HI! and welcome to my 1st Twilight fanfic! hope u like it!


Taki: SHAYDE! thats not nice!

Shayde: get over it, anyway ppl, im just here 2 tell you that:

NO, Taki does NOT own the twilight series or its characters,

BUT she does own my (as much as tht pisses me off) and Lance.


I'd never seen anything like it before… sure, I'd heard of things like it in my families ledgends but never had I come face to face with one of them. Technically, I souldn't be calling it an 'it' for it was clearly male. He was about 6 feet tall, maybe a tad shorter, unusually pail skin, dark purple circles under his pitch black eyes; all of these sceamed in-human. A vampire… was all that was running through my head as I remained hidden in the shadows, surrounded by the corpses of my once beloved kin. I watched helplessly as I watched the blood craving beast devoured my family. As frightened as I was, I couldn't blame the creature, but then again all I saw was a hungry beast searching for a good meal to fuel its desire to live. That was how I saw all predators, including myself. I watched on in horor as well as fascination as he fed, but soon I was snapped out of my awe stricken gaze when he turned to me. His gorgeous eyes which had once been a fearsome shade of black were now a rich crimsen color, his crooked smile made my heart leap as he took a step towards me, then another, and another, he didn't stop his steady pace until he was no more than a foot from my crouching form. I continued to watch in awe of his grace as he leaned towards me, until his face was no more than an inch or two from my own, and cupped my cheek with one of his icey hands.

"Why is it? That even as I slay and devour your own family, you watch, not in horor, but in awe? Your heart beat is steady and your eyes show no fear… Why is that? And why are you immune to my ability? Tell me girl, before I am forced to kill you as well." His voice was as beautiful and clear as his flawless face, just as I'd imagined it would.

I spoke softly in a sorry attempt of controlling my voice, and to keep it from cracking in astonishment, "It's because I understand your motive, and I've already seen your kind hunt, but from afar. I also know, that you will not kill me as you did the others, I see it in your eyes, you see to much worth in my living, or perhaps you would prefer to change me into one of you? As for why I show little feeling for thi family, it is because I am not one of theirs…in a sence. True I'm related, and I cared for them. But they would have all died sooner then later anyway. And they didn't head my warning when I told them you would come. They are just the human side of my family. I come from the other side that was residing in japan until they were also slautered by one of you. I supose I truly am the last of the Takeharuka clan." Oh well… so much for not rambling on like a dolt.

He was still looking at me with those intense eyes when suddenly… "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" he shouted before bursting out in what seemed to be uncontrolable laughter. I waited patiently for him to recompose himself before asking what he thought was funny about what I had said, Did I really sound like THAT much of an idiot? Finally he'd managed to calm himself and I asked my somewhat pointless queastion.

"You're a Takeharuka, the last one! And yet you don't kill me? You didn't even try to stop me from killing your family! Your kin! Don't Takeharukas' hold family above all else? And the act that you didn't even move to attack me, ME, a VAMPIRE, your clans mortal enemy, its just far to priceless!" He burst into that cycle of seemingly never ending laughter again. I sighed, were all of his kind like this? But then again… I did undersand why he was laughing now. His species and mine had been mortal enemies since day one! The vampires versus the werewolves. Everyone, even the humans who had no knowledge of our existence knew that werewolves couldn't stand vampires, and vice versa.

Now that he knew what I was, I was certain that he wouldn't hesitate on killing me, dumb move for me to make… telling him myself what I was… IDIOT! I closed my eyes to await my demise, but to my surprise, instead of feeling his hands rip me apart, I felt a single chilled hand rest on my head, petting me, as if I were an innocent puppy that had just done the cutest thing he'd ever seen. "You could prove useful, you know? I believe I'll keep you." He mused, clearly tossing the possibilities of having a young werewolf at his side around in his mind, "Yeah… It's worth a shot. Are you in?"

I looked up into his now curious eyes, he meant what he was saying, He honestly wanted me to stay by his side, not as a pet, but as a companion. I was utterly dumbfounded. Never in my life had I dreamed this could have happened, but here I was, being asked to join forces with a vampire, my families mortal enemy. I thought it over, true our species had hated eachother's guts for all eternity, but then again, I'd never understood why that was. "S-Sure… yeah… it is worth a shot…" I'd managed to mutter under my breath without even realizing it, but for somereason I didn't regret it. I could finally prove that vampires and werewolves could survive on this earth together without conflict.

The vampire smiled and patted my head once again, "Exellent! Now, what is your name? I'm called 'Lance' since I cant seem to remember my human name…" he admitted shyly before turning his gaze unto me again.

"Uh..Umm… I'm Shayde… n-nice to meet you, Lance.." I was sure I was full on blushing now.

