A young blonde girl sits on a park bench, her knees folded up under her crossed arms. There are tears streaming from her eyes. The girl watches innocent little boys and innocent little girls playing on an innocent playground watched by their innocent parents. Why is everyone and everything so innocent, when she is so guilty? She's been in this park for three hours now, and already she wonders if she can ever go back.

My name is Stephanie Judith Tanner, I am sixteen years old, and I am that blonde girl, sitting on that innocent park bench. Let me start from the beginning.

It all started when Mickey and Gia told me they started getting more intimite with boys. When I asked what exactly they meant by that, Mickey told me they had started having sex. I was shocked, but tried not to show it. This proved unsuccessful. They started to tell me it was okay if I wasn't ready, and I could tell they felt bad for bringing it up. Still, I was determined to prove to them I could be just as 'mature' as them.

About a week later, I was invited to a co-ed party. Excited and determined, I went to the mall with DJ and we picked out a great party dress. It was black, short, and cleavage revealing. To sum it all up, it was perfect.

At the party, I met a boy, named Jon. We danced, and he seemed to like me. He was cute, and I liked him too. Later on, we went into a back room, saved for sex purposes only, and we began destroying my virginity. Of course, I didn't tell him that, as it would have ruined our night. When we finished doing our business, I found Gia and Mickey and we left. I told them what had happened, and they were both equally excited for me.

Two weeks later, I was getting nervous and irritated. I had missed my period, but I didn't tell anyone. I brushed it off, and prayed it wasn't because of the party. Somehow I convinced myself that it couldn't be. A week later, I managed to tell Gia, and she advised me to go to the doctor. I protested. More like absolutely refused to go, because I knew the doctor would call my dad. Mickey, whom I told next, suggested going to get a pregnancy test. She and Gia came home with me, and we claimed to be working on homework together. I set the test up, and went into the bathroom. When I finished, we set a small timer on Gia's watch, and waited. Ten minutes later, we heard the beeping sound, and I walked into the bathroom.

I could not pick up the test, I was too scared, so Mickey offered to do it for me. At first I said yes, but then changed my mind. I turned the stick over and gasped. It couldn't be true. It just couldn't. I blinked hard three times, rubbed my eyes, and pinched myself. It was still there. That little pink plus sign that would change my life forever.