A/N: Wow, seriously, you all have no idea how awesome it feels to be able to finally type up this chapter! All my fan fic notebooks have been lying in my room collecting dust for the past several months! -Sigh- Anyways, here's chapter seven for MMIH, I really am sorry for the super long wait, but I'll stop babbling now so you all can go ahead and get to the good stuff already, LOL! ON with the fic at last!!!!


Chapter Seven: The Games We Play

"Beryl?" repeated Serenity, only to be cut off by the vile redhead herself.

"That's Lady Beryl to you, Princess," she said snidely, glaring at the younger girl before returning to look at Endymion.

"Well Endy," she cooed, stepping up and shoving Serenity rudely to the side, "Answer me."

Serenity watched with disgusted eyes as Beryl took Endymion's idle hand and ran it across her chest, making sure his fingers grazed the side of her breast. She felt something begin to stir within her. It felt like rage and …jealousy?

'No,' she thought, not daring to believe that what she truly felt was envy, 'I can't be jealous of one of Endymion's conquests…could I?'

But she couldn't deny it, watching Beryl's movements ignited such anger she never knew she possessed.

'Why isn't he doing anything?!' she thought as she watched the Terran prince stand stock still.

'Well,' she thought enraged, 'If he won't do anything, I will!'

With one goal solely in mind, she yanked Endymion's hand out of Beryl's reach.

"Excuse me, Lady Beryl, but exactly WHAT do you think you're doing?" she demanded in a voice that was anything BUT nice.

Both Endymion and Beryl turned simultaneously to face the Princess, the redhead's emerald eyes narrowing as the prince quirked an amused eyebrow.

"Why Princess," purred Beryl with a malicious smile, "I was only trying to take back what's rightfully mine-

"Oh but you're wrong,' Serenity cut in, yanking Endymion towards her and taking his arm to twine it around her waist, "The prince is MY betrothed," she said.

And with her new found boldness, she grabbed Endymion by the collar and pulled him in, giving him a long searing kiss.

Pulling away, she looked towards Beryl and smirked at the older woman who stood with her mouth gaping open.

"ALL mine," she finished possessively.

Beryl merely clenched her teeth and continued to glare at the Princess with piercing eyes.

"Think what you want Moon brat," she hissed, "ominously, "But mark my words, whether you are betrothed to him or not, Endymion WILL be mine!" and with that, she stalked out of the garden. Once she was sure beryl was out of sight, Serenity released the breath she had been holding and fell to her knees.

"I can't believe I just did that," she murmured to herself, eyes unfocused and dazed. With an amused smirk playing across his lips, Endymion took her arm and set her on her feet again.

"So Serenity, exactly when did you become so possessive of me?"

He teased. Serenity immediately felt her cheeks flush crimson.

'Oh god!' she thought, seeing the mischievous glint in the Prince's cobalt eye, 'He's NEVER going to let me forget this now!'

"Don't misinterpret Endymion," she said, finally finding her voice, "Besides," she added, her cerulean eyes suddenly flashing accusingly, "YOU certainly didn't seem like you were going to do anything anytime soon. What? Did you enjoy that?!?"

Endymion shook his head in amusement. "Why do care?" he asked tauntingly, "Could it be that my little bride to be is jealous?"

Crossing her arms, Serenity rolled her eyes and snorted in a very un-lady like way.

"ME? Jealous of one of your conquests?" she scoffed, "Please Endymion, that would require for me to have some sort of feelings for you, and as I've already told you, I don't…

She had to nearly bite her lip in order to keep from laughing at the puzzled look that fell upon Endymion's face.

"Wait, I thought we'd settled this already," he said, a confused frown creasing his forehead, "you DO have feelings for me Serenity, its called attraction remember?"

Slowly, he began to advance on her, his frown disappearing as a teasing, sensual, smirk took its place.

"But I just CAN'T be attracted to you!" Serenity whined. It wasn't until she felt his strong arms around her waist that she noticed his close proximity.

"And why not Princess?" he asked.

"Because…um, just because!" she cried out. And before he knew what was happening, the Moon Princess broke from his hold and bolted way like lightning; running as if the devil himself was after her.