After Lance vowed to protect me, and of course not eat me, he'd told me that I was to think of him as my new father. I countered his vows with my own, I swore not to turn on him, and that he was to see me as his adopted child. It was only fair after he made me call him my father, I still managed to get away with calling him by his name when ever he was out of hearing range though.

Six years later

It was all very strange to me then. There I was, a young girl, not even twelve, who had yet to change into a werewolf, being taken in by a vampire. But now, I'm a fully grown woman. I'm 18 years old, with long black hair that ends right above my hips, side bangs that covers my right eye, I have striking blue eyes, my right eye a rich royal blue, and my left, a soft aquamarine color. I have a heart shaped face, extremely pale skin which (made me stand out like a sore thumb amoung anyother werewolves, who are usually always pretty tan), I have a well formed chest and I'm quite proud of my feminine curves. I usually wore faded tight jeans, with one of my favorite tight black T-shirts that was cut off right above my belly button, which adorned my favorite shapphire belly ring. I always liked it especially since it was in the shape of a wolf's head with two small sapphires as the eyes. I was short for someone like me, only 5 feet 3 inches. Once again something I'd be laughed at for in the werewolf world. Because of my stunted height I'd always had a reason to wear my favorite black high-heeled boots almost everywhere I went. And of course I always had my favorite white ribbon tied around my wrist in a nice bow, just incase I felt the need to tie my hair back.

Unfortunately…. I wouldn't be able to show off my belly button ring, or my favorite t-shirts anymore… All because Lance was forcing us to move to the place where sun was practically a sign of the worlds end since it rarely ever showed itself there…. There being... Forks, Washington… Ugh! I cant even think it, it hurts so bad….Good bye my beloved sun… I'll miss you! I couldn't help but think I'd never see the sun again as we drove past the 'Welcome to Forks, WA' sign. Sure sun was always rare for me since living with lance meant limited sun axcess but atleast it showed up every once and awhile… Someone up there must really hate me… I thought looking up towards the sky before turning to face the dash board, then looking at Lance, "Forks? Did you HAVE to chose Forks? I mean c'mon! I'm a teenager! I need the sun! and what would people think if they saw me? If they knew I was a Takeharuka before I joined you they'd all laugh at my sorry excuse for a skin color… as If my height wasn't enough…" it was all I could get out before lance turned to me and countered my whining with and equally whiney sounding:

"You know I didn't have much of a choice! I'm a vampire for pete's sake! The less sun the more fun!" Ohhh… he deffinately added in that last part just to bug me…

"Fine…" I mumbled before returning to my depressed moupping state, "but that doesn't mean I'll like it…" I could see his triumphant smirk out of the corner of my eye before turning my gaze to look out the side window… how I wish I could wipe that smug smirk off his face…

"OH! I almost forgot! I already signed you up for school! You'll be starting your junior year on Monday!" he was practically bursting with that now obnoxious laugh by the time he finished his sentence.

"MONDAY?!" ohh… he was asking to get hurt… I just know it…. He expected me to move to his sunless hell-hole then start a new school year in two days?! No friggin' way! "Noooo, I'm waiting until next year. I'll continue my home schooling until then…"

"No you won't! That's no longer a possibility. I begin work at the Forks' hospital next Tuesday, so I can't teach you anymore. But, since you can drive I expect that you can go to the school in La Push, that way You won't be bothered by your old man." He added the 'old man' thin just to humor me. I'd been calling him that since I grew comfortable around him years ago. Since he was really about 90 by now.

Wait… What? "La Push? Why not the highschool in Forks? And why am I staring junior year? I'm 18 now." I was now seriously confused why would he make me go to the farther school of the two? He wasn't making any sence…

"I know your 18 but the longer your in that school the longer we can stay. As for why La push high over forks? Trust me, you'll just fit in better." He left it at that. I was obvious that I wouldn't get anything else out of him, so I gave up… for the time being. Soon we were parked out infront of our new house… it was a cute victorian stlye house, two bedrooms, each with their own bathroom, a large kitchen for me, since I was the only one that actually ate food, and a nice sized living room, complete with tv and fireplace. As well as the usual couch and arm chair. I went up the stairs to see my room, knowing Lance had already been here to move in all of our furniture, I was hoping to be able to take a nap. I entered my new room and took a moment to admire my clean white walls, just begging to be redesigned with my painting skills, my day-bed that could easily be mistaken for a couch. My black wardrobe and black framed standing mirror, as well as my black dresser. After quickly rummaging through all of my still boxed belongings that now covered the floor, I lunged for my bed and snuggled in to the warm deep crimson covers and fell fast asleep the moment my head hit my black and red pillow. My last thoughts being of what this new school would be like when I arrived there Monday morning.

A/N: HEY! Wow, that's it for ch. 1 of "I'll Prove You Wrong" haha, tell me what you think ok? I'd greatly appreciate it!

R&R plz!!!