Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation.

A/n: My first Gravitation fic!! I'm so happy! This is strictly a crack dialogue fic. This fic was inspired by and dedicated to NariNari. Hope you guys like it!

Morning Conversation

by: DarkInuyashaangel101

"Ne, Yuki…?"


"I was wondering…"

"Shu, do we have to do this now? It's too early for your idiotic questions."

"But, Yuki! It's important!"

"What is it, then, brat?"

"If you were an animal, Yuki, which one would you be?"



"You woke me up…at six o'clock in the fucking morning…to ask me that?!"

"But, Yuki!! I was wondering all week and I really wanted to know!! Me and Hiro decided which animal we would be, but I couldn't figure out one for you!!"

"Shuichi, I love you, I really do. But if you keep doing this to me, you're sleeping on the couch."




"Aw, brat, come on! Don't start with the waterworks…"

"But Yukiiii! All I wanted was to know what animal you would be!"

"Look, if you promise to stop whining and leave me alone, I'll think about it, okay?"

"Oh, Yuki!!"

"Ow! Brat, get off me!"

"Yuki, Yuki, Yuki!! I love you, thank you!!"

"Nugh….get off…You're getting snot all over me…"

"Okay, Yuki, sorry, sorry…"

"-sigh-…. I said I would think about it, we go back to sleep now please?"

"But…but, Yuki, I'm not tired anymore…"

"…Fine, leave then…"

"…You…you want me to leave, Yukiii?!"

"Gah, stop that! If you're not tired, then, yes!"

"But…but…Yukiii, I wanted to snuggle with you!"



"Say that word one more time and you're outta the house."

"Yukiiii! Why do you have to be so mean to meee?"

"Shu, would you stop?! You're going to crush my lungs…"

"Sorry, sorry! I promise I won't do it anymore, but could we please snuggle? Please, please, Yuki! I'm cold…"

"…-long sigh-... Fine…now shut up…"

"Okay, Yuki…I love you!"






"Yes, Yuki?!"

"…Forget it…"

"No, no, tell me! Please, Yuki?"

"Fine…what animal were you?"

"Wha…?! Yuki, Yuki, you really wanna know?!"


"Oh, Yuki! I'm a squirrel!"

"…A squirrel…? Why a squirrel…?"

"Well, because! Squirrels are very hyper and annoying and stupid and they chatter way too much. Just like me, ne, Yuki?"




"Are you--?! Oh!! You are!! You're laughing! Yuki's laughing!!"

"D-damn right I'm laughing! That's the f-funniest thing I've ever heard! You're right, you're exactly like a squirrel."

"Yukiii! I can't believe you're laughing! Oh, I'm so happyyyy!!"

"Ah! Ow, get the hell off!"

"Yukiii, why did you stop laughing?!"

"Because you just freaking tackled me!"

"Oh, Yuki, I can't help it!! I'm just so happy! It's been forever since I've heard you're laugh!"


"Yuki, Yuki, do it again!"



"No! Look, do you want me to think about which animal I would be, or not? 'Cause it doesn't seem like it to me since you keep whining."

"I'm sorry, Yuki! I'll be quiet!"

"Thank the gods…"






"I-if you're a squirrel…I-…I-I'm a squirrel…"

"W-what, Yuki? What did you say?!"

"You heard me…Squirrels don't-…don't really get along with other animals, s-so if you have to be a squirrel, I…I-I might as well be one…You know…to keep an eye out for you…"

"Oh, Yuki!! That's so sweet! Yukiiii!! I love you so much!!"

"I know, brat. Now shut up and let me kiss you."


A/n: Well, what did you think? Did it suck? Flame me, I don't care. I at least liked it. It's not my best work, but I think it turned out alright.

Please review! Reviews make me happy and inspire me to write more!