"Serenity wait!" she heard Endymion yell, but chose to ignore him. Once she reached the palace's entrance, she stopped, turned and sighed in relief to see Endymion still a good distance away. And then, with a mischievous thought in mind, she playfully stuck out her tongue and winked before heading towards her room.

From where he stood, Endymion watched as the moon Princess teased him from afar.

"Why you impudent little minx!" he growled. Groaning, he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "God, I want her!' he muttered, before finally walking towards the palace as well.


Hours later, the blue skies had finally darkened, leaving a clutter of bright, shimmering stars to adorn them. Sighing at the sight, Serenity inhaled the sweet night air that flowed in from the windowed hallway she was being lead through.

"…and when you are announced, you shall enter the ballroom with my son….Serenity, are you all right dear?"

Serenity faced the queen's concerned, questioning look with a sheepish smile.

"I'm sorry Your Highness," she apologized, "I guess I must've spaced off for a second."

Queen Lizette merely gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "Don't woryy Serenity, everything will be all right, just remember, follow Endymion."

As if on cue, the Terran prince waltzed down the hall and gave his mother a peck on the cheek and encircled his arms around Serenity, "Don't worry mother," he said breezily, "Serenity will be fine with me, you just hurry and join father, he's waiting for you in the ballroom."

"Oh, in that case, I'll see you inside dear," replied the Queen.

Hearing the ballroom doors open and band closed, Serenity turned and gave Endymion an annoyed look.

"Would you please remove your arm from my waist at once?" she asked heatedly despite her nervousness.

Flashing her his trademark cocky smirk, Endymion only pulled her flush against him.

"Why should I?" he asked, "My hands are quite comfortable were they are, besides," he added, grazing the flesh that was exposed by her dress, "You owe me for putting me through all that discomfort this afternoon with all your little teasing games!"

"What discomfort? All I did was stick my tongue out!" she asked, completely oblivious.

"THIS discomfort," Endymion whispered, pressing into her so that his erect length was pressing into her lower abdomen.

Gasping at the intimate contact, Serenity's face flushed and her eyes grew impossibly wide.

"All this tension, all this frustration, yet no one to take it out on," Endymion murmured huskily, leaning in and capturing her lips.

"E-Endymion," Serenity gasped, already intoxicated by his taste.

Abruptly, he pulled away, smirking triumphantly at Serenity's closed eyes, flushed cheeks and heavy breathing.

Slowly, she opened her eyes, gaze landing on the princes' arrogant smirk.

"Why, Why YOU! Ugh!!" she finally screeched, poking him in the chest. She was able to say no more however, for the sudden sound of a guards' booming voice announcing their names in the ballroom cut her off.

"Relax Princess, "Endymion drawled, offering her an arm, "Don't worry, we'll talk later."

Still angry, Serenity plastered on a sweet smile and hooked an arm through his.

"All right my darling prince," she purred innocently as she allowed him to lead her through the doors and down the grand staircase. She suddenly dug her nails into his arm, causing him to yelp out in pain.

"Oops, did I hurt you?" she whispered innocently; loving the glare he threw her as he received curious looks from the onlookers in the ballroom.

As they descended the stairs, she heard the awed murmurs of approval of all the Terran nobles. 'This is it,' she thought, taking a deep breath and plastering on her sweetest smile ever.

"Endymion, Serenity, would you two do us the honor of leading the waltz?" asked Queen Lizette eagerly.

Nodding silently, the couple walked onto the center of the clear dance floor; Endymion taking Serenity so delicately as he took her hand and placed his other on her waist. Marveling at his unspoken gesture, Serenity placed her hands hesitantly on his shoulders.

In seconds they were gliding across the marble floors; and al the while they're eyes remain attached to the others', they're gazes mesmerized by the burning intensity of the blue depths they found. It was then that she saw it, the glistening of tenderness in Endymion's cobalt irises. But just as it came, it was gone as the music came to a soft end; thus his mask of arrogance returning.

'Why does he hide?' she wondered, staring into his eyes, searching for an answer but finding nothing.

"You can let go now Princess," he said, cutting into her thoughts.

It was his empty voice that sent her over the edge, it was sullen and void of emotion.

She let go without a word, feeling her heart clench as anger and hurt got the best of her again.

'Why should I care if the arrogant jerk of a prince doesn't like showing his emotions?' she thought bitterly. She wandered quietly to a table and poured herself a glass of the sparkling red punch. She gulped it down quickly, liking the slight bittersweet taste that tickled her throat.

'Mmmm," she murmured to herself, pouring herself a second glass, then a third and fourth, "I could really get to love this…"


It wasn't until a few hours later when Endymion managed to escape the swarm of people surrounding him to catch his breath. He rolled his eyes as bits and pieces of various conversations reached his ears, snorting at the noble people's shallow attitudes. He reached one of the tables and was about to serve himself some wine, when he suddenly caught sight of a very interesting sight. The Mon princess was encircled by his four generals, appearing to be getting to know each other. However as he neared them, wanting to see what they could possibly be talking about, he caught sight of the amused yet uneasy glances the four men shared as he approached.


Oh wow, you really are a strong and handsome man general Jadeite," he heard the Lunar Princess purr.

Narrowing his eyes, he marched forward and pulled Serenity away just before she pressed herself even more into poor Jadeite.

"What the hell are you thinking Jadeite?" whispered angrily, "I know you have a weakness for women, but honestly! You choose MY betrothed to flirt with?!"

"Endymion it wasn't him, it was the Princess," Kunzite cut in, "She drunk"

"But how-"

"the punch," Kunzite cut in again, "I'm guessing she didn't realize it was alcoholic."

"Oh GREAT!!!" Endymion groaned, immediately looking around in hopes to not have attracted anyone's attention.

"What am going to do now?!" he continued, "I can't have her stumbling around like this!"

"Take her to her chambers," Nephrite suggested, Zoisite nodding in agreement.

Endymion looked down at the silver haired beauty in his arms and sighed in frustrated resignation.

"Guess I have no choice," he grumbled.

He glared at Serenity, "The things I do for this temptingly beautiful brat," he whispered grumpily.

He watched as his generals snickered to themselves as he pulled the poor wasted girl out inconspicuously.

Once in her room, he watched in amusement as she jumped onto her bed and snuggled into her pillows with a somber impression.

"Good night Prince Endy," she whispered softly; her voice that of a child who knows she has done something very wrong.

"Good night Serenity," he answered wearily, turning and heading for the door.

"W-wait!" she said frantically.

She gave him a tearful look, her bottom rosy lip quivering slightly.

"Stay with me please?" she pled softly, "I'm scared of being alone…"

He opened his mouth, about to protest, when he saw the unmistakable look of a vulnerable child.

"A-all right," he decided, "But just until you fall asleep all right?" He walked over and laid next to her.

"Okay," she agreed, but then to his amazement, she curled up next to him and placed her head on his chest.

"Thank you Prince Endy," she murmured drowsily, "For taking care of me; I knew that deep down, you weren't so cold hearted after all." She yawned and smiled, her eyes already closed, "The eyes never lie, and though you mask yours, I can somehow see past all your walls; I know you're a good man at heart."

Endymion remained silent, amazed at her words, yet too dumbfounded to speak.

Soon light snores filled the room, but instead of returning to the ballroom as planned, Endymion stayed, absentmindedly wrapping his arms protecting around the tiny woman in his arms. He closed his eyes and sighed, contemplating her words.

"You are right Princess," he whispered to himself softly, "I mask my feelings so well; but something about you makes me want to just let that mask fall and let you unravel my truest thoughts and feelings."

He glanced at her sleeping form and smiled.

"But I guess I can finally say it," he murmured, "I-I think that I'm actually… falling for you…"

And with that he let sleep take over; thus ending one VERY interesting night.


A/N: omg that's FINALLY done!!!! Seriously NO ONE has any idea how agonizing it was for me not to finish this chapter!

Wow sooo many things have been going on in my life its crazy!!! For starters, I started this fic back when I turned 16, now I'm just 8 days from being 18! I finished high school in May and now I'm working towards the future, thinking about getting my major in foreign language so yeah, PLEASE don't give up on me just yet! I have no plans of leaving this story, just that with college starting, this is going to get even MORE tough to update, but bear with me ok? A million thanks to everyone who has reviewed, favorited, or story-alerted this fic, I love you guys!

Next chapter…

Chapter Eight: Compromising Hearts

Peace and Love, Shadow's Moon Hime ^-^