One of these 'what if?' stories. Read to found out more. I don't know the turtles that well to be honest, so I don't know what happens the whole way through so you have to imagine that the Shredder is dead forever, and I don't know whether Casey and April are married, so in this they are not. A few members of the Foot Clan are still out there and trying to get back at the turtles, and the purple dragons are still alive as well. I think that is it, so please read.
Oh yeh, I don't own the turtles.
Thanks XD
Mikey went into Donnie's lab, chewing on a piece of cold pizza. Donnie was bending over a microscope, looking into it. His brow was frowned in concentration.
"What you doing?" Mikey asked in a sing-song voice, while sitting on Donnie's spinney chair.
Donnie didn't say anything for a minuet, but stood up and made some notes in a thick notepad.
"I think I have found the chemical that made us mutant into a more human form and I am studying it to find out what chemical out actual is and how this chemical reacted with out body so out DNA and genes changed to from what we are" he explained, "If I found this chemical safe, I will start running tests to find out how it reacts to different particles" he turned and smiled at Mikey. Mikey stared, opened mouthed, at Donnie. He looked clearly confused.
Mikey spun round and shouted,
"Leo, come in here and translate Donnie for me" Donnie laughed and continued with his notes.
Leo came in, as did Raph.
"Donnie, what have we told you about using long words in front of Mikey?" Raph said, hitting Donnie gently round the head, smiling.
"Hey, watch it" Donnie complained, trying to balance a tray full of glass tubes, that all contained some green slime.
"What have you got?" Leo asked, giving Raph a stern look.
Donnie smiled and lifted up a test tube.
"This is what made us, us"
"You finally found it?" Leo said, taking a closer look at it.
"Yeh, I kept asking Master Splinter where it was, but he refused to tell me, he did get fed up with mw though, and said if I truly wanted to found it, I could meditate to found the memory in the depths of my mind" Donnie told them, "I don't think he actual thought I'd be able to do it, but I was determined"
Mikey wasn't paying attention, but spinning on the chair, yelling,
"WHEEEEEEE" Raph looked kind of bored, but was looking at Donnie and Leo was studying the green slime.
"Why do you want this slime stuff anyway?" Mikey asked, still spinning on the chair.
"Well, think about it, we could make more turtles like us, we wouldn't be alone" Donnie replied, "we could begin out own race"
"So, you're making an army of teenage mutant ninja turtles?" Mikey asked, going faster on the chair.
"Well, no, Mikey, I'm not, I was thinking about getting some female turtles and mutating them so we could-you know-" Donnie told them, but cut off and blushed.
"Wow! For once brainy here is making some sense, a couple of chicks round here wouldn't be a bad idea" Raph said, and even Leo smiled.
"Stop spinning on that chair, Mikey, you're making me dizzy" Donnie complained.
"Ok" Mikey said and stood up. He swayed on the spot and staggered around dizzily. He fell into the table and knocked a bottle of clear chemical over.
"Nooo" Donnie yelled as Mikey said,
"Oopps" the chemical fall over and went all over the green slime. The green slime started to hiss and bubble.
"That can't be good" Mikey said, watching it.
Then the green slime exploded, covering the turtles. Glass flew everywhere and every one of the turtles blacked out.
So, what happens to them? You will have to read the rest, to found out.
By the way, I suck at science and I have really bad grades in that lesson. I have a few friends that are good at it and took triple science, so I get their long, scientific talks sometimes, and I'm with Mikey. I normally have to turn around to someone else and ask for a translation. Anyway, I got Donnie's little talk from them, and I know it doesn't sound smart in anyway, but if you read it really fast, then it does. I asked my sister. If you're good at science, then just imagine that the chemical is something really powerful or something like that. If you're not, just annoy it.
Please review. Flumes welcome, but nothing too cruel.