean rubs his face " Got anymore of that morphine Bobby. We're gonna have to knock him out again."

Bobby rushes into the main room and pulls out the med kit. He pulls out a syringe and a vile. He fills up the needle and throws the vial back in the box.He rushes back to Dean."Here."

Dean takes it and pulls one of Sam's shaking arms. " Sorry kiddo." He injects him and hands the syringe back.

Both of the hunters watch as Sam's shaking slows and his limbs begin to release himself and fulls to to the floor. Together they pick him up and carry him to the couch.

Dean lowers himself on the floor and leans back agaisnt the couch. " Bobby what the hell is going on?"

Bobby sits down in one of the arm chairs. " I told you I don't know. Give me a minute and i'll try my contacts again." The older hunter sighs.

Dean brushes a hand through Sammy's hair." What's happening with you?"

Sammy tilts his head towards the hand and blinks his eye's open. He looks at Dean with tear soaked eye's.

Dean tuns onto his knees. "Shh. Tutus.(safe)." He continues brushing through Sam's hair until he falls back into a morphine sleep.

Half a hour later Bobby's still on the phone with his contacts and Deans sitting in the armchair still watching Sam. His head starts to droop with sleep but he pulls it back up at the sound of Sam groaning. He stays seated hoping Sam will go back to sleeping.

Sam raises an arm and wipes his hand across his face. He opens his eye's and looks around the room. He stops when he spots Dean. Sam turns himself onto his side and holds out a hand to Dean.

Dean slides out of his chair onto the floor and slowly slides over to Sam, taking his hand " Sammy?"

He opens his hand and places it onto Dean's cheek. Sam closes his eye's and mumbles something in Latin.

Dean gasps as images flood through his mind. Heat, pain, flames, heat, pain, screaming, darkness. He can't help but scream with what is happening. Dean falls back and pants in deep breaths while looking at Sam.

" What happened? " Bobby moves next to Dean. " Dean? What's wrong?" Bobby follows Dean's gaze and looks into pain filled eye's of Sam. He watches a single tear fall and land on the couch next to Sam's face


Taking one last deep breath Dean sits himself back up." He showed me Bobby."

"Showed you what?" Bobby places a hand on Dean's back to keep him steady.

Dean moves closer to Sam and places a hand on his cheek." Showed me hell." Deans fingers graze over Sam's face, wiping away the wetness.

Bobby places a hand over his mouth and looks back to Sam's eye's. " So he was in hell." Bobby sighs and lowers his head.

Dean continues brushing Sam's cheek. He mouths the word Tutus and turns to Bobby. " Yeah." He gulps. "I had 10 seconds of it Bobby and I couldn't even cope. How the hell did he?" He turns back to Sam when a hand grabs his sleeve." Quis?" (what?)

Sammy pulls Dean in closer "Subsisto hic." (stay here)

Dean nods his head and pries Sam's fingers from his sleeve. " Bobby can you get him some water please? Hot!"

Bobby just nods his head and leaves for the kitchen.

"Es vos volnero?" (are you hurt?) Dean moves to a comfortable position.

Sam shakes his head and looks at his hands. He turns them over and back again. He holds them out and mimes washing his hands.He nods when Dean repeats his actions. Sam pushes himself up into a sitting position and smiles at Dean when he helps him steadying himself.

"Here." Bobby walks in with the glass of hot water. He watches Sam watching him." Aqua." (water)

Sam holds his hand out and floats the glass to himself. He takes a sip them gulps the rest down."Fervens." (hot)

Dean gives a small laugh. " Yeah, fervens. Hot." He takes the glass from Sam and settles it on the floor. He looks up at Bobby. "He wants to wash. Maybe I can get him to talk."

Bobby can't help but smile. He raises and eyebrow at Deans look. " What?"

Dean looks from Bobby to Sam and back again. " What are you smiling at?"

" You damn Winchesters that's what." Bobby reaches down and picks up the empty glass." The kids' been to hell and been through hell. He's doesn't know which way is left or right but he still trusts you. Like I said damn Winchesters."

"Damn?" Sam squints his eyes and looks at Dean. "Damn?"

Dean has to bite his lip to stop himself from smiling. "Yeah yeah Damn." He places one hand under Sams arm and helps to pull him to his feet."Adveho in." (come on). He holds Sam steady and wraps a hand around Sam's back.

Sam shakes of the dizzyness and looks at Dean." Tutus?"

" Yeah Tutus. Lets get you cleaned up." Dean guides Sam to the stairs and looks up to the landing.

" Do you need help?" Bobby follows behind.

Dean shakes his head. "I think we've got it covered." He raises his leg to take a step but his foot hits the green carpet on the landing." What the hell?" He turns his head and looks down the stairs at a very confussed Bobby." Bobby?"

" One minute your here." He points to the place they were at." And the next 'poof' you're there. Now we know how Sam got out of the bedroom." Bobby studies the empty spot infront of him.

Dean leans his head back to look at Sam. Sam's eye's are shut and teeth clenched. Dean waits for Sam to open his eye's. "Tere's?"(Okay?)

Nodding his head Sam clenches tighter to Dean's shirt. " Tere's." He blows out one last shaky breath before pulling himself to his full height and letting go of Dean. He reaches out a hand onto the wall to steady himself. "Teres." Sam shakes his head and looks around the landing. His eye's search out the rooms he can see with the doors open. His head tilts to the side and he closes his eye's. He feels Dean hand touch his back and he opens them. "Tere's." He lets Dean guide him.

" Teres. Lets get you cleaned." Dean pushes open the bathroom door and steps back to allow Sam in.

Sam walks in and stops. He looks around the room. He takes slow steady steps to the sink and lighty touches it, his fingers tracing around the edge.

"Sink." Dean moves and stands behind him, he turns on one off the taps." Water." Dean places his hand under the stream of hot water then pulls Sam's shaky hand with his. "Water."

Sam's fingers wiggle under the flow of water. He pulls his hand back and touches his fingers to his lips, tongue darting out quick to taste. " Aqua." He turns his head slightly and reaches out, running a hand down the towel hanging on a hook on the wall. He hesitates but slowly curls his hand around it.Sam rubs his thumb up and down before letting go.

Dean leans across and pulls the towel off the hook. He wipes his wet hand and hands it to Sam. " Abstergu." (clean,wipe awy.)

Sam copies Dean and slides the towel over his wet fingers. He laughs and places his hand back under the running water then pulls it back to dry them again.

" If I knew a bathroom was this much fun I would have sold tickets." Dean turns the tap off and takes the towel from Sam. " Let's get you clean kiddo."

The next chapter will continue from here and I promise a bit more pain for the boys. If I take to long just reach through the computer and slap me silly. Thanks for reading.