Roses of Regret.
A/N this is the first time I've tried a sad fic so I'm happy to accept all comments. Inspired by the dark red roses in my garden. (They smell very nice to may I add.)
This story is set one year after the Holy Grail War.
They say roses represent love and passion.
But for one girl they represent sadness, loss and regret.
I speak of course of Rin Tohsaka.
Rin walked swiftly through the hustle and bustle of Fuyuki city as she tried to get to her destination.
The building.
The very building she first took Archer.
The building in which she had given her Servant a proper grave.
She new it was rather stupid, she didn't even now who he actually was so the grave only beared his Servant class. But none the less she had made one, naturally she hadn't told anyone. She could just imagine what everyone say, she hadn't wanted to admit it during the war, but she really had taken a strong liking to the white haired Servant.
She stopped at acrossing and looked up at the sky. It was getting cloudy and a breeze was picking up. It would storm soon.
Rin dashed across the road much quicker than anyone else and almost ran to the building.
She was still in her school uniform and had her red coat done up, she had been trying to hide the red rose she was holding the whole time she was walking and some of the petals were starting to fall off.
Damn it, she cursed.
Once on top of the building she walked over to the corner she had carved the grave. She couldn't help but get a little tearing as she knelt in front of the engraving. She found the fact she talked to it a bit stupid and pathetic but she had to tell someone how she felt.
"Hi Archer," she said quietly, "I know if you were here you'd be telling me to get home before it stormed, but I need to talk to someone."
She held the red rose in front of her and breathed in the sweet smell. A small tear fell on the rose and she wiped her face to get rid of the fallen tears.
"I know you prefer black, but the only way I could get a black rose would be if I burned it," she laughed slightly putting the rose beside the carving, "besides red was one of our colours too."
A breeze blew and Rin shivered.
"Emiya-kun is still upset about Saber but he's getting better," said Rin, "I know you never really liked him and I do see why, he's quite naïve and his hero complex is pretty stupid."
Rin traced over Archer's name with her index finger.
"I feel so stupid talking to nothing." she said tears forming in her teal eyes.
She was now sitting on her knees quite comfortably and was in no mood to move anytime soon.
"Why did you do what you did Archer?" Rin asked, "I told you to slow Berserker down, not beat him and now because of that I haven't had a decent cup of tea in a long time!"
Rin laughed at herself.
"Listen to me, I'm here going on about my tea time," she said feeling the warm tears fall down her cheeks, "but Archer, why did you do that? Did you feel you needed to prove yourself to me? Because you didn't, you were great, better than any Saber class Servant."
Rin made a tiny cry of surprise as the lightening cracked in the sky.
"The storms settling in now," she said looking up at the sky, "It will probably rain soon."
Sure enough rain began falling from the sky lightly for the moment.
"Oh that's just great what else you got for me!" she cursed up to the sky.
Lightening cracked and it began to rain harder.
"Nice." she said sarcastically.
Rin looked down at the rose she had bought with her it had little water droplets all over it now, giving it startlingly pretty appearance. It was clear she would not be getting home so easily now. Rin was drenched and shivering, but she remained unmoving. It was dark now and she could barely see.
"It's at times like this when I wish I had your eye sight Archer." Rin said.
She was silent for a moment listening to the rain pelt down on the streets of the city. People scurrying home to get out of the horrendous weather.
"I suppose there's much I could tell you," Rin continued, "but it's not overly important."
She closed her eyes thinking of how she'd just told Archer to stay and fight.
"I feel so bad for making you do that, my heart is full of so much regret," Rin said, "perhaps if I would have told you how I felt sooner I wouldn't have put you in that mess…"
She choked on her tears and she new she crying now.
"I should have just gotten over my pride and told you those three simple words." she said, feeling her heart ache.
"If only I could have said…" she sobbed briefly before composing herself. "If only I could have said…
I love you…"'
"This is pathetic and stupid you can't hear me, so why am I confessing how I feel if you aren't here any more!," she yelled at herself, "ever since you left I've been coming up here like a complete retard and talking to a plaque, and now I'm up here drenched and I'm still talking!"
She sighed and drew her knees to her chest.
"I've turned into a hopeless mourner like Emiya-kun," she said sniffing, "I feel like such a fool, Archer…"
Thunder roared in the distance causing Rin to jump.
"If you were here Archer, I might not be so frightened." she confessed.
It was dark, late and not to mention stormy.
"The weather is not getting any better." she said to herself.
"Then perhaps you should go home." came a voice.
Rin's head pricked, she new that voice.
She turned around and looked up at the person.
"Archer…?" she whispered.
A/N well that's the first chapter done the next probably won't be as long so don't be disappointed